LAST CALL: Digital Humanities (PAMLA 2023 - Portland, Oregon)

deadline for submissions: 
September 8, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Ariana Lyriotakis / Trinity College Dublin
contact email: 

Last call! We are looking for one more presenter to round out our panel. If you are interested, please see details below:

Collaborative Scaffolding: Shifting Perspectives and the Future of Digital Humanities

120th session of PAMLA (all in-person - no hybrid or remote presentations)

Oct. 26-29, 2023 - Portland, Oregon

Special Session - CFP

Comprised of a global network of interdisciplinary scholars, librarians, archivists, and information architects (among many others), Digital Humanities is eminently rooted in shifting perspectives. From interacting with emergent technologies, data curation, and visualisations to transitioning teaching and learning methodologies, participation in this field of studies demands an ever-accumulating set of skills, best practices, and agility.

This special session will explore how Digital Humanities participates in a transnational paradigm, challenging us to modify our collective points of view while foregrounding broader cultural value. In so discovering, we may ponder a host of inquiries related to future applications (successes, failures, affordances, deficiencies, etc.) Most significantly, this panel asks how we may continually and effectively expand accessibility that transcends physical borders.

Contributions are invited relating to any of the following aspects of DH, as well as broader interpretations of the theme which seek to illuminate in more detail.

—Methodological approaches and inquiry

—Research, development, deployment

—Preservation and curation


—Materiality and intermediality

—Text and translation

—Sustainable, equitable, and inclusive praxes

—Collaboration between stakeholders

—Re-usability and replication

—Machine learning and natural language processing

—Rhetorical functionality in digital space

—Theory and practice

—Creation and management of digital repositories


Kindly submit your abstract proposals by using the online submission form found at:

Please contact presiding officer for this session, Ariana Lyriotakis, with any questions: