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CFP: Charles Chesnutt Panel (9/20/05; CLA, 4/5/06-4/8/06)

Sunday, September 18, 2005 - 4:30pm
Wright-Mcfatter, Susan

CALL for Papers=20
Charles Chesnutt Association=20
2006 CLA Conference=20
Birmingham, AL=20
April 5-8 2006

The general topic of the conference is The Theme of Literature and Film:
>From Page to Screen. We are looking for single page abstracts on any
connection between Chesnutt's works and/or his philosophy on art, race,
class, etc. and film, including his association with Oscar Micheaux. =20
Please send abstracts as soon as possible, but before September 20,
2005. =20

CFP: Black Music Culture (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Friday, September 16, 2005 - 3:12pm
Leslie Fife





36th and 28th Annual Joint Meeting of PCA/ACA


Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel

Atlanta, Georgia


April 12-15, 2006




The New Black Music Culture Area of the Popular Culture

Association and American Culture Association invite interested

scholars to submit paper or performance abstracts, papers, or

panel/roundtable proposals on the following sub-areas of

black music culture:


(1) Jazz and Blues

(2) Gospel/Spirituals

(3) Hip Hop

(4) Contemporary "Concert Music"

CFP: August Wilson (7/17/06; journal issue)

Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 6:35pm

The Editor of CALLALOO invites you to submit formal articles, informal
essays, and other kinds of texts (including visual and creative works) about


as playwright, poet, and essayist for publication consideration in a Special
Issue of the journal to be devoted to the author.

Each manuscript should be postmarked no later than Monday, July 17, 2006, to

The Editor
Department of English
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4227

Electronic submissions may be sent to Callaloo at with the heading
August Wilson Manuscript before the aforementioned deadline.

CFP: Heart's Day Conference: African American and Diasporic Writers (11/30/05; 2/10/06)

Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 6:34pm
Williams, Dana

The Department of English at Howard University invites abstracts of papers
to be presented at its annual Heart's Day celebration to be held on the
university's main campus February 10, 2006. The Heart's Day Conference
commemorates the work of African American and Diasporic writers.
Since studies in the Humanities encourage "the absolute joy of learning" and
a "life commitment to reading," some themes discussed in relation to
literary and philosophic works that comprise the Humanities-for example,
cultural collision and resolution, loss and recovery, tradition and change,
the quest for personal integrity, the quest for kinship, the quest for the

CFP: Rita Dove (8/7/06; journal issue)

Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 6:34pm

The Editor of CALLALOO invites you to submit formal articles, informal
essays, and other kinds of texts (including visual and creative works) about


as poet, fiction writer, playwright, and essayist for publication
consideration in a Special Issue of the journal to be devoted to the author.

Each manuscript should be postmarked no later than Monday, August 7, 2006,

The Editor
Department of English
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4227

Electronic submissions may be sent to Callaloo at with the heading
Rita Dove manuscript before the aforementioned deadline.

CFP: African-American Faculty & Administrators (10/31/05; collection)

Friday, August 12, 2005 - 3:06pm
Tolley-Stokes, Rebecca L.

Contributions are sought for essays on the topic of African-American
faculty and administrators (current of former) at Appalachian colleges
or universities. This critical anthology seeks to explore the plethora
of situations and circumstances that affect African American faculty and
administrators in the Appalachian region. We are looking for abstracts
that will RESULT IN SCHOLARLY ESSAYS. We are not seeking poetry, art or
similar material.

Send 2-page limit abstracts to either:

Keith Johnson, Ph.D.

CFP: The Construction of African American Folk (9/1/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 - 2:02pm
Kocher, Ruth Ellen

Panel Title: The Construction of Folk: Traditions, Interpretations, and Appropriations in African American Literature
Conference: Northeast Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA March 2-5, 2005
I am accepting paper proposals until September 1, 2005 for the aforementioned panel. Before submitting your proposal, please consider the following short panel description.

