[UPDATE] Geographies of Home in Ethnic American Women's Literature
From Louise Erdrich's Love Medicine to Gloria AnzaldĂșa's Borderlands/La Frontera to Toni Morrison's Home, symbolic representations of "home" mediate between the individual and the various geographies of home, both physical and metaphysical. How do literary works employ the tropes of location and dislocation, of belonging and exile, of inside(r) and outside(r), to highlight the complex relationship we have to the "place" that shapes our identities and destinies? We seek papers from any theoretical or critical perspective that interrogate the notion of home and belonging in gendered, aesthetic, political, and/or social dimensions in contemporary ethnic American women's literature.
Send abstracts of 250 words by September 30, 2014 directly to the NEMLA proposal submission site: https://nemla.org.
(New users must first create an account.)
Link to session submission: https://nemla.org/convention/2015/cfp.html#cfp15461