Spatial Innovations in Rhetoric and Writing
CFP: Spatial Innovations in Rhetoric and Writing (edited collection)
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CFP: Spatial Innovations in Rhetoric and Writing (edited collection)
Paper proposals on any aspect of biography, autobiography, memoir, and personal narrative are welcome. Literary papers as well as creative works will be accepted. Send a 500 word abstract by November 14, 2022, to to conference's database at
Directions: Once you have accessed the above web site, you will have to creat an account. After creating you account, on the web sicte choose Conference, then from the drop-down menu click Call for Papers/Submit Proposal. Scroll down to the Language and Literature section to Biography, Autobiography, Memoir, and Personal Narrative. Click the + sign under the Biography area, then choose Submit Proposal.
The process that is central to the development of language is the critical encounter between different groups (marked by their "physical, cognitive, neurological differences," as NeMLA's note on "resilience" suggests) in possession of different kinds of valuation in the course of which "certain words, tones, rhythms, meanings are offered, felt for, tested, confirmed, asserted, qualified, changed" (Keywords 12). This process of evolution/metamorphosis, as demonstrated by Raymond Williams in his Keywords, is often accelerated in periods of unprecedented crisis.
Do you have working-class or blue-collar roots? Are you a first-generation academic? If so, you are invited to share your insights. This panel discussion will focus on the construct of class within academia, the intersection of class with gender and race, and the lived experiences of working-class academics.
Subject: Call for Papers: Confluence at CEA 2023
Call for Papers, Confluence at CEA 2023
March 30-April 1, 2023 | San Antonio, Texas
Sheraton Gunter Hotel, San Antonio | 205 East Houston Street, San Antonio, TX 78205
The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on Confluence for our 53nd annual conference. Submit your proposal at
Subject: Call for Papers: Confluence at CEA 2023
Call for Papers, Confluence at CEA 2023
March 30-April 1, 2023 | San Antonio, Texas
Sheraton Gunter Hotel, San Antonio | 205 East Houston Street, San Antonio, TX 78205
The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on Confluence for our 53nd annual conference. Submit your proposal at
International Thomas Merton Society
at the
College English Association
San Antonio, TX - Sheraton Gunter Hotel
March 30-April 1, 2023
Call for Papers
Description: This panel suggest studying the “Digital Communities of Resilience in everyday life”. The online and the offline world are more interdependent. The COVID-19 pandemic had multiple impacts in everyday life. This has created a new set of variables that are constantly influencing how ideas are produced and amplified through communities.
(CTRL-)Shifting Practices: Advancing Internet Research Ethics through Feminist Rhetorics
Writing As ____ the 5th Writing Innovation Symposium (WIS), is slated for February 2-3, 2023 in person and online at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. Undergrads, grads, faculty of all ranks and roles, academic staff, and independent writers and scholars are welcome to apply. Proposals for workshops and flashtalks are due 10/28; proposals for posters, displays, and other creative work as well as applications for B/SM Fellows are due 12/9. Notifications will be made in early November, and registration will open in December, when conference modalities and health mandates will be confirmed. For more: visit our online CFP.
NeMLA 2023 Roundtable: The Mindful Intersection of Pedagogy and Scholarship
This roundtable session invites you to discuss practical strategies for implementing techniques of mindfulness in both the classroom and our scholarly work, considering especially their intersection.
Call for Papers for Virtual Session of the 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies to be in a hybrid format Thursday, 11 May, through Saturday, 13 May 2023
Accessing Avalon Today: Best Practices for Connecting Contemporary Readers to Arthurian Texts Online
Sponsored by the Alliance for the Promotion of Research on the Matter of Britain
Contact: Michael A Torregrossa (
Modality: Virtual
Deadline coming up! This roundtable seeks participants outside of tenure & tenure-track university positions, for a frank discussion about managing research and writing lives when research and writing is not strictly considered part of the job. Contingent and adjunct faculty, those whose roles are solely defined as “teaching,” and independent scholars with alt-ac day jobs all have particular constraints to their research time and access. This roundtable will explore diverse approaches to these questions: How do you juggle your commitments, find support and funding, get access to library collections, etc. in less-than-perfect situations?
This session is sponsored by the CAITY Caucus.
The 52nd annual College English Association welcomes proposals for presentations about service learning in the English Studies classroom that move to the general conference theme: Confluence. The conference will be held in San Antonio, a city that itself is a kind of confluence: it has been the home of multiple cultures; it has seen the rise and fall of famous missions and military presidios; and it honors in its daily life today its Hispanic heritage and cowboy culture alike. It is no wonder, then, that it is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The UW-Milwaukee Rhetoric Society of America Chapter is hosting the "Taking Action: Interrogating Race, Space, and Place for Social Change" symposium.
Please plan to join us for the 2023 conference of the College English Association, March 30 - April 1, at the Sheraton Gunter Hotel in beautiful San Antonio, Texas (see link to CFP below).
We are excited to announce that two of San Antonio's own will be keynote speakers for the event: San Antonio's Poet Laureate, Andrea "Vocab" Sanderson, and San Antonio College's Juanita Lawhn.
