The Nightmare of History: Modernism and Con/Text - MadLit Conference 2/25/16-2/27/16
This panel will explore new directions within the field of modernist studies that reconsider the boundary between text and context. The early New Critical reception of modernism often privileged form at the expense of context, whether biographical, socio-political, or historical. More recently, a historicist turn in modernist studies has reintroduced context as crucial to the study of modernist texts. In yet another dialectical swing of the pendulum, "new formalism" has attempted to renovate the concept of form by rethinking its relation to context. Panelists are invited to consider the relation between modernism and its contexts by responding to questions such as the following: How do modernist works interrogate the boundary between art and its contexts? How do works incorporate and/or transform historical materials? How do they revise historical accounts or resurrect buried histories? Send submissions to Proposals should include a title, your name and affiliation, and a 300-word abstract. The deadline for proposals is 1/1/16.