The Problems of Literature Genres --- "hate speech", "styles of hatred"

full name / name of organization: 
The Problems of Literary Genres, University of Lodz, Poland

Call for Papers 
A renowned Polish academic journal "The Problems of Literary Genres" (Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich) invites contributions for 59 issue (vol. 1/2016 and 2/2016). We are waiting for critical, original, unpublished and innovative submissions written from any theoretical angle, which can attract both oversees and Polish readers. In 2016, we are especially interested in papers about different aspects of "style of hatred" and "hate speech" in contemporary, especially literary discourses.

The deadline: 30th April 2016

Authors are welcome to submit an electronic version formatted in DOC or ODT with up to 300-word abstract, title and key words (in English). Papers should not exceed 40000 characters with spaces. Apart from articles, reviews (9000 characters with spaces) of the newest academic books and dictionary entries about literature and literary theory can be sent. All submissions are subject to two double-blind reviews. 

Please, submit the abstract to

"The Problems of Literary Genres" is a refereed academic multilingual journal (English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Russian) edited at the University of Lodz, Poland devoted to the study not only of literary genres, but also to comparative literature, and to literary theory and cultural studies. We are refereed in ERIH, ERIH+.

While writing papers, please, follow instructions in MHRA Style Guide - available here:

Editorial guidelines can be found on journal's webpage under:

Kind regards