Game Studies has adopted a notion of genre that overcomes the “tension between ‘ludology’ and ‘narratology’... [by] “conceptualizing video games as operating in the interplay between these two taxonomies of genre” (Apperley 2006). That is, the consensus of the field is that game genres are a combination of both narrative and other forms of representation (e.g. Adventure, Western, or Sci-Fi stories and/or motifs) and formal, ludic structures (e.g cooperative or competitive, role-playing, shooting, platforming).
NeMLA 2023: Niagara Falls, NY. March 23-26, 2023.
As we continue to transition our daily lives “back to normal”—or rather to our understanding of “normal” from a pre-pandemic perspective—how do we negotiate the lessons learned during the pandemic? Quarantine, lockdown, self-isolation, social distancing, and the many other necessary health measures we have taken, currently take, and may continue to take, have forced a reconsideration of how we work and how we teach. What are our key pedagogical takeaways to help build and foster resiliency during these times?
54th Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Annual Convention
at the Niagara Falls Convention Center, Niagara Falls, New York
Special Discussion Panel:
The Many Fortunes of the Courtier:
The Resilience of Castiglione’s Cortegiano
March 23-26, 2023
For information on the Popular Culture Association as well as complete and current conference details, see
Global Conference on Women and Gender
To be held in person March 16-18, 2023
This interdisciplinary conference on Women and Gender brings together participants from all academic fields to engage in wide-ranging conversations about education as a catalyst for freedom and transformation. Contributors are encouraged to consider education in the diversity of its forms, and how “traditional” and/or “alternative” models, both inside and outside of the classroom, intersect with the politics of gender. What are the social, economic, and intellectual consequences of denying women and marginalized communities access to education? Alternatively, how may education serve as an act of resistance to systems of oppression throughout the world?
The next Northeast Modern Language Association Convention is scheduled to be held in Niagara Falls, NY, from March 23-26, 2023. The “Locating Teaching: Classroom Rhetorics of Space and Place” panel is seeking submissions consistent with the conference theme of RESILIENCE:
The Conference on College Composition and Communication’s position statement on Scholarship in Rhetoric, Writing, and Composition (2018), starts from the premise that the majority of writing scholars will find employment in English Departments, Writing Programs, Writing Centers, etc. The statement goes on to acknowledge that “rhetoric, writing, and composition scholarship addresses how texts are composed, conveyed, and received in a variety of media and for a variety of purposes and audiences, both inside and outside the academy. Scholars investigate writing processes and products in schools and universities, in academic disciplines, in the workplace, in the public arena, in the home, and in digital/virtual environments” (n. pg.).
Editors: Eva Spiegelhofer, Elizabeth Tavella
Download PDF on website:
Call for Panel Proposals
Renaissance Conference of Southern California (RCSC)-Sponsored Panels for RSA San Juan
Renaissance Society of America Conference
San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 9-11, 2023
CFP Deadline: August 15, 2022
As an Associate Organization of the Renaissance Society of America, RCSC will be sponsoring up to two sessions at next year’s RSA conference in San Juan. We seek proposals for complete panels on any subject of the Renaissance world. Please see the details below about what is expected to propose a panel, or consult the RSA conference website.
Chapters for The Poetics of Grief and Melancholy in East-West Conflicts and Reconciliations
We are inviting chapter proposals for the edited book The Poetics of Grief and Melancholy in East-West Conflicts and Reconciliations. It is a collection of academic essays that examines the representation, aesthetics, dilemma and/or dichotomy of the notions of grief and melancholy in East-West exchanges and cultural dialogues. Contributors can explore the topic in the dimensions of individual behaviors under specific social norms and cultural products such as literature, film, music, art, theatre performance and any other forms of arts/genres etc.
Double Helix has introduced a new section of the journal--"The Lower Frequencies"--devoted to exposing inequities in critical thinking and writing pedagogy. For more infomation on submitting to this section, please visit DH at the WAC CLearinghouse:
Call for Papers
Faculty and Independent Scholars from all disciplines are invited to
submit abstracts of no more than 150 words describing their 15 to 20
minute proposed presentations on topics related to language(s), literature,
theoretical analyses, and pedagogical applications of those subjects.
Several sessions at this year’s meeting will focus specifically on the conference
theme, so abstracts addressing this idea are particularly welcome:
Health Is Wealth.
In “Where Would We Be? Legacies, Roll Calls, and the Teaching of Writing in HBCUs (2021),” Beverly Moss asserts that “Black rhetorical excellence has thrived at HBCUs. Pedagogical and scholarly creativity in the teaching of writing has excelled” (146). However, it is her critical question that anchors this proposal: “where would we, in composition studies, be without writing and rhetoric faculty who have taught or currently teach at HBCUs and/or scholars in the field who are alumni of HBCUs?” (145). The creation of the HBCU Symposium on Rhetoric and Composition in 2016 helped to bring some of these contributions from the margins into the center of conversations about the teaching of writing that happens on HBCU campuses across the country.