humanities computing and the internet

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UPDATE: 2006 Pacific Rim Conference on Literature and Rhetoric (2/11/06; 2/23/06-2/25/06)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 10:17pm

Students and Faculty:

I am writing to remind everyone of the upcoming Pacific Rim Conference
on Literature and Rhetoric in Anchorage, Alaska, which is fast
approaching: Feb. 23-25. The original deadline for submission of
12.15.05 has been extended to 02.11.06; as such, I am still accepting
submissions from students and faculty interested in presenting.

Addressing this year's conference are Dr. Cynthia Selfe, Humanities
Distinguished Professor at The Ohio State University, and Dr. Patti
White, Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of

CFP: Pedagogical Frontiers of the Cyberspace (1/30/06; SCMLA, 10/26/06-10/28/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 6:50pm

Pedagogical Frontiers of the Cyberspace

Creative use of virtual spaces and issues related to electronic =
creation, routing, and submission of course work. Specific details about =
the necessary hardware and software and the strategies of aligning =
pedagogy with course goals. Abstracts required by January 30th, 2006 to: =
Diljit K.Chatha,Dept. of Languages & Communications, Prairie View A&M =
Univ., Prairie View, TX 77446; Email:

Diljit K. Chatha, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Prairie View A&M University

UPDATE: Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language, and Media (1/28/06; MCLLM, 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 6:49pm

Additional CFP's are solicited concerning Family Systems Theory for a
special track at MCLLM on March 31 - April 1, 2006.

Registrations are available at


The Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language, and Media (MCLLM)
is hosting its annual graduate student conference on March 31 and
April 1, 2006. The conference will be held at Northern Illinois
University in DeKalb, Illinois. First-time conference presenters are
encouraged to apply!

CFP: Learned Love: Dutch Love Emblems Digitised (4/1/06; 11/6/06-11/7/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 6:49pm
Peter Boot

Learned Love
The Dutch Love Emblem on the Internet
Emblem Project Utrecht
6 and 7 November 2006
Utrecht University

To conclude the Emblem Project Utrecht (EPU), a Dutch initiative with
the objective of digitizing the corpus of Dutch love emblems (for more
information, see, a conference will be held on
November 6 and 7 2006. The focus of this conference will be on the two
central topics of the EPU: the Dutch love emblem and the emblem
digitization process.

CFP: Digital Literatures in Europe: State of the Art (3/31/06; journal issue)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Ana Pano

Call for Journal Submissions

RiLUNe - Review of Literatures of the European Union
RiLUnE ( is a refereed bilingual journal publishing scholarly articles which examine the development of a European cultural and literary conscience.


For its 5th monographic issue, we are now calling for articles on the topic "Digital Literatures in Europe: State of the Art". Articles can be in any of the following languages of the European Union: French, German, English, Italian and Spanish.


Deadline for abstracts (500 words): March 31, 2006
Deadline for articles: June 15, 2006



Digital Literatures in Europe: State of the Art

UPDATE: CHI 2006 Workshop Misuse and Abuse of Interactive Technologies (1/20/06; 4/22/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:38pm

Due to many requests the deadline has been extended to Jan. 20th.

This workshop is interdisciplinary. Philosophical and
critical investigations into the misuse and abuse of
computing artifacts are wanted--including literary
investigations. The workshop organizers are also
working towards journal and book publications in addition
to the workshop proceedings.

This workshop is highly interdisciplinary and may be of interest to members of this group. The workshop organizers are also
working towards journal and book publications in addition
to the workshop proceedings.

CFP: Media and Culture Journal: 'collaborate' issue (3/6/06; journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 4:24pm
M/C - Media and Culture


                          M/C - Media and Culture
         is calling for contributors to the 'collaborate' issue of

                                M/C Journal

M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a crossover journal
between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and peer-reviewed

CFP: Catastrophe and Representation (3/1/06; journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
Lois Wolfe

FACS Literary Journal

Florida Atlantic University Comparative Studies=20


Call for Papers: Catastrophe and Representation


Images of catastrophe increasingly assault us through the media. The =
world is reeling from the effects of war, natural disasters, famine, and =
disease. Violence - natural and unnatural - has become a standard motif =
in contemporary storytelling, cultural documentation and sociopolitical =
reportage. How, then, is such representation captured and =
characterized? What is being said and unsaid, and why? Is catastrophe a =
comparative experience?


CFP: Bringing Text Alive: The Future of Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Electronic Publication (5/15/06; 9/14/06-9/17/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
Shawn Martin

[Apologies for Cross Posting, but please feel free to distribute widely]..

Call for Papers:
Bringing Text Alive:
The Future of Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Electronic Publication

The Text Creation Partnership (TCP) project was founded at the University of
Michigan in 1999 to reinvent scholarship by creating fully searchable texts
of thousands of titles printed across three hundred years and two continents
of English and American history.

CFP: Cyphernetics (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 - 2:32pm

The Division for Literature and Science of the Modern Language Association
is arranging the following session for the MLA meeting in Philadelphia,
December 2006:

Cyphernetics: Signs, Codes, Texts
Organizer: Arielle Saiber
CFP: Papers on any aspect of information technology, digital models,
encoding, decoding, semiotics, new paradigms of expression and
communication. Abstracts by March 15 to Arielle Saiber,

CFP: Hypermedia/Hypertext (4/30/06; MPCA/MACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 - 2:32pm
PJ Booth

MPCA/MACA - Region Conference
Oct 27-29, 2006
Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel and Suites, Indianapolis, IN

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2006.

