Supporting Diversity in Honors Education
Supporting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Honors Education
March 9-11, 2016 | Oakland University | Rochester, Michigan
To launch the National Society for Minorities in Honors (NSFMIH), a two day conference is being held, offering a key opportunity for discussion and networking.
Registration is now open at:
Call for papers closes February 5, 2016
While all topics pertaining to the theme are welcome, special attention will be given to presentation topics that include the creation of honors "pipelines" from high school to college, programmatic work on supporting diversity in honors, and topics focusing on specific under represented or under served populations.
Proposals: 150 word abstract.
Presentation: 15 minutes in length (each 60 minute session will allow for 15 min question time).
Proposals to:
Further inquiries: Dr. Graeme Harper,
All are welcome to propose papers and/or register.