VISAWUS 2023: Victorian Elements
Victorian Elements
Seattle Public Library (Seattle, WA), 10/19-10/21
Keynote Speaker: Jesse Oak Taylor (University of Washington)
We encourage papers across all disciplines. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
❖ Elements of style in the Victorian era (design, literary form, fashion, architecture, etc.)
❖ Braving the elements: weather, the environment, and climate change, then and now
❖ The periodic table of elements and its history
❖ The discovery of radium, polonium, and other “new” elements
❖ Classical elements: earth, water, fire, air, ether
❖ Elementals: gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders
❖ Elementary education and educational reforms in the Victorian era
❖ Elements of detection and deduction in Victorian literature and culture
❖ Criminal elements in Victorian society
❖ Elements of Victorian art—landscape, portraits, narrative art, history painting
❖ Foreign and domestic elements that generated the rise of London’s art and literary markets
❖ Political, economic, and legal elements in Victorian literature and culture
❖ The exhibition, display, and interpretation of elements: chemical, natural, cultural, or social
❖ Elements and evolution, the elements of evolution
❖ Victorian Elements in the Modern Novel
❖ Elements of Victorian music (pitch, timbre, tonality, rhythm, volume, texture, tempo, etc.)
❖ Elements in the history of collecting: private and public museum collections, and curators’ and collectors’ motives at work.
❖ Rethinking what is elemental in Victorian Studies and in the Victorian Studies classroom
❖ Rethinking what is elemental in Victorian feminism and ideas about gender/sexuality
Submit a 300-word abstract and 1-page CV to by April 16, 2023. Graduate Students are eligible for the William H. Scheuerle Graduate Student Paper Award ($600)