CFP: Larry Neal (9/20/05; 2/10/06-2/12/06)

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 - 2:00pm
Carter Mathes

Call for Papers

We are pleased to invite submissions for papers to be delivered at an
international conference, "'Don't Say Goodbye to the Pork Pie Hat': Re –
Evaluating Larry Neal's Creative and Critical Vision of the Black Aesthetic,"
hosted and sponsored by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke
University, and North Carolina Central University on February 10-12, 2006.

UPDATE: Walter Mosley (11/1/05; collection)

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 4:21pm
Derek Maus

*************The address information on the previous e-mail was somewhat
This version should correct that. All other details remain the
CALL FOR PAPERS: Collection of critical articles on Walter Mosley

DEADLINE: 500-word abstracts or complete manuscripts by 11/1/05
EDITORS: Owen Brady (Clarkson University) and Derek Maus (SUNY Potsdam)

CFP: Walter Mosley (11/1/05; collection)

Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 8:35pm
Derek Maus

CALL FOR PAPERS: Collection of critical articles on Walter Mosley

DEADLINE: 500-word abstracts or complete manuscripts by 11/1/05
EDITORS: Owen Brady (Clarkson University) and Derek Maus (SUNY Potsdam)

CFP: Africana Studies Area (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 8:03pm
Delia Gillis

      Africana Studies Area
      27th Annual Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association
      Albuquerque, New Mexico
      February 8-11, 2006
      Proposals are now being accepted for the Africana Studies Area. Some suggestions are listed below for presentations, but topics not included are also welcome.

CFP: African American and Jewish American Women Writers of the Early 20th Century: Intersections and Parallels (1/15/06; SSAWW,

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 7:52pm

Dear colleagues,
Please note the following special session proposal for the third Society for the
Study of American Women Writers Conference (8-10 November, 2006, Philadelphia)

African American and Jewish American Women Writers of the Early 20th Century:
Intersections and Parallels

Papers are invited exploring contrasts and connections between African American
and Jewish American women writers of the early twentieth century; comparative,
historical,and all other approaches will be considered. How does examining
these writers complicate our understanding of minority women's writing and Of
the period? 200-words abstracts to Meredith Goldsmith, Ursinus College
(, by 1/15/06.

CFP: Julia Collins and The Curse of Caste (8/1/05; journal issue)

Monday, June 6, 2005 - 8:32pm
Aileen M. Keenan

For a 40th-year anniversary special issue, African American
Review invites scholarly queries, proposals, and papers for
a special issue on Julia C. Collins, African American author
of several recently re-discovered essays and the 1865 novel
The Curse of Caste, or The Slave Bride. The publication of
the special issue will coincide with the 2006 publication of
The Curse of Caste, the first since its mid-19th-century
serialization in The Christian Recorder, edited by William
L. Andrews and Mitch Kachun for Oxford University Press.
     AAR also welcomes scholarly work that will
contextualize Collins and her extant writings. Prospective
topics include the 19th-century African American press,

CFP: Post-Soul Aesthetic (12/31/05; journal issue)

Monday, June 6, 2005 - 8:31pm
Aileen M. Keenan

African American Review is soliciting essays for a special
issue on the Post-Soul aesthetic to be published in 2007.
Greg Tate calls the Post-Soul "the African American
equivalent of postmodernism," and a working definition of
the Post-Soul aesthetic could include, but not be limited
to, this quotation from Thelma Golden, curator of the Studio
Museum in Harlem (who prefers the term "post-black"):
"For me, to approach a conversation about 'black art'
ultimately meant embracing and rejecting the notion of such
a thing at the very same time. . . . [The Post-Soul] was
characterized by artists who were adamant about not being
labeled as 'black' artists, though their work was

UPDATE: Encyclopedia of Africa and the Americas (5/30/05; collection)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm

Deadline extended:

Call for Contributors

The Encyclopedia of Africa and the Americas
Publisher: ABC-Clio, Incorporated

Deadline for receipt of all entries: July 1, 2005
Please request specific entries by May 30, 2005

ABC-Clio, Incorporated seeks contributors for its latest installment in a
series of encyclopedias treating Africa and the African diaspora. ABC-Clio
is a well-known and authoritative publisher of educational and reference
products that focus on history and social studies resources for the
student, teacher and librarian in universities and secondary schools.

