displaying 61 - 75 of 4724

Call for Papers "Stereotypes"

Monday, December 21, 2015 - 1:31pm
Special issue of Reti, Saperi, Linguaggi. Italian Journal of Cognitive Sciences

Stereotypes are ambiguous mental entities. They are negative insofar as they are thoughts that limit us in our process of categorization of reality. At the same time, they help us to simplify reality itself and the large number of perceptual stimuli we are faced with in every moment of our lives. So, while stereotypes can, on the one hand, be seen as a tool for categorization or as extensions of categories themselves – actually, a special type of category – on the other, they force us to assign a simplistic, superficial and unthinking label to a portion of reality, thus giving rise to biases and prejudices.

Call for Submission: Journal of Indian Studies

Monday, December 21, 2015 - 10:06am
Bharatiya Prajna: an Interdisciplinary Journal of Indian Studies

Call for Submission for the Inaugural Issue

We are inviting articles, notes and book reviews on the following broad areas. However we are open to inclusion of new topics/areas as per the scope of the journal:

NACBS November 11-13: Call for Proposals

Monday, December 21, 2015 - 8:35am
The North American Conference for British Studies

Call for Presenters: The North American Conference for British Studies

Where: Washington, D.C.

When: November 11-13, 2016

Abstract due: January 30, 2016

Panel Topic: The Eighteenth-Century Transatlantic Britain

As part of the NACBS protocol, I'm soliciting for paper proposals to be submitted as a full panel to this year's conference in Washington. The panel will give focus to new scholarship on transatlantic Britain in the eighteenth century. As it strives to be interdisciplinary, scholars from all fields may submit an abstract.

Supporting Diversity in Honors Education

Monday, December 21, 2015 - 6:18am
The new National Society for Minorities in Honors (NSFMIH)

Supporting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Honors Education

March 9-11, 2016 | Oakland University | Rochester, Michigan

To launch the National Society for Minorities in Honors (NSFMIH), a two day conference is being held, offering a key opportunity for discussion and networking.

Registration is now open at:


Call for papers closes February 5, 2016

CFP Discipline and Excess: April 15, 2016

Monday, December 21, 2015 - 3:27am
Faculty of English, University of Cambridge

We invite paper proposals for Discipline and Excess, a conference which seeks to consider boundaries and their transgression until 1750. The theme invites diverse interpretations of "discipline"—moral, religious, cultural, aesthetic, generic, geographic—in papers which explore the realms of penance and perfection, challenge the orderliness implicit in systems of knowledge, or examine the nature of punishment and retribution.

[UPDATE] CDE Conference 2016 – CFP: "Theater and Mobility"

Monday, December 21, 2015 - 3:16am
The German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English

25th Annual CDE Conference, Eichstätt, 26-29 May 2016

The German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE) is pleased to announce its 25th Annual Conference (26-29 May 2016). It is organized by the Chair of American Studies, Faculty of Languages and Literatures, at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt/Germany, and will be held as a residential conference at the Collegium Willibaldinum in Eichstätt.


The 2016 CDE conference addresses the ongoing debate on issues of mobility in relation to contemporary drama and theater in English worldwide.

(EXTENDED DEADLINE)Circling The Elements Conference: The State(s) of Hip Hop & Rap

Sunday, December 20, 2015 - 7:18pm
Albany State University Department of English, Modern Languages, and Mass Communication : Circling The Elements Conference: The State(s) of Hip Hop & Rap

Since its lean beginning in the concrete jungles, Hip Hop has grown into a national and international movement that stretches far beyond the streets of its urban environment(s). While the 1970s Hip Hop exposed the complexity and angst of urban youth culture, the rise of rap music in the 1980s began to create new stories about the state of affairs in black and urban spaces throughout the U.S. With such rise and popularity, Hip Hop has become a mainstream phenomenon with commercial appeal that often deviates from its core principle elements. This year's conference begs to ask what is the current state of Hip Hop and Rap today? How and where are the elements being used?

[UPDATE] The Imaginary [March 4-5 2016; abstracts due January 15, 2016]

Sunday, December 20, 2015 - 11:26am
Northeastern University English Graduate Student Association

"The imaginary" invokes spectres, memories, what is sensed, felt, and wanted, the fanciful, visionary, shadow, illusory, what is not visible or legible, a past and a future we can not perceive. This conference features keynote speakers Mya Poe of Northeastern University and Donald Pease of Dartmouth College.

For Lacan, the imaginary is the beginning: "I began with the Imaginary, I then had to chew on the story of the Symbolic ... and I finished by putting out for you this famous Real." For sociologist John B.Thompson, the social imaginary is "the creative and symbolic dimension of the social world, the dimension through which human beings create their ways of living together and their ways of representing their collective life."

UPDATE: Power & Politics in Print

Sunday, December 20, 2015 - 10:47am
The Free Exchange Conference, University of Calgary

We are writing to let you know about an exciting partnership which has developed as we move forward with plans for our annual "Free Exchange Conference" this year. We are pleased to be now be joining with
"The Insurgent Architects," a research group founded at the University of Calgary, and dedicated to the intersections of creative writing and social justice research. This is a particularly complementary partnership because the stated agenda of their group segues with our chosen topic for this year, "Power and Politics in Print."

[UPDATE] Extended Deadline: Accelerated Learning in Basic Writing

Saturday, December 19, 2015 - 1:00pm
The Basic Writing e-journal

Accelerated Learning in Basic Writing: Investigating the Successes and Challenges of ALP Models
2016 BWe Special Issue: Call for Submissions - Extended Deadline March 15, 2016
Guest Editors: Leah Anderst, Jennifer Maloy, and Jed Shahar, Queensborough Community College, CUNY
