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The Queerness of Hip Hop/ The Hip Hop of Queerness Symposium and Special Issue of Palimpsest [Due: Dec. 15, 2011]

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 11:33pm
Harvard University and Palimpsest, A Journal of Women, Gender and the Black International

The Queerness of Hip Hop/ The Hip Hop of Queerness

Call for Papers for a One-Day Symposium at Harvard University and Special Issue of Palimpsest, A journal of Women, Gender and the Black International

Conveners/ Editors: Scott Poulson-Bryant and C. Riley Snorton, Ph.D.

Abstracts due December 15, 2011

Harvard University Symposium
September 21, 2012

As Queer Theory has developed as a discursive space in which to investigate and find intellectual engagement with issues of citizenship, nationalism, globalism, and race, hip hop studies has increasingly become an important site of the study of sexuality, gender and the body.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 6:41pm
Svenja Frank / Oxford University

- apologies for cross posting -

Oxford University, September 15-16, 2011

Special Guest: Thomas Lehr, currently holding the Heiner-Müller-Gastprofessur at Freie Universität Berlin, will be reading from his much acclaimed novel September. Fata Morgana (2010).

"Ils ont souffert 102 minutes – la durée moyenne d'un film hollywoodien."
(Frédéric Beigbeder: Windows on the World)

[UPDATE] NEMLA 2012: Infighting and Rival Texts in 20th Cent. African-American Literature

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 5:48pm

From early on in the Harlem Renaissance, many black writers knew for a fact that there was a New Negro, but most differed on the nuances when creating such a character from text. African-American Literature in the early 20th century was marked not only by the spirit of cooperation and the feeling of community, but also by infighting and fevered debate over what constituted a proper direction for the movement(s). This panel seeks to reignite discussion over the ideas and histories of these debates between black writers during the formative and fluid period of 1920-1960. Divisive texts will be highlighted and discussed.

[UPDATE] deadline extended: June 30, 2011. (mis)Representing Difference in Media and Everyday Items

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 3:57pm
Susan Booker Morris, Interdisciplinary Humanities

Although reason and discourse are important in framing and communicating 'truths' about the human being, increasingly visual representation is serving to communicate attitudes, histories, beliefs, and values. This special issue on the representation of the 'other' invites your analysis of race, ethnicity, nationality, queerness, or gender as found in representations in television, ads, films, photographs, video games, computer images, etc. If these othernesses are constructed, the visual representation is one arena in which the construction takes place and is disseminated. Any theoretical bases are welcome.

[UPDATE] M/MLA Panel: Playing with Current Concerns in Young Adult Dystopian Fiction

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 3:46pm
Kristi McDuffie

Still seeking submissions!

The current popularity of The Hunger Games Trilogy has brought young adult dystopian fiction to the forefront of both readers' and scholars' minds this year. Yet this genre has always produced innovative novels that reflect contemporary hopes and fears in their playful (and often violent) explorations of the future. Many authors use potential future worlds to comment upon contemporary concerns, including the loss of literacy, gender roles, political participation, and more. Presenters are invited to submit papers that consider how authors explore current issues in future dystopian and utopian worlds and what those predictions reveal about perceptions of young adults today.

Literature, Trauma, and Healing: Refusing to Silence the Discourse (abstract deadline: Sept. 30; conference: March 15-18)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 1:16pm
43nd Annual Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

43nd Annual Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
March 15-18, 2012
Rochester, New York – Hyatt Rochester
Host Institution: St. John Fisher College
Keynote speaker: Jennifer Egan, 2011 Pulitzer Prize winner, A Visit from the Goon Squad

Panel/Session Description:

Serious Play in the Political Novel (Midwest Modern Language Association, Nov. 3-6, 2011, St. Louis)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 12:16pm
Samuel Cohen, University of Missouri

This already accepted special session--organized for the 53rd Annual Meeting of the MMLA, whose informal theme is "Play... No, Seriously"--will consist of papers exploring the ways in which fiction writers, when turning to the political, have made use of those resources available to novelists and short story writers interested in non-realistic, non-traditional, experimental, difficult—playful—forms and modes. While traditionally (and reductively) conceived "realism" has often been assumed to be the default mode for the politically engaged fiction-writer, we will examine those works that have taken alternative approaches. Among the array of questions our panelists might ask: How can writers engage the political?

Whip Me, Beat Me: The Representation of Violence Against Women (NEMLA deadline: 9/30/11)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 12:10pm
Northeast Modern Language Association Convention Rochester NY April

This panel invites papers that study the representation of violence against women in literary texts. Papers may focus on: How are these acts represented in the text, as a taboo or as a 'normal act'? Are these acts decried by the characters or accepted as 'normal' behavior? Do these acts affect the passions and sexuality of the characters? Please send 200-300 word abstracts and brief biographical statements to Victoria Ketz

Compendium2: Writing, Teaching, and Learning in the University

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 11:26am
Dalhousie University

The editors of Compendium2: Writing, Teaching, and Learning in the University invite contributions for online publication in the spring of 2012. Compendium2 publishes theoretical and practice-based essays that address writing development in post-secondary education. For the journal's fifth issue, we are interested in hearing from a range of disciplines, and invite submissions that consider the integration of writing and critical thinking as well as those that describe more specific assignments and teaching techniques.
