The Queerness of Hip Hop/ The Hip Hop of Queerness Symposium and Special Issue of Palimpsest [Due: Dec. 15, 2011]
The Queerness of Hip Hop/ The Hip Hop of Queerness
Call for Papers for a One-Day Symposium at Harvard University and Special Issue of Palimpsest, A journal of Women, Gender and the Black International
Conveners/ Editors: Scott Poulson-Bryant and C. Riley Snorton, Ph.D.
Abstracts due December 15, 2011
Harvard University Symposium
September 21, 2012
As Queer Theory has developed as a discursive space in which to investigate and find intellectual engagement with issues of citizenship, nationalism, globalism, and race, hip hop studies has increasingly become an important site of the study of sexuality, gender and the body.