Call for Papers : International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies
International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies (IJHAS)
ISSN : 1832-624N 2974-5962 (Print)
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International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies (IJHAS)
ISSN : 1832-624N 2974-5962 (Print)
International Journal of Data mining Management Systems (IJDMS)
ISSN : 0975-5705 (Online); 0975-5985 (Print)
Scope & Topics
Current Research in Speculative Fiction 2025
15th Annual Conference
Boundaries: transgression, subversion, deconstruction
July 3rd & 4th 2025
University of Liverpool (Hybrid)
All bodies are, in some sense; engines driven by the health or disease of their owners, jackets of flesh that are the physical sum of their wearers. But to become your disease? To become the consumption itself? (Kathe Koja, The Cipher)
That's how the madness of the world tries to colonize you: from the outside in, forcing you to live inits reality. (Jeff VanderMeer, Annihilation)
Writing Human: Post-Chatbot Approaches to College Writing
We are seeking short, first-person narratives (2,000-3,000 words) from college instructors in any discipline who use writing activities and assignments in ways that foster engagement, enhance learning, and stimulate creativity. We are compiling a book of stories that affirm the educational value of human writing at a time when more of our writing is being done for us by generative AI.
Call for Book Proposals: Endangered Language Studies Collection
Are you interested in writing a book on an endangered language? Lived Places Publishing invites proposals for its Endangered Language Studies Collection, a series designed to provide engaging and accessible supplementary materials for academic programs.
Telangana Journal of Higher Education (TJHE)
Inaugural Issue Theme: Technology and Higher Education
The Telangana Journal of Higher Education (TJHE), published by the Telangana Council of Higher Education (TGCHE), Government of Telangana, invites submissions for its inaugural issue, focusing on “Technology and Higher Education.” This issue aims to discuss the transformative role of technology in reshaping the practices, policies, and experiences within higher education. With a focus on the Indian context and a global outlook, the journal seeks contributions that examine innovative approaches, critical challenges, and forward-thinking strategies in the integration of technology across diverse areas of higher education.
Returning to Form: Genre, Style, and Structure in Literary Studies
The Annual Undergraduate English Literature Conference at Seton Hall University
Friday, April 25th, 2025
Keynote Address by Anna Kornbluh (University of Illinois Chicago)
This panel seeks presentations on uses of generative AI in the college classroom, with a particular focus on approaches that combine theory and practice. Especially welcome are presentations that are built around transferable skills and activities/assignments in different disciplines.
The panel will be in-person only and take place during the MMLA's annual convention, which is taking place from November 14-16 on the campus of Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For more informationa about the organization and the conference, see:
Conference Dates: April 23-25, 2025
Conference Location: Dead Sea, Jordan
Call for Papers
NSU Studies in Language and Literature
Volume 11
Submission Deadline: March 15, 2025
The edited volume aims to explore the portrayal of contemporary women’s issues as depicted in Indian regional literature. The focus of the volume is to explore how cultural, social, economic, and political issues affecting women are reflected and represented across various Indian languages and regions. This book seeks to bridge the gap between literary studies and gender discourse, emphasizing how literature acts as a mirror to societal transformations and the challenges women face today. The volume will cover diverse genres, including fiction, poetry, drama, and autobiographies, while also addressing regional variations in themes and representations.
The thematic objectives of this edited volume are as follows:
Call for Papers
Languages, Territories, and Contexts:
Linguistic-educational policies today
Catholic University ‘Our Lady of Good Counsel’, Tirana, 22-24 May 2025
Call for proposals exended!
Proposal Submission Deadline: January 24, 2025
Join us in New Orleans, LA, on April 11
Delgado Community College is excited to host the 2025 Louisiana Gateway English & Math Success Symposium (LaGEMSS). This symposium invites educators, administrators, and practitioners to share innovative practices, research, and strategies to improve student success in gateway English and Mathematics courses.
Symposium Tracks
LaGEMSS welcomes proposals that focus on the following areas:
South Asian Expressions: Reimagining Narratives, Histories, and Cultures
South Asian literature presents an intricate and layered depiction of the life, history, and identity of the people within their geopolitical spaces of belonging and beyond. These narratives delve into the socio-political complexities, cultural tensions, and resilient identities shaped by colonial legacies and postcolonial realities. Addressing themes such as the impact of British colonialism and the upheavals of national and cultural divisions, this body of literature intricately portrays intersections of gender, caste, religion, and class, capturing the evolving dimensions of South Asian identity.
There are countless anthologies and textbooks for college-level students, but few supplying actual examples modeled after the types of essays students create in early composition courses such as English 100, 101, and 102.
