CFP: [African-American] CFP: Literary Horizons Journal

full name / name of organization: 
Paul M. Mukundi
contact email: 


In Their Eyes were Watching God (1937), Zora Neal Hurston describes the
Black woman as the “mule of the world” because she is both a victim of
racism and of male domination. During the period in which Hurston writes,
do other writers, both male and female, support her perspective? What is
the place of the Black woman 50 years later? Given these questions, the
Literary Horizons Journal, a journal dedicated solely to publishing the
work of graduate students, is soliciting papers that explore the role of
the Black woman in American Literature. The topics may include but are
not limited to:

-The portrayal of Black women in the creative works written by authors of
other races;

-The depiction of women in the writings of men;

-The representation of the Black woman in the works of women writers;

-The general application of womanist/black feminist theory in literature,

Original manuscripts of 3000-3500 words in MLA format should be submitted
no later than December 20, 2008. Please include a brief biographical
statement. Papers must be submitted electronically (MS Word 2007 document
only) to and hard copies sent by snailmail to:

The Editor in Chief
Literary Horizons Journal
Morgan State University
Department of English and Language Arts
Holmes Hall Room 202
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251-0001

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Received on Fri Nov 07 2008 - 14:01:49 EST
