'Who Owns Shakespeare?' - Shakespeare's Globe

deadline for submissions: 
July 26, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Shakespeare's Globe, London

As part of the forthcoming Shakespeare and Race Festival at Shakespeare’s Globe, we are delighted to announce a two-day symposium to be held in London on 25-26 October 2024.  

Our festival theme is ‘Who Owns Shakespeare?’ and aims to examine the contested space that Shakespeare occupies in the world of theatre, academia and the public sphere.

We are inviting paper submissions for individual 45-minute sessions, which includes time for audience Q&A, engaging with the conference theme: ‘Who Owns Shakespeare?: Adaptation, Appropriation, Authority’.


Topics may include (but are not limited to) the following: 


Adaptation, appropriation, translation

Early modern and modern-day performance 

Early modern theatre practices and print culture

Gender and sexuality

Disability and embodiment

Race, colonialism and post-coloniality

Canons and archives, formation and exclusion

Education, activism, and global inequalities

Audience reception and interaction (early modern to the present)


Proposals from any discipline and intersectional approaches are particularly welcomed. Please email abstracts (no more than 250 words) and a brief biographical note to Hanh Bui (hanh.b@shakespearesglobe.com) by Friday 26 July. Notifications of acceptance will be emailed in August. 

The symposium will be free and open to the public.