Neobaroque and/in the Contemporary World
Call for Papers update
International Conference
Neobaroque and/in the Contemporary World
University of Wrocław, Poland 08-09 May 2025
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Call for Papers update
International Conference
Neobaroque and/in the Contemporary World
University of Wrocław, Poland 08-09 May 2025
CFP Convalescence in 19th- and 20th-century anglophone literature
26-27 June 2025, CRINI, Nantes Université & Daulat Ram College, Delhi University
Organisers: Leslie de Bont, Aude Petit-Marquis, Sanna Melin Schyllert, Deepshikha Mahanta Bortamuly, Violina Borah
For sign-up forms, consult:
The Beyond Trauma Conference (June 9, 10, & 11, 2025; Nice, France) aims to gather an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars to share their research (ethnographies, theories, and clinical practice) on post-traumatic states from resistance and resilience to retribution and growth. More specifically, we propose to focus less on trauma and PTSD and more on modes of healing that so often involve the arts for trauma survivors.
Conference: 23-24 January 2025 (online)
Call for Papers for WLA’s guaranteed panel at the 2025 American Literature Association Meeting (Boston, May 21-24) This year’s general call seeks proposals related to any aspect of the study of Western literature, regardless of period. Papers on single texts or single authors are welcome, though comparative, transnational, and/or multiethnic approaches are especially encouraged. Graduate students are encouraged to apply. For consideration, please submit an abstract (250-400 words) to Travis Franks ( by DECEMBER 31, 2024.
The Fourth International Conference of the Modernist Studies in Asia Network (MSIA)
MSIA 2025 – Modernism and Language
June 26-27, 2025
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea
Keynote Speakers
Call for Papers
April 25-26, 2025
57th Comparative Literature Symposium Going Virtual
Call for Papers
The symposium is generously funded by the TTU College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Media & Communication, The Harris Institute, Departments of English, CMLL, and History
“50 Years after the Fall of Saigon: Colonialism, Interventionism, and Critical Refugee Studies”
Keynote Speakers:
The Comparative Literature Program at Texas Tech University will host the 2023 symposium on “Pandemic, Environment, and Life Writing” on campus on April 21-22, 2023.
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Jennifer Ho, Eaton Professor of Ethnic Studies and Director of the Center for
Humanities & the Arts, University of Colorado at Boulder
Dr. Laura Hyun Yi Kang, Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies, University of
California at Irvine
Dr. Muhsin al-Musawi, Professor of Classic and Modern Arabic Literature and of
Comparative and Cultural Studies, Columbia University
Dr. Aretha Phiri, Associate Professor of English, University of Rhodes, South Africa
The 2024 TTU Symposium on “Transnational American Studies Revisited”
The Comparative Literature Program at Texas Tech University will host its 2024 annual symposium on “Transnational American Studies Revisited” on April 12-13, 2024.
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Joseph S. Atha Professor of Humanities, Professor of English, and Director of American Studies Program, Stanford University, USA
Dr. Alfred Hornung, Professor and Chair of American Studies, Editor-in-chief of Journal Of Transnational American Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany
The recent development in Digital Humanities marks a transformative era in academia, where the humanities are increasingly integrating with digital technologies, computational methods, and AI, enhancing research, teaching, and creative outputs. This conference explores how DH sees such development and the evolving relationship between humanities and digital technologies. It focuses on topics that reshape humanities scholarship, from data analysis and pedagogy to creative production. This fosters interdisciplinary dialogues and examines innovations and implications in fields traditionally centered around humanistic inquiry.
Papers (20 minutes) and round-tables are invited for a 1-day conference on Friday 11 July 2025 at Wilton's Music Hall, London.
The conference aims to explore theatre in the 1920s across a spectrum of genres and locations. The focus is on theatre in a broad sense, encompassing a range of performance cultures and demonstrating some of the major ways in which theatre operated within the broader culture and society of the time.
Topics might include (but are not limited to):
The dramatic legacy of WWI
Different genres (e.g. melodramas, thrillers, comedies)
Individual plays
Avant garde theatre
Grand guignol
American imports
Date: 18-19 September 2025
Venue: Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, 8 Place Paul-Ricoeur, Paris
Annual Academic Conference 2025
15th - 17th March, 2025
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institue of Technology Madras
Conference Theme: Risk, Precarity, and Vulnerability
The Sleeping Well in the Early Modern Worldteam invites papers for our end-of-project conference on the topic of ‘Bodies and Environments’ in early modernity.
