FSNNA call for committee members

deadline for submissions: 
January 31, 2025
full name / name of organization: 
Fan Studies Network North America

Fan Studies Network North America (FSNNA) is excited to announce that we are seeking new members of our organizing committee. 


FSNNA held its first conference in October 2018 to gather fan studies scholars in one place to meet, share new research, and promote the study of fanworks and fan cultures. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we ran successful online conferences with a focus on accessibility and community. Since then, we have continued implementing new online conference formats that allow us to bring together fan studies scholars from North America and around the world every year. 

Continuing a process of organizational renewal, we are actively recruiting volunteers willing to work on a North American timezone who will bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the organization, expand the interdisciplinary breadth of our team, and make a commitment to its continued success. 

Experience and knowledge in one or more of the following areas is a plus: 

  • Accessibility (especially in online settings)

  • Graphic design

  • Finance (especially in connection with not-for-profit status)

  • Vidding, vid shows

  • Newer social media platforms, creating newsletters and/or similar outreach communication 


We welcome and encourage students, independent scholars, and members of underrepresented communities to apply. 

Terms begin in February 2025.


FSNNA Conference Committee Responsibilities and Expectations

  1. Commitment to Mission – serve to promote the development and maintenance of FSNNA as a community by organizing and publicizing its events, hosting conferences or other special events, generating new initiatives, and/or serving as a mentor for its community members

  2. Conference Participation – commit to attending FSNNA’s annual conference during your term 

  3. Virtual Meeting Participation – commit to participating in monthly virtual meetings 

  4. Communication and Online Participation – communicate professionally with other committee members and the FSNNA community; keep in contact with the committee asynchronously via email and/or Discord to coordinate tasks in between meetings; help organize, promote, and/or attend virtual events hosted by FSNNA

  5. Decision-making – collaboratively shape the annual conference and the future of FSNNA as an organization

  6. Peer Review – read and evaluate proposals for FSNNA conferences in a timely fashion

  7. Length of Service – commit to serving a 2-year term, with the possibility of renewal


Application Process

Please answer the following questions in writing (answers can be up to 150 words each) 

  1. How does fan studies, as a discipline, inform your professional life? (For example, do you teach, write, research, create, and/or do service in the field?)

  2. What has been your experience thus far with FSNNA, either as a conference attendee, a participant in a virtual event, or in some other form?

  3. What skills, ideas, and aptitudes would you bring to the board? What aspects of the conference are you most interested in helping with?

Please also attach a 100-word bio.


Submit applications by January 31, 2025 to: <fsnna.conference@gmail.com>. Please put “Committee Application” in the subject line.


Anyone wishing to ask questions or discuss the responsibilities of serving on the board is welcome to contact: fsnna.conference@gmail.com 


New committee members will be announced by mid February. 



These policies and guidelines were inspired by and adapted from various sources, including Console-ing Passions.