Leaps of Faith: Mania Meets Modernity SAMLA Atlanta GA Nov. 6-8 2009

full name / name of organization: 
Stephen Gallagher
contact email: 

This panel will interrogate the upsurge of the new(?) homicidal/suicidal religiosity in the West. Some possible perspectives are literary, sociological, artistic, or historical, and interdisciplinary approaches are always welcome. Some possible ideas, not intended to restrict panelists but rather to spur thinking on a few possible approaches:

- the suicide bomber as Kierkegaardian protagonist
- religious mania as a reaction to/ byproduct of Western modernity
- leaps of technological faith: the new high-tech cargo cults (Heaven's Gate, Raeleans, etc)
- the faith of Abraham vs the faith of Andrea Yates
- when religion comes to power: implications from the Taliban to the Christian Right

Abstracts to be submitted to Stephen Gallagher, jeng_steveg@hotmail.com by 5/31/09.