[Update] ASEBL Journal - evolutionary cultural studies. September 2014 (for Jan. 2015 issue)

full name / name of organization: 
ASEBL Journal - St. Francis College (NY)

The editors of ASEBL Journal invite queries for the January 2015 issue. Deadline for articles is 1 September 2014, though early submissions are encouraged as space in the journal is limited. Issues are housed on the St. Francis College (NY) website http://www.sfc.edu/page.cfm?p=3993. Before query or submission, please review the About tab on the blog www.asebl.blogspot.com for complete information. Potential contributors are encouraged to peruse the January 2014 issue (particularly the lead essay in the January 2013 issue) to get a good idea of the mission and scope of the journal. ASEBL is an online journal, so issues appear as PDFs. Currently, the journal is published once a year, around January. The journal is peer-reviewed and indexed in Humanities Source, a major database of EBSCO Host (as well as in the MLA International Bibliography). ASEBL is a member of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals.

If you are interested in submitting, contact the editor, professor Gregory F. Tague only after you have carefully reviewed the mission and guidelines found on the About tab of the blog site. You may contact professor Tague at: publisher@ebibliotekos.com (with ASEBL in the subject line).
The overall scope of the journal can be classified as evolutionary cultural studies, where culture is understood (via Edward Tylor, 1871) as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits . . ."

So while ASEBL is interested in, primarily:

1. How moral (social) behavior is depicted in literary texts, how readers might respond to such depictions, and whether or not there is an evolutionary or adaptive function to the production of such moral representations.

Nevertheless, ASEBL can include:

2. The other dimensions of culture Tylor notes. There is no reason one cannot cover personal responsibility, moral identity, social emotions, human nature, consciousness, and conscience from an evolutionary perspective in other cultural manifestations. Scholars working in cognitive cultural studies (e.g., neuroaesthetics or the neurobiology of aesthetic experience) are welcome to query about a submission. The editors are therefore open to analyses (evolutionary or cognitive) of other cultural creations, such as visual arts, dance, music, film, or sculpture.