Call for papers on Theodore Dreiser for 2 panels at the 2016 American Literature Association Conference
The International Theodore Dreiser Society will sponsor two panels at the American Literature Association Conference in San Francisco, CA on May 26-29, 2016.
Panel One: Open Topic
Papers are invited on any topic concerning Dreiser.
Panel Two: Global Dreiser
Papers are invited on topics concerning global contexts in Dreiser's life and work. Topics may include Dreiser's politics, travel writing, translations, transatlantic reception of his works, and other global issues relating to Dreiser.
Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes. Panelists are not required to be members of the International Theodore Dreiser Society.
Please email an abstract (250-350 words) for either panel, as well as a brief c.v., to the program chair by 15 January 2016.
Program chair:
Linda Kornasky
Department of English and Modern Languages
Angelo State University
San Angelo, TX 76909
Conference details may be found at the American Literature Association web site: