displaying 4681 - 4695 of 4724

Journal Special Issue: Deleuze and Guattari in the Anthropocene

Monday, January 5, 2015 - 4:47pm
Hannah Stark (University of Tasmania); Arun Saldanha (University of Minnesota)

Twenty years after his death, Deleuze's thought continues to be mobilised in relation to the most timely and critical problems society faces. As theory is starting to reconcile itself with a grim environmental future and with the emergence of the Anthropocene as a key conceptual framework, we are compelled to consider the philosophical consequences of the irreversible and profound impacts of industrialisation and consumerism on environments at a planetary scale. The Anthropocene disrupts thought itself, requiring that we re-evaluate the human and its place in the cosmos: a third Copernican Revolution. It is widely accepted now that the human species is itself a geological force.

University of Toronto Slavic Studies Conference, April 7-8 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015 - 2:28pm
University of Toronto

The Slavic Studies union at the University of Toronto is pleased to announce its 2015 Graduate Student Conference, to be held in Toronto on April 7-8th, 2015. Our keynote speaker Dr. Mayhill Fowler (Stetson University), a cultural historian focusing on how different kind of state systems shape creativity, and how diversity leads to innovation.

2014's conference was a great success, featuring presenters from across North America and disciplines. As a sample of the material presented, refer to last year's programme here: http://tinyurl.com/o3unwca

[UPDATE] CFP: Public Intellectuals Lecture Series DEADLINE EXTENDED

Monday, January 5, 2015 - 12:55pm
Carleton University

Public Intellectuals Lecture Series
Presented by the Department of English and Literature at Carleton University and the Ottawa Public Library
Call for Papers DEADLINE EXTENDED (Jan. 12)

The Public Intellectuals Lecture Series aims to create a bridge between scholars in the Arts and the general public. While the complex ideas these scholars help develop have important, real world applications to the way we understand and interact with each other, they are often couched in jargon and confined to the journals and lecture halls of the academic sphere. This lecture series will offer a venue and format in which scholars can present these ideas to the public in an accessible manner.

[UPDATE] Hostile Intelligences and The General Antagonism CALL FOR PAPERS

Monday, January 5, 2015 - 11:53am
Sara Collins/Pratt Institute

Hostile Intelligences and The General Antagonism

"Collective intelligence has to organise itself into a hostile intelligence — also in the sense of inoculating the host as a malignant parasite. An alien intelligence is not concerned with any orthodoxy, it proliferates and organises its own heresies".
–Matteo Pasquinelli

[UPDATE] CFP-- The Cine-Files seeks essays for special issue on film sound

Monday, January 5, 2015 - 9:40am
The Cine-Files www.thecine-files.com

The Cine-Files is now accepting submissions (4000-6000 words) for the "Featured Scholarship" segment of Issue 8 (Spring 2015), a special issue on film sound.

Papers should make an argument about some aspect of cinematic sound.  We welcome a diversity of methodologies. Though writing should follow traditional essay conventions (strong thesis, linear organization and development of argument), we encourage the use of embedded film clips, audio files, and/or images to support the paper's claims.

Science Fiction Symposium

Monday, January 5, 2015 - 8:54am
Tel-Aviv University

The Department of English and American Studies is pleased to announce its 2nd Annual Science Fiction Symposium. We are seeking proposals in the following areas:

• Non-Western Science Fiction (anime, Soviet SF, etc.)

• Science Fiction and Genre Hybridity (Science-Fantasy, Science-Comedy, etc.)

• Science Fiction and Moral/Ethical Boundaries

• Science Fiction and Transhumanism

• Transmedia/Multimedia Science Fiction

All relevant topics are welcome; we encourage interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives as well.

Please send a 300-word abstract and a short bio to superwriter@gmail.com by Feb. 28, 2015.

Conference Date: June 9, 2015

[UPDATE] Human Terrains: Identity, Geography, Politics

Monday, January 5, 2015 - 8:53am
University of Virginia Graduate English Student Association

April 10th, 11th, 12th, 2015

Keynote speaker: Jasbir K. Puar

Master class: Marlon Ross

Taxonomy and tribe; gender and globe; state, sex, and system. We're categorization machines: it would sound like a weak generalization if it weren't such a persistent impulse. We survey exteriors and interiors. We reform law and language in a quest to codify identity. The more terrain we successfully chart, the wider, deeper, more tortuous we find the human landscape. How manifold are the ways we can map our worlds?

""Innovation In Art" " Congress 6-7 April 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015 - 7:10am


"Innovation In Art"

Maltepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts is organizing the Third Annual International Fine Arts Students Congress to all undergraduate (BA) students from Turkey and abroad. MA students will be able to participate only if this is their fourth year of study (countries where the BA is 3 years long ONLY) will be held at Maltepe University in Istanbul, Turkey on 6-8 April 2015. Previous conferences have attracted students and faculties from twelve countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, North and South America. This year's topic will be "Innovation in Art".

Suggested general topics for presentations:

Call for Screendance (dance film) Conference Presentations

Monday, January 5, 2015 - 7:06am
Festival International de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne (France)

The International Video Dance Festival of Burgundy (France) is pleased to accept presentation proposals for its third annual screendance conference to be held in May 2015 that explore the theme, "The Politics of Space".

We welcome abstracts for 20-minute moderated panel presentations that address any aspect of this theme, which can be interpreted broadly in order to foster dialogues concerning how the intersection of diverse movement and image forms investigate, create, and interpret space. Areas of interest within this topic, include but are not limited to:

Umberto Eco --- 30th of April, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015 - 5:52am
the Problems of Literary Genres, University of Lodz, Poland

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of University of Lodz, the Senate of the University decided to award Umberto Eco a honorary degree. Referring to this event which is of a great importance for our academic community, we will devote the next year's number of "The Problems of Litterary Genres" to this world-famous writer and scholar.
We encourage you to send the articles presenting his magnificent work, touching on the issues on which he was focused. Considering the magazine's profile the articles in the field of genology are welcome.
We are waiting for your texts (max. 40000 signs with spaces) until 30th April 2015.

Literary Second Cities

Monday, January 5, 2015 - 4:32am
Jason Finch / Helsinki Literature and the City Network / Åbo Akademi University

Literary Second Cities
Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland - 20–21 August 2015
Deadline for proposals: 15 March 2015
The Second International Conference of the Helsinki Literature and the City Network (HLCN)

The conference 'Literary Second Cities' invites papers on new approaches to the study of literary cities, smaller cities, and cities or portions of cities judged secondary or subordinate in any historical period or part of the world. See attachment or link below for the conference abstract. The deadline for the call for papers is 15 March 2015. The language of the conference is English.
Please send proposals (length approximately 300 words) to .

Intersections Graduate Conference - Thresholds: Presence, Absence, and Territory

Sunday, January 4, 2015 - 11:32pm
Joint Graduate Program of Communication and Culture at Ryerson University and York University

This two-day interdisciplinary conference organized by the Joint Graduate Program of Communication and Culture at Ryerson University and York University seeks to explore the theme of thresholds. The steering committee invites submissions of all academic and creative contributions that respond to the theme from the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Submissions for Papers: Please submit 250 word abstracts for 15-minute presentations, along with a brief 50-word biography and contact information, or a 500-word proposal for 50-minute panels/roundtables, to is.submissions@iscs-conference.com by January 9th, 2015.
