Translation Review, call for submissions

deadline for submissions: 
February 17, 2025
full name / name of organization: 
Translation Review

The editors of Translation Review are inviting submissions. We are particularly interested translations of contemporary international writers into English and submissions that discuss the process and practical challenges of translating.

We would also be happy to consider and interviews with translators, manuscripts that address the concept of translation in the visual and musical arts (intersemiotic or multimodal translations), as well as submissions that address issues of machine translation, AI translations, and translation in the digital age in general. Proposals for special issues are also welcome.

Please see our submission guidelines below and submit your manuscript through the T&F Submission Portal.

Translation Review is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year: April, August, and November.

Deadline for submissions: February 17, 2025 (for consideration in the August or November 2025 issue).



Scholarly manuscripts should follow the Chicago Manual of Style EB (endnotes and bibliography). 

Translations should be accompanied by a short essay introducing the author and contextualizing the text and a brief essay detailing the reconstruction of the translation process. We welcome submissions of translations of short stories, individual chapters of books, or a selection of 5-10 poems. Creative submissions must also include documentation of permission to translate and publish as well as the text in the original language.

We will consider manuscripts from 5 pages in length up to 25 pages in length (1000-7000 words; manuscripts should be submitted in a Microsoft Word docx, double-spaced, 12-point font). 

Please submit your manuscript at the T&F Submission Portal.


You may address any questions to Shelby Vincent, Managing Editor at the following email address: