full name / name of organization: 
Dandelion Journal

The Dandelion editors seek submissions on the theme of ecology for our next issue.

Topics might include, but are not limited to:

• Ecocriticism
• Political ecology
• Eco-poetics and nature writing
• The pastoral
• Urban/rural space and/or wildness and civilization
• Ecology and interdisciplinarity
• Romantic ecology and its legacy
• Biotechnologies
• Cybernetics and ecology
• Art and eco-activism
• Ecology and the military-industrial complex
• Nuclear criticism
• Ecofeminism
• Ecology and modernity/postmodernity

This issue is inspired by Silent Spring: Chemical, Biological and Technological Visions of the Post-1945 Environment, a collaborative workshop series taking place at Birkbeck School of Arts and the Centre for Modern Studies at York University.* Rachel Carson's classic polemic Silent Spring celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2012: it still stands as one of the most influential texts on the damage caused to the natural environment by chemicals and nuclear fallout in the twentieth century. In line with the workshop series, this issue takes the anniversary of Carson's text as a starting point for exploring how biological, chemical and technological changes to the environment have shaped cultural explorations of nature and landscape across the humanities.

We welcome both long (5000-8000 words) and short (under 5000 words) articles. We also encourage conference and event reports, blog posts, book, film and exhibition reviews, podcasts and artwork. We welcome submissions from doctoral students, early career researchers, established academics and independent practioners, working in all disciplines.

Send submissions by 31 July 2013 to the editors via or through the Dandelion website. Complete instructions for submissions can be found at

All referencing and style is required in full MHRA format as a condition of publication. Submitted articles should be academically rigorous and ready for publication.

*To register for the next workshop, set to take place on 7 June at Birkbeck, email or visit www.silentspringboard.or

Dandelion is an online postgraduate journal and research network, supported by Roberts Funding and the Arts and Humanities Research Council. It aims to bring together a diversity of works from researchers in the arts, to offer collaborative research and training possibilities, and to promote an independent, cross-institutional space for professional development.