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CFP: Academic Exchange Quarterly: Teaching and Pedagogy (journal)

Monday, October 28, 2002 - 5:37pm
Ben Varner

Call for Submissions and Editors


Academic Exchange Quarterly, one of the fastest-growing peer-reviewed
academic journals in the U.S., invites submissions on the following
topics: Information Literacy, Teaching of Literature and Culture,
Learning and Teaching on the Web, Language Teaching and Learning,
The Novel and Short Fiction, Collaboration and Consultation,
Teaching Environmental Literature, Writing Center Theory and
Practice, Adjunct Instruction, Adult Education, Assessment,
Distributed Education, Online Learning, Secondary Education,
and Special Education:

UPDATE: Academic Exchange Extra: Pedagogy, Administration, and Other Professional Issues (e-journal)

Saturday, October 5, 2002 - 3:29pm
Jaime Lester

Submissions are invited from undergraduates, graduates, and educators for
Academic Exchange Extra (Editor-in-Chief, Karen Heise). Extra presents
ideas, research methods, and pedagogical theories leading to effective
instruction and learning regardless of level, subject or context. We also
seek cogent essays, poetry and fiction.
Articles to 6,000 words on theory, practice and administration of education
across the full range of humanities and social science-based approaches are

CFP: Part-Time College Instruction (ongoing; journal)

Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 4:16am
Katherine Katsenis

Call for Papers: Part-Time College Instruction
This message is being cross-posted; please excuse duplication.

The Academic Exchange Quarterly includes articles on Part-Time College
Instruction on an ongoing basis. The following url provides
complete details:

The print journal of AEQ has over 23,000 readers,
and the electronic version, available free world-wide,
has hundreds of thousands of potential readers as
it is available from Gale's InfoTrac Expanded Academic Index.

CFP: Academic Exchange Quarterly editors (journal)

Thursday, August 29, 2002 - 3:24pm
Ben Varner


The editorial board of Academic Exchange Quarterly is looking for
qualified individuals who would serve as permanent editors for each
of the following topics listed at this website:

If you are interested in a topic or have an idea for
another one, please review carefully the information
at the following websites:

CFP: Writing Macao: Teaching, Creative Writing, Non-Native Contexts (journal)

Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 2:22am

Writing Macao
creative text and teaching

Writing Macao is a new publication sponsored by the English Department at
the University of Macao.
Writing Macao publishes creative writing and theoretical work related to
the teaching of creative writing in English in non-native contexts.
Writing Macao is a peer-reviewed on-line international English language
journal appearing twice annually.

UPDATE: Teaching the Novel & Short Fiction (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 6:29pm
Lew Kamm

Updated announcement (4/27/02):

This message is being cross-listed; please excuse duplication.

The Summer 2003 issue of Academic Exchange Quarterly will be devoted
to “Teaching the Novel and Short Fiction.” If you are interested in the
possibility of submitting an article for consideration, the following URLs
provide complete details:


CFP: Thinking Classroom (journal)

Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - 9:02pm
Beverly Michaels


The journal Thinking Classroom (also published in Russian as Peremena)
serves as an international forum of exchange among teachers, teacher
educators and others interested in promoting democratic teaching
practices. We invite potential authors to submit papers that encourage
professional development, research and reflection. Thinking Classroom
features articles that foster learner-centered teaching strategies
including critical and creative thinking, active and cooperative learning,
and problem solving. The journal also publishes articles about the
institutional structures that support these practices.

CFP: Academic Exchange Quarterly: Teaching and Pedagogy (journal)

Wednesday, April 3, 2002 - 8:18pm
Ben Varner


I am Acting Chief Editor of Academic Exchange Quarterly, one of the
fastest-growing peer-reviewed journals in the country:

Our readership has grown to over 23,000, and our articles can also
be read on Gale's Expanded Academic Infotrac. Those colleges and
universities from developing countries may read our journal online.

We need article submissions on any topic focusing on teaching and
pedagogical issues, especially those dealing with writing and literature.
Our readership consists of teachers from K-16 into graduate school.

CFP: Teaching the Novel & Short Fiction (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 3, 2002 - 8:18pm
Lew Kamm

This message is being cross-listed; please excuse duplication.

The Summer 2003 issue of Academic Exchange Quarterly will be devoted
to “Teaching the Novel and Short Fiction.” If you are interested in the
possibility of submitting an article for consideration, the following URLs
provide complete details:


Thanks for considering AEQ.
Lew Kamm
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

CFP: Teaching and Learning on the Web (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 12, 2002 - 9:34pm
Michael Lorenzen

Call for Papers - Teaching and Learning on the Web

This message is being cross-posted; please excuse duplication.

The Spring 2003 issue of Academic Exchange Quarterly will be devoted to
teaching and learning on the web. The following provides complete details: OR

The print journal of AEQ has over 23,000 readers, and the electronic
version, available free world-wide, has hundreds of thousands of potential
readers as it is available from Gale's InfoTrac Expanded Academic Index.

Thanks for considering AEQ.

CFP: Caribbean Educational Research Journal (journal)

Wednesday, October 10, 2001 - 9:41pm
Amini, Dr. Majid

                            Call for Papers

               The Caribbean Educational Research Journal

The Caribbean Educational Research Journal (CERJ) is a fully refereed
journal being published twice annually, in April and September, by the
School of Education at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill
Campus, Barbados.

CERJ is dedicated to building an expanding base for advancing
educational research, practice and policy in the Caribbean.

