CFP - Conceiving the Industrial Revolution

full name / name of organization: 
Cambridge Victorian Studies Group


"Before and After Toynbee: conceiving the Industrial Revolution during the long nineteenth century".

A one-day symposium to be held in Cambridge on September 23 2010, comprising a keynote talk by Professor Donald Winch (Sussex) and three panels of short papers.

This symposium aims to ask questions of the way industrialization was conceived both before and after Toynbee's "Lectures" in 1884, and to address the evolving idea of industrialism in the course of the long nineteenth century.

The symposium will be held over the course of a single day in Cambridge and will be hosted by the Cambridge Victorian Studies Group. Lunch and refreshments will be provided for all participants with dinner and accommodation for speakers. Proposals of 250 words, for papers of twenty minutes, a short biography - as well as any queries - should be sent to by 21 June 2010.

For more information, see

Daniel CS Wilson (Birkbeck)
Jocelyn Betts (Cambridge)