Special Issue Persona Studies: Persona and Inter(Face)

deadline for submissions: 
July 15, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Persona Studies
contact email: 

Call for Papers Special Issue of Persona Studies
*Persona and Inter(Face)*

Editor: Amanda du Preez

The human face is an encounter; it acts as a threshold between worlds
and spheres. The face is often associated with a persona, a mask, a
screen, a surface, and even a mirage. Historically the face has been
mediated through the portrait, photography, the cinematic moving image,
and, lately, by the selfie (to mention only the obvious examples).

The face remains complex and dense whether interpreted as a sign,
symbol, icon, or data. It is not reducible to biology or identity but
is, in fact, highly mutable and unstable (Black 2011; Barker & Munster
2016; Belting 2017). Even though we may universally understand faces,
they are uniquely embodied and therefore irreducible to a mere depth or
surface phenomenon; neither are they simple sites of truth or illusion.
It was probably the face of another human that we longed for most during
the Covid-19 pandemic.

Interfaces share the same parameters by mediating encounters: most
notably human-computer engagement. Theorists of the interface similarly
alert us to the complexity of the interface; in other words, like the
face, it is not reducible to a thing. It is a process, an effect
(Galloway 2012), an in-between border space (Drucker 2013), and an
interaction between the surfaces of the machine and the human body
(Black 2014).

In this special issue, we want to explore the intersection of face and
interface as inter(faces) from an interdisciplinary stance, e.g. media
and communication studies; psychology; image studies; visual culture;
art history; anthropology; philosophy; and information sciences.

Themes include but are not limited to how persona and inter(face) apply to:
“face work”
Face Time
Inter(face) Mediation
Effacement and Defacement
Face Detection/ Facial Recognition/ Facial Analysis
Deep Fakes and Face-hacking
Surfaces: Screen/Skin
Tactility and Visuality
Anti-surveillance Strategies, e.g., Camouflage
Neuro Mirroring
Masking and Filtering

For more information:

*Please Note: *This journal *does not* charge APCs or submission charges.
Persona Studies <https://ojs.deakin.edu.au/index.php/ps> is a peer
reviewed academic journal that explores the construction of the public
self. The concept of persona is explored in its production and
performance in a variety of contexts. The journal supports both
traditional articles and creative practice submissions.

Abstract of 500 to 800 words can be sent to:
Amanda.dupreez@up.ac.za <mailto:Amanda.dupreez@up.ac.za> and
personastudies@deakin.edu.au <mailto:personastudies@deakin.edu.au> by
*15 July*
Authors will be notified by *30 July*
Final submissions are due: *30 November*
(Final articles should be between 5000 and 8000 words in length,
including all headings, footnotes, tables, references, and appendices.
Details will be supplied)