CFP: Issues in Writing (Journal)

Friday, January 26, 2001 - 8:44pm
Mahon, Wade

Issues in Writing

A semiannual, refereed journal devoted to the study of writing in the Arts
and Humanities, Science and Technology, Government, Education, Business and
Industry, and the professions.

UPDATE: Inclusive Pedagogy (journal)

Friday, December 22, 2000 - 5:20pm
Juda Bennett

* * * C A L L F O R P A P E R S * * *

Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Pedagogy is now accepting
submissions electronically. Visit our web site
( and see how TOSS, Transformations
Online Submission System, will speed up the process of submission,
review, and acceptance.

CFP: Dialogue: Journal for Writing Specialists (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, September 27, 2000 - 10:19pm
Susan Hunter

Since Fall, 1993, Dialogue: A Journal for Writing Specialists has provided
a forum for dialogue, debate, conversation--occasions for writing
specialists to talk to and with one another. The concept of "dialogue" is
promoted with the contents and varieties of discourse published in the
journal, as well as with the reviewing process.

CFP: History of Intellectual Culture (e-journal)

Saturday, August 12, 2000 - 2:33pm

History of Intellectual Culture
Call for Papers

History of Intellectual Culture is a new international electronic journal
that publishes peer-reviewed research papers on the socio-historical
contexts of ideas and ideologies and their relationships to community and
state formation, physical environments, human and institutional agency,
and personal and collective identity and lived experience. The journal
will highlight the viability and vibrancy of intellectual history as a
scholarly field, present new perspectives for research and analysis, and
stimulate critical discussion amongst scholars and students across

UPDATE: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa (no deadline noted; journal)

Monday, July 3, 2000 - 9:37pm
L De Kock

This CFP, almost identical to one sent earlier, is has been slightly
edited to make it more user-friendly for US scholars. The changes occur in
the final sentence under category 1 below and in the penultinmate
paragraph overall.


*scrutiny2: issues in english studies in southern africa* wishes to invite
papers on the following topics for its forthcoming issues:

1. The end of theory?

CFP: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa (no deadline noted; journal)

Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 7:13pm
L De Kock

Call for papers

scrutiny2: issues in english studies in southern africa wishes to invite
papers on the following topics for its forthcoming issues:

1. The end of theory?

The editors invite contributions which address the seeming exhaustion with
successive waves of theory to legitimate and strengthen the practices of
literary and cultural criticism. We are more than happy here to consider
contemporary contexts other than southern Africa.

2. The semiotics of sports narratives

CFP: Humanities Research Sources (no deadline noted; website)

Friday, June 9, 2000 - 7:10pm
Andrew Offenburger

Fields of Knowledge, publisher of the Infography
(, is seeking accomplished scholars in all areas
of the humanities to submit citations to recommended research sources about
their subject specialties. In return, scholars receive royalties and other
benefits, if their submissions are accepted for publication.

Scholars must cite exactly "six superlative sources" of information, from
any type of media, and may optionally cite any number of "other excellent
sources." College professors can easily submit citations from course syllabi
or citations chosen from the bibliographies of books or articles they have

CFP: Inclusive Pedagogy and Curriculum Transformation (journal)

Thursday, December 16, 1999 - 7:58pm
Juda Bennett

TRANSFORMATIONS: A Resource for Curriculum Transformation and
Scholarship, the New Jersey Project's national journal, is pleased to
announce the appointment of Elizabeth Paul and Juda Bennett as Editors
of the journal beginning with the Fall, 2000 issue.


UPDATE: _Feminist Teacher_ (journal)

Friday, October 8, 1999 - 6:05pm
Gail Cohee

Both editors of the journal _Feminist Teacher_ have moved, so while the
call for papers is still accurate in content, the address has changed.
Questions and/or manuscripts should be sent to:

Feminist Teacher
Dept. of English
405 Hibbard Hall, PO Box 4004
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
queries may also be sent to:

Thank you.

Gail Cohee, Co-editor

CFP: Poetry Lessons (no deadline; website)

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 - 1:35am

CFP: Lessons in Poetry; Form and Substance
Date: 4/25/99
 Teachers Corner Section
Due: As Soon As Possible, but no deadline

A Poet Born (, invites papers on any type
or area of poetry, that teach a particular lesson in the genre.

A Poet Born wishes to bring good poetry, as well as inspiration and
guidance in the genre, to a whole new arena that allows poetry to
be more accessible and less mysterious to the computer generation.

CFP: Teachers of Writing (no deadline; e-journal)

Tuesday, February 16, 1999 - 7:59am
James A. Inman

** Please forward where appropriate.
** Apologies in advance for cross-posting.

_Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments_ is an
electronic journal designed to serve as a peer-reviewed resource for
teachers, researchers, and tutors of writing at the college and university
level, including Technical Writing, Business Writing, Professional
Communication, Creative Writing, Composition, and Literature. We are
located online at

For the News section of issue 4.1, we are soliciting the following sorts
of texts:

CFP: Teaching and Consumption (journal)

Saturday, September 5, 1998 - 6:31pm
Marjorie Feld

                        Radical Teacher

The journal "Radical Teacher" is calling for articles on:


CFP: Teaching & Technology (on-line journal)

Saturday, July 18, 1998 - 4:16am
Julia Keefer

> The WWW Journal for Online Education for the World Association for Online
> Education is seeking submissions for its first edition. We are concerned
> with issues related to teaching and researching online and in
> cyber-enhanced classes, as well as how traditional knowledge and concepts
> of self are transformed in cyberspace.
> Although the Journal is multidisciplinary and eclectic with both academic
> and non-academic articles, this posting seeks MLA articles on How the