The Hypermedia/Hypertext area of the Midwest Popular Culture Association
papers/panels on hypermedia art and fiction, hypertext theory,
analysis of hypertext/hypermedia works, Internet studies, narrative
studies within the area and any other topics related to
writing/publishing on the Internet. The conference will be held at
the Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel and Suites in Indianapolis, IN over
the weekend of October 27-29, 2006.

UPDATE: Hyperworld: Language, Culture and History (6/30/06; 9/27/06-9/29/06)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 7:05pm
Blanca Tovias

UPDATE: Hyperworld: Language, Culture and History (6/30/06; 9/27/06-9/29/06)

VII International Conference of the Association of Iberian and Latin
American Studies of Australasia (AILASA

Hyperworld: Language, Culture and History
27-29 September 2006
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

CFP: Encountering the Text (grad) (3/22/06; 4/22/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Dr. Kenneth Florey

Kenneth Florey, Organizer
The Seventh Annual Graduate English Conference
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT
Saturday, April 22, 2006
9:00 am-4:30 pm
Encountering the Text:
Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, Writing

CFP: The Fibreculture Journal: Internet Theory, Criticism, and Reserch (4/30/06; journal issue)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Andrew Murphie

Call for Papers =96 the Fibreculture Journal =96 General Issue, 2006
(please circulate)

:: fibreculture:: has established itself as Australasia's leading =20
forum for discussion of internet theory, criticism, and research. The =20=

Fibreculture Journal is a peer reviewed journal that explores the =20
issues and ideas of concern and interest to both the Fibreculture =20
network and wider social formations. Themes of recent issues of the =20
journal have included: Contagion and the Diseases of Information; =20
Multitudes, Creative Organisation and the Precarious Condition of New =20=

UPDATE: Kairos and Media Studies Panel (1/6/06; 2/24/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 2:15pm
Janet Johnson

CFP: Kairos and Media Studies Panel
Extended Submission Deadline: January 6, 2006
A Symposium in Rhetoric: "Rhetoric & Kairos"

Open to faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars
The Federation Rhetoric Committee of the Federation of North Texas Area
Texas Woman's University - Denton, Texas

Where: ACT Bldg. 2nd Floor

UPDATE: Samuel R. Delany –– A Critical Symposium (1/15/06; 3/23/06–3/24/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 2:15pm

Plenary speaker and website announced:


SUNY Buffalo
March 23-4, 2006
Deadline: January 15, 2006

"Samuel R. Delany: A Critical Symposium" is a conference intended to provide
an interdisciplinary forum for world-class scholars and innovative writers to
discuss and celebrate Delany's work. As such, it will be the first event of its kind
in the United States.

UPDATE: Women and Justice (12/30/05; NEWSA, 2/25/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:40pm
Dresdner, Lisa

New England Women's Studies Association (NEWSA) conference
February 25, 2006
hosted by Norwalk Community College, Norwalk, CT=20
NEW deadline for proposals: December 30, 2005
Theme: Women and Justice
Topics may include, but are not limited to:

Representations of Women, Women and War, Laws of the body, =

Reproductive Health, Bodies of Law, Women and Mental Health

Movements toward Justice, Women and Religion, Women and Leadership

Women and Technology, Race and Justice, Sex Work, Sex Trafficking

Engendering Power, Women and Place, Women's Health, =20

CFP: Neal Stephenson (1/15/06; collection)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Jon Lewis

CFP: Neal Stephenson

Contributors sought for essay collection on Neal Stephenson; contract
in hand from Cambridge Scholars Press. We are particularly
interested in essays examining Cryptonomicon and the early novels The
Big U and Zodiac. However, essays examining his other work,
including non-fiction, will be considered. Other potential areas of
interest: virtual worlds, "virtual" histories, war and violence,
cyberpunk and post-cyberpunk, digital computers and technology,
Stephenson's place in the contemporary canon.

Please send inquiries or abstracts (Word attachments only please) by
15 January 2006 to <>. Deadline for completed
essays is 21 March 2006.

CFP: Selfhood in a Posthuman Context (grad) (1/10/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Lindsay Holmgren

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature: McGill
University, Montreal

Theme: Permeability and Selfhood

March 11-12, 2006


This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and Selfhood,
the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature, which will take
place March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Selfhood in a Posthuman Context


CFP: Midwest Conference on Literature, Language and Media (1/28/06; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Friday, December 9, 2005 - 8:18pm


The Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language, and Media (MCLLM)
is hosting its annual graduate student conference on March 31 and
April 1, 2006. The conference will be held at Northern Illinois
University in DeKalb, Illinois. First-time conference presenters are
encouraged to apply!

The keynote speakers for this year's conference are Dr. Susan Gubar,
Distinguished Professor of English at Indiana University and George
Hillocks, Professor Emeritus of the University of Chicago and
Consultant in Writing and Language Arts Education.

CFP: Misuse and Abuse of Interactive Technologies (1/10/06; CHI, 4/22/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm

This workshop is interdisciplinary. Philosophical and critical investigations
into the misuse and abuse of computing artifacts are
wanted. The workshop organizers are also working towards
journal and book publications in addition to the workshop
proceedings. Below is the cfp.

CFP: Kairos and Media (12/1/05; 2/24/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
Janet Johnson

CFP: Mass Communications Panel


A Symposium in Rhetoric: "Rhetoric & Kairos"

Open to faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars


The Federation Rhetoric Committee of the Federation of North Texas Area


Texas Woman's University - Denton, Texas

Where: ACT Bldg. 2nd Floor

When: February 24, 2006