The goal of this project is to publish a textbook for early-level undergraduate students that:
Provides sample essays on various topics that they can use as models of exemplary writing
Shows the norms of each essay genre
Models proper formatting of in-text citations, including a works cited or reference page
The Nagoya Gifu Chapter of JALT (Japan Association for Language Teaching) is seeking papers on EFL (English as a foreign language) topics. We are a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal.
See past issues of our journal here:
See the submission guidelines page and link for submissions here:
Faculty of Foreign Languages is pleased to announce that its 14th International Conference on Language and Literary Studies will be held on 30 and 31 May 2025. The topic for this edition of our annual conference is
CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS - AI Innovations for Language Education and Communication
The Edited Volume will be published by CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group) Indexed by SCOPUS
Important Deadlines
Abstract Submission (Approximately 150-200 words) : 31st January 2025
Full Chapter Submission : 25th May 2025
Acceptance Notification : 31st July 2025
Camera ready submission : 15th August 2025
Scope of the Book
STaPs, as a conference by Ph.D. students for Ph.D. students, is unique among PhD conferences in that it welcomes both work in progress and work in the planning phase, as well as work that focuses on methodological issues/challenges rather than on completed research projects/ attained results. Projects of any area of linguistics can be presented (theoretical and descriptive linguistics as well as language acquisition, phonetics, psycho-, neuro-, sociolinguistics, pragmatics and computational linguistics; synchronic or diachronic).
The following categories are welcome:
Oral Presentations (15 min. + 10 min. Q&A) and Posters (30 min.)
The professional journey of children’s and young adult literature scholars, librarians, and educators often involves significant transitions. These transitions present unique opportunities and challenges, often requiring redefinition of identity, reevaluation of goals, and the navigation of new professional landscapes. For this year’s “Building a Career Panel,” the Membership Committee invites proposals for an interactive workshop panel that explores the diverse experiences of career transitions within the field of children’s and young adult literature.
The times, they are a changing! AI, book bans, changes in student populations, the rise of the neoliberal university, and more are changing how we engage with children's literature in the classroom. With all these changes, what is it about time we talk about?
Call for Cooperators
Academic Forms: Thinking the Ways We* Do Our Work
(*Where “We” Names, Specifically, Humanities Scholars)
Preliminaries Towards Some Academic Product
Rajpath: Journal of Creative Arts and English Language
Rajpath: Journal of Creative Arts and English Language invites researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit their original manuscripts for consideration in our upcoming issues. We welcome contributions that explore the intersection of creative arts and the English language from a diverse range of perspectives and disciplines.
We invite submissions on topics including, but not limited to:
The Arthur Miller SocietyCall for Papers and ProposalsALA 2025Boston, Massachusetts The American Literature Association’s 36th annual conference will meet at the Westin Copley Place in Boston, Massachusetts, May 21-24, 2025 (Wednesday through Saturday of Memorial Day weekend). The Arthur Miller Society will have two sessions at this conference. For the first panel, we are inviting papers that consider how Arthur Miller's life and work have been co-opted by contemporary playwrights, film directors, and writers.
Date: May 23 - 25, 2025
Call for Papers | Liminal Prospects
Location: Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario & Online Submissions due: January 8, 2025
The Queen’s Graduate Conference in Literature (QGCL) seeks academic abstracts and creative pieces for its 2025 conference on the theme of “Liminal Prospects.”
Fredric Jameson as Marxist Educator
Special issue of the journal Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies
Edited by: Dr. Tyson E. Lewis
Deadline for Proposals: December 1
Session: 2:00 pm (Central) January 17, online via Zoom
The Arthurian Tradition(s) is often most students’ first and only exposure to the Middle Ages. Exposure often comes from films that students have seen: Fuqua’s King Arthur (2004), Ritchie’s King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017), and Lowery’s Green Knight (2021). What students learn from a course or unit on the Arthurian Tradition(s) is often very different from filmed depictions. This session seeks papers that explore issues, opportunities, and innovations in teaching the Arthurian Traditions(s). We welcome all aspects of teaching Arthuriana.
Call for Papers
The 32nd Annual Midwest Conference on Literature, Language and Media (MCLLM)
April 5th & 6th 2025
Theme: “Trouble” - Confronting Bigotry in Higher Education and Academic Scholarship
The Conference for Young Adult Literature Louisiana (CYALL) is accepting proposals for papers, slide presentations, lightning talks, and 20x20 sessions. The conference is a forum to discuss, demonstrate, and champion learning strategies in teaching young adult literature. College faculty, graduate students, librarians, authors, K-12 educators, and scholars are invited to submit proposals for papers and presentations on all aspects of YA literature and media.
The deadline for submitting a proposal is February 15, 2025
The conference will be held on April 11, 2025 and will be onsite.