CFP: CONNECT: art.politics.theory.practice (journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Radhika Subramaniam

CONNECT: art.politics.theory.practice

Call for submissions

CONNECT invites submissions for the following issues:

Connect 5: RESIDUE. By Residue, we mean to invoke and provoke thought about
the traces of historical events in contemporary cultural spaces and
practices, and about the ways that history is produced through the
recognition of such traces. Possible topics and themes, organizing rubrics,
and questions might include: ghosts and haunting; repetition and the
uncanny; ruins, monuments and memorials; revivalism (including discourses of
roots, authenticity, cultural renewal); contemporary re-interpretations of
classic texts; arts of the found object; performance genres such as butoh,
shadow puppetry, possession, masking, mime and mimesis; histories of
recording (including cinema, phonography and digitization); technologies of
bodily traces (such as finger-printing, palmistry, physiognomy), as well as
those of prognostication; and the discourses of history, archaeology, and
genealogy. Deadline: April 15, 2002

Connect 6: ISLAND. Island suggests isolation, but also arrival and
departure. From The Tempest to Robinson Crusoe, from Gauguin to Walcott,
from Alcatraz to Australia, it evokes thought of shipwreck, exile,
transport, and treasure. Its imageries are those of the coast, of hidden
interiors, of paradise (and its corruption), and the endless horizon.
Possible themes and objects for this issue include: literatures and arts of
exile, tales of wreckage and survival; prison islands, islands of military
experiment, of natural wonder, and imperial fantasy; land-locked islands
(from the metropolis to the small town); encampments and states of siege;
the space of performance, from the spotlight to the island as mise-en-scène;
television serials and cinematic tropes; linguistic histories of
creolization; discourses of first contact; fantasies of rescue and return;
homesickness and longing. Deadline: August 15, 2002

Contributions may take the form of short essays, literary prose, poetry and
performance texts, short commentaries of a critical or historical nature,
informational announcements, interviews, and reproductions of visual art of
all genres, including web-based productions.

Since CONNECT addresses a diverse audience of presenters, curators,
theorists, cultural critics, and artists in a range of locations,
contributions should be written in lucid, jargon-free prose with limited
citations. Articles should be no more than 3000 words in length. Please
submit two copies of written text.

Unsolicited submissions will not be returned; however, visual materials will
be returned to those who include a self-addressed and stamped mailer.
Submissions must be sent in hard copy to the following address:
Radhika Subramaniam
CONNECT: art.politics.theory.practice
Arts International
251 Park Avenue South
New York NY 10010

For previous issues, please look at our website:

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Received on Wed Feb 27 2002 - 16:41:57 EST