Georgia and Carolinas College English Association Fall Conference

deadline for submissions: 
September 10, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Georgia and Carolinas College English Association
contact email: 

Please join the Georgia and Carolinas College English Association for a hybrid conference, co-hosted with the Michigan College English Association! The conference themes are “Crisis and Resilience.”

This exciting event will take place over two days. On Friday, Oct. 4, we will gather at Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville, GA, in-person. In the afternoon, you are invited to join a tour of Andalusia, essayist and short story writer Flannery O’Connor’s Milledgeville home.

On Saturday, Oct. 5, join the MCEA online for more talks and discussion. Saturday’s featured luncheon speaker is fiction and memoir writer Dawn Burns, who teaches at Michigan State University. Presenters and attendees of Friday’s in-person events may join the online portion for free!

We are looking for papers about literature; composition; pedagogy; film; linguistics; technical writing; race, class, cultural, and gender studies; classroom management; evaluation; research; on-line instruction; and union/administration issues, as well as readings of creative writing. We welcome papers from faculty members and students, including individuals who live outside of Michigan, Georgia, and the Carolinas.

Proposals are due by September 10, 2024.

To submit an abstract to present in-person on Oct. 4, please send your name, university affiliation, e-mail address, phone numbers, audio-visual requests, time preference, and a 200-word abstract or sample of creative writing to Emily Pucker via email at To submit a panel proposal, please include the information for all members (5 maximum participants) in the same proposal.

To submit an abstract to present online on Oct. 5, please send your name, university affiliation, e-mail address, phone numbers, audio-visual requests, time preference, and a 200-word abstract or sample of creative writing to Program Chairs Ilse Schweitzer, Cheryl Caesar, and Lori Burlingame via email at , , and . To submit a panel proposal, please include the information for all members (5 maximum participants) in the same proposal.

Please note that our MCEA website is The complete call for papers and the registration form are both on our website also. The links are and

The GCCEA website can be found at

We have prizes for the best scholarly papers and creative writing by graduate students. More information is on our website.

We are a friendly and supportive group of faculty members and students, and we welcome new members. Please spread the word about our conference on your campus.