CFP: Paul Laurence Dunbar Centennial Conference (8/1/05; 3/9/06-3/11/06)

Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 1:22am
Rhonda Christina Goodman

Stanford University's Program in American Studies

Paul Laurence Dunbar: A Centennial Conference at Stanford University, March
9-11, 2006

This conference will celebrate the centennial of Dunbar's death by exploring
new critical perspectives on the full range of his career as a poet,
novelist, lyricist, dramatist, and journalist. The conference organizers
will edit a selection of the papers for a special issue of African American

CFP: Toni Morrison (9/1/05; journal issue)

Friday, April 1, 2005 - 9:48am
Modern Fiction Studies

Call for Papers for Modern Fiction Studies

      Toni Morrison * Summer 2006
      Deadline for Submission: 1 Sept. 2005

CFP: Frank Yerby (6/1/05; collection)

Friday, March 4, 2005 - 3:31pm
Gene Jarrett

Editors seek critical essays on the literary life and legacy of
Augusta-born Frank Yerby, one of the greatest unknown writers in
American literary history. A reputable university press has expressed
interest in the collection, with an eye toward offering an advance contract.

CFP: Emerging African American Writers (4/15/05; collection)

Friday, March 4, 2005 - 3:31pm
Eva Tettenborn

Call for Papers

Submissions are invited for a critical anthology entitled


Essays should discuss works by African American authors
published during the 1990's and beyond.

We especially encourage essays pertaining to issues like
-canonicity and popular black fiction;
-pedagogical implications of incorporating new works by black writers
into more traditional syllabi;
-new directions/issues in African American writing;
-questions of genre crossing;
-film adaptations;
-the relation of recent work in critical race theory to praxis.

CFP: Black Gay Men's Anthology (3/15/05; anthology)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:45am
F. Leon Roberts

CFP: BLACK GAY MEN'S ANTHOLOGY (3/18/05;6.15.05)

Published by the New York State Black Gay Network, Institute for Gay
Men's Health (AIDS Project Los Angeles & Gay Men's Health Crisis);
Black AIDS Institute and The National Black Justice Coalition

Co-edited by Frank Leon Roberts and Marvin K. White

UPDATE: Teaching Toni Morrison (1/25/05; collection)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 5:38pm
Jami Carlacio

Revised JANUARY 10, 2005

Call For Papers: Collection of assignments and lesson plans on Toni
Morrison's prose and fiction

The Fiction of Toni Morrison: Teaching Race, Culture, and Identity

I am currently soliciting contributions from university instructors
(professors and graduate students/teaching assistants) for a collection of
materials -- teaching strategies and assignments -- on the work of Toni
Morrison. Contributions may come from a variety of disciplines, including
history, Africana Studies, American Studies, English, Rhetoric, and Women's

CFP: African American Women Writers: An A to Z Guide (4/30/05; collection)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:36pm

Call For Contributors--African American Women Writers: An A to Z Guide


Contributors are sought for a reference work that will be published by
Greenwood Press in 2006. =20


The work, tentatively titled, African American Women Writers: An A to =
Guide, will consist of 173 entries. Each entry will consist of four
parts and will vary in length from 750-6000 words. Each entry will
include the following components:

=A7 Biographical narrative

=A7 Analysis

=A7 Critical Reception

=A7 Bibliography


CFP: Langston Hughes: Writer Without Borders (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:36pm
Valerie Babb

The <Langston Hughes Review> is now accepting papers for a
special issue, "Langston Hughes: Writer without Borders"
Papers that treat Hughes as part of a global conversation:
Ideology , Aesthetics, Economics, Color, Class, and Sex,
Language and Translation are welcomed.

Please send hardcopy and diskcopy (no email attachments
please) to,

Valerie Babb, Editor
Department of English/Institute of African American Studies
University of Georgia
Park Hall 254
Athens, GA 30602-6205

Include a self-addressed postage-paid postcard if
acknowledgment of receipt is desired.