Keynote speakers: Marcy Norton (University of Pennsylvania) & Sara Miglietti (The Warburg Institute)
The Nineteenth-Century section of Jagiellonian University’s Comparative Literature Student Society cordially invites students and PhD researchers to the international conference entitled ‘Nineteenth-Century Minor Literatures’. We seek to create a space to explore texts existing outside the mainstream of the long nineteenth century.
We welcome papers related to the following research areas:
Vigils of Absent Time: Essays on Mourning in Literature and the Arts
3rd International Seminar on Literature and Emotions
Call for Papers
Date: April 23–24, 2025
Location: School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon (in-person and online)
Keynote Speakers: Birgit Neumann (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf); additional speakers to be announced.
Roundtable: Reading Bodies and Embodied Readings in Modernist Prose and Poetry: (Inter-) Cultural Experience
May 23, 2025
deadline for submissions:
full name / name of organization:
Department of Discourse and Communication Studies, Moscow State University (Russia)
School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)
College of Foreign Languages, Huaqiao University (China)
Call for Proposals The World at a Glance — Panoramic and Peep Technologies
Department of English, Lady Shri Ram College for Women
(University of Delhi)
International Conference on Media and Marginality
“Framing the Margins: Media and the Construction of Voice and Identity”
24-25 March 2025
ESRA conference, Porto, July 9-12, 2025 (
Seminar 2: “To be or not to be”: Trauma, Crisis, and Shakespearean Fragments
Organizers: Richard Ashby, King’s College London, UK (, Natalia Khomenko, York University, Canada (, and Georgina Lucas, Edinburgh Napier University, UK (
Call for Papers
“A Song Called Teaching”: CWC Annual Conference, 10-11 April 2025
Organized by Centre for Writing & Communication, Ashoka University, Sonepat, India
Routledge Book Series – Academics, Politics and Society in the Post-Covid World
Series Editors: Lewis Gordon, Rozena Maart, Epifania Amoo-Adare and Sayan Dey
The “Collecting and Collectibles Area” of the Popular Culture Association invites papers on “AI in Collecting” for the National PCA/ACA Conference to be held April 16-19, 2025 in New Orleans, USA. We would especially like to encourage submissions that contribute new directions and calls to the existing scholarship on “AI in Collecting” and particularly address how collections/collectibles and their galleries/museums respond to the recent digital shifts and the tectonic evolution of AI technologies.
Possible topics for presentations include but are not limited to:
Edgar Allan Poe worked for a double audience (the popular and the critical), in double tones and manners (grim and mocking, metaphysical and pseudo-scientific). Whether he strove for alternance or interdependence between the terms “grotesque” and “arabesque” which he used to categorize his own narratives, critics such as G. R. Thompson and Dennis Eddings have argued that the former – more visible in tales such as “King Pest,” “Some Words with a Mummy,” “Lionizing,” and “Loss of Breath” - underscored the carnivalesque, the satirical, and the hoaxical.
After years of financial crisis and politics of austerity, as well as a pandemic that brought ordinary life to a halt, culture today is laden with excess. This excess can take many different shapes and foster diverse readings, some of them positive, focusing on excess as an opportunity, while others reflect on its pernicious effects.
Conference Overview
The International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation (ICERMediation) is pleased to announce the 10th Annual International Conference on Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. The 10th conference will explore the crucial role of identity in contemporary conflicts, emphasizing the importance of historical context, collective memory, and transformative learning in understanding and addressing these issues.
Food transcends its role as sustenance, serving as a powerful lens through which to examine identity, memory, and power dynamics. From hunger-driven narratives to the celebratory and symbolic depictions of meals in contemporary cinema and television, food occupies a central place in Hispanic cultural productions. It can represent tradition and identity, critique societal norms, or even subvert power structures.
Call for Papers
The Mechademia conference began in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 2001, as a new forum for people hoping to establish the English-language academic study of anime and manga while still keeping ties with the creative energy of the fan cultures that these vibrant media were creating. Since then, Mechademia has taken on many forms, including two academic journal series, conferences in various locales and venues around the world, and a widening network of collaboration between academics, fans, and creators, while pursuing the study of anime, manga, and related media as an interconnected trans-local nexus of cultural practice.
CFP - Postcolonial coming-of-age novels in the Indian and Pacific Ocean worlds
Open Group Session at the 2025 ICLA Conference
7-8 February 2025
A two-day hybrid conference organized by the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Performance and Politics, Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, University of Milan, Italy