Fictional Translators in Literature and Cinema

deadline for submissions: 
August 31, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Nesir: Journal of Literary Studies
contact email: 

Guest Editor: Dr. Nefise Kahraman (University of Toronto)

From Wes Anderson's Isle of Dogs to Denis Villeneuve's Arrival, and from Carol Shields's Unless to Sabahattin Ali's Madonna in a Fur Coat (Kürk Mantolu Madonna), translator and interpreter characters populate fictional works both on screen and on the page. The Journal of Literary Studies: Nesir's seventh issue is dedicated to exploring the role of translators and interpreters in contemporary society as represented in literature and films.

The issue draws inspiration from the "fictional turn" in Translation Studies, a vibrant and enduring area of critical inquiry, as evidenced by recent publications such as Denise Kripper's Narratives of Mistranslation: Fictional Translators in Latin American Literature (2023). The issue seeks to feature articles that shed light on the complex dynamics and conditions under which translators perform their task, as well as the representation of their labor and professional identity across various artistic mediums, especially in literature and cinema. Accordingly, the journal invites submissions that contextualize the practitioners of translation within the relevant theories developed in both Translator Studies and Literary and Film Studies.

In light of recent advancements in artificial intelligence, the journal also welcomes critical essays and speculative fiction that explore the future of the profession in terms of job security, work conditions, copyright infringements, ethical considerations, data privacy, technological unemployment, skill shifts, and the potential for AI to augment human capabilities. Book reviews and translations from any language into Turkish or English will also be considered for publication. All submissions must be made electronically via the submission page on Nesir's website at by August 31, 2024.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:

  • Translators as mediators and conflict resolution experts
  • Translators on war zones
  • Translators as secret agents, sleuths, detectives
  • Multilingual child characters as interpreters
  • Translators as immigrants, exiles, asylum seekers
  • Translator memoirs
  • The interaction between translators and technology
  • The definition of the profession - what has changed/might change with the launch of ChatGPT and subsequent generative AI tools
  • Translators in sci-fi
  • Translators and malpractice/infidelity
  • Self-translators
  • The willful erasure of the translators
  • The interaction between translators and non-human
  • The dynamic between translators and publishing agents

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES All submissions should be done through the electronic submission page on the website Format/ Font: MS Word in Times New Roman 12 point (Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition). All the papers must be original, unpublished and written within 3,000-15,000 words. An abstract in 100-200 words and 4-7 keywords should be embedded within the paper. Each paper should include a cover letter suggesting the name of the author, along with a brief bio, not exceeding 50 words. The name of the author and co-author (if any) must not be written or suggested anywhere except the cover letter. The paper should be original and must have a proper bibliography and work cited section. An acknowledgement shall be sent upon receipt. Any suggested revisions by the editor and peer reviewers must be returned in two weeks without delay. Simultaneous submissions are not allowed.

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