Reconsidering Flannery O’Connor (edited collection)

deadline for submissions: 
November 1, 2016
full name / name of organization: 
Alison Arant and Jordan Cofer

CFP: Reconsidering Flannery O’Connor (edited collection)

As Robert Brinkmeyer, among others, has noted, Flannery O’Connor did more to interpret her work than almost any other modern writer. Whether in the form of essays, lectures, or letters, O’Connor’s own insights have been helpful, but as a result, critics often read O’Connor according to O’Connor. Coming out of the 2014 NEH Institute Reconsidering Flannery O’Connor, this collection seeks to break this critical hegemony. Reconsidering Flannery O’Connor aims to expand and continue efforts to read O’Connor in new ways. In particular, we are looking for innovative directions in O’Connor studies, with essays that consider her work in underexplored contexts and in light of current critical trends.

The following list—compiled by editors Alison Arant and Jordan Cofer—is not meant to be exhaustive. We are interested in essays which consider Flannery O’Connor and...

New work coming out of the MARBL Collection at Emory

Other women writers

Object theory/material culture

Disability studies

Queer Theory


Food ways


Cultural studies

Political Theory



The city

Science fiction




and more.

Please submit 500 word proposals to the editors—Alison Arant and Jordan Cofer—at by November 1, 2016. For those asked to contribute to the collection, completed essays will be due by March 1, 2017.