Existence and Coexistence in the Age of Crises
Existence and Coexistence in the Age of Crises
The American Studies Association of Korea (ASAK)
October 17-18, 2025
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Mel Y. Chen, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Jasbir Puar, University of British Columbia, Canada
Ok Yeon Yi, Seoul National University, Korea
The language of crisis saturates our lives. The world is increasingly marred by climate change, socioeconomic inequality, racial discrimination, religious conflicts, terror, and wars. The COVID-19 pandemic created a moment when these ongoing crises confronted a new global challenge, requiring a rethinking of our concepts of boundaries and interactions. Recent wars in Gaza and Ukraine are further manifestations and exacerbations of these global crises. Both conflicts have not only devastated the land and people’s lives there but also fueled anxiety and insecurity worldwide. These conflicts are also seriously undermining the international standing of the United States and further fragmenting its already divided political landscape.
This year’s ASAK conference invites critical reflections on the notion of crisis alongside various forms of existence and coexistence within crises. How do we trace a genealogy of the concept of crisis and historicize the current declarations of crisis? Are there any distinctive features of today’s manifestations of crisis? How has COVID-19 transformed the spatiotemporality of the ongoing global crises, and how has it reshaped our sense of being and belonging? Is crisis an unavoidable concept for understanding the world, or do we need alternative terminology to make sense of our current juncture? Moreover, how might we archive and theorize the narrative of crisis and forms of subjectivity and collectivity? From the archive of crises, can we imagine new pathways of existence and coexistence, ones that are more sustainable and collaborative?
We invite submission from a wide range of disciplines including but not limited to history, political science, literature, philosophy, and cultural studies.
Proposals should be submitted by April 30, 2025, to asakorea2025@gmail.com
An individual paper proposal should include:
• Title of the paper
• An abstract of the paper (150-200 words)
• Following information on the speaker: full name, title, affiliation, email address, and brief bio
(up to 150 words)
A session proposal should include:
• Title of the session
• A brief description of the session (up to 150 words)
• Titles of the papers (3-4 papers per session)
• Abstracts of the papers (150-200 words each)
• Following information on each participant (the organizer/moderator and the speakers): full name, title, affiliation, email address, and brief bio (up to 150 words)
(Before you submit a session proposal, please ensure that all participants have agreed to attend the conference in person.)