[Update] Deadline Extended: Digital Humanities, Special Issue
The Rupkatha Journal (www.rupkatha.com) is inviting papers for its Special Issue on Digital Humanities. Papers can be submitted on any topic relating to the intersections of digital technology and the humanities: access, scholarly communications, digital preservation, computer games, electronic literature, digital art, online social media, virtual worlds, programming languages, theories of DH etc.
Papers should be between 3000-5000 words.
Book reviews should be between 1000-1200 words for single and/or double book reviews.
Style Sheet: APA
Submission Deadline
Please send your papers by: January 31, 2015 to editor@rupkatha.com and chiefeditor@rupkatha.com. Access Submission Guidelines in details. The issue will be published in March, 2015.
No Submission Fees: Rupkatha is a non-profit initiative. We never charge or accept any amount of money in the name of Processing Fee or Subscription or other dubious Fees. We neither pay nor accept any amount of money. Submitting with us is a purely non-monetary academic transaction.