UPDATE: Media, Culture, and Technology (e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Andreas Kitzmann
contact email: 


        This is a call for papers for the January Issue of M/C/T a
journal/e-zine concerned with Media, Culture and Technology. M/C/T is a new
journal for a new medium for a new millenium.

      M/C/T encourages writing that challenges given assumptions about the
information society. We seek to analyse, critique, probe and raise
questions about the intersecting vectors of media, culture and technology.
We invite our readers to join in the conversation and write for M/C/T. We
encourage open hypertexts/ cybertexts.

      We are interested in publishing short, medium and full length
articles, debates, reviews, multimedia, digital art, and just about
anything that concerns media, culture and technology. We will publish 3
issues during 1999. We hope to increase that number in 2000, but that
depends upon you!

      This journal has it's home (and server) at the Department of Media
and Communication, Karlstad University, Sweden. It is an initiative of the
Communication: Media and Information Technology research group. Our current
editorial board consists of, Robert Burnett, Managing Editor; Andreas
Kitzmann, Text Editor; Steve Gibson, Multimedia Editor; and Peter Bergting,
Art Editor.

      You can contact M/C/T in the following ways:

      By mail: M/C/T - Journal of Media, Culture and Technology
      Media and Communications
      Karlstad University
      S-65188 Sweden

      By e-mail:

      General Inquiries: Robert.Burnett_at_kau.se
      Article submissions: Andreas.Kitzmann_at_kau.se
      Multimedia submissions: Steve.Gibson_at_kau.se
      Art submissions or commentary on the web site: Peter.Bergting_at_kau.se

      We would like to acknowledge our sister journal, M/C out of the Media
and Cultural Studies Centre, University of Queensland, Australia. We
encourage you to check out M/C.


Dr. Andreas Kitzmann andreas.kitzmann_at_kau.se
Senior Foreign Lecturer University of Karlstad, Sweden
Media and Communications 651 88 Karlstad, Sweden
Universitetsg. 1 Fax: 46-(0)54-838445
Voice: 46-(0)54-702105 e-mail: andreas.kitzmann_at_kau.se

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Sep 21 1999 - 14:32:04 EDT