
2017/12/06: Many inappropriate CFP submissions have been removed from the site and archive.  Thank you to everyone using the flagging system.  Keeping our site running is a community effort.   Please contact us at if you have any questions.

2017/10/06: Flag submssion functionality now restored.  Inappropriate CFP postings removed.  Many thanks to the community for letting us know about these submissions.

2017/07/31: Added functionality to flag inappropriate CFP content.  Such content will be promply removed and further submissions blocked.

2016/08/17: Encountered issues with website search.  Search function now using Google custom search. 

2016/05/26: Search functionality should now be working.

2016/05/04:  New site is live.  Now offering logins using your email.  Submissions can be edited and updated.  Search functionality not yet working 100%, site is still indexing data from previous years.