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CFP: Afro-Diasporic Cinema (8/1/05; journal issue)

Monday, November 1, 2004 - 3:30pm
White, Lowell M


Callaloo seeks papers for a special issue on "Afro-Diasporic Cinema" to be
published in 2006. In addition to innovative, interdisciplinary, historically
informed, aesthetic analyses of film, television, video and digitial art
throughout the diaspora, Callaloo welcomes the submission of screenplays,
scenarios, interviews and images thatdocument black cinematic practices,
broadly conceived.

UPDATE: Toni Morrison's Fiction and Prose: Assignments, Lesson Plans and Related Essays (1/15/05; collection)

Monday, October 25, 2004 - 9:19pm
Jami Carlacio

Revised October 15, 2004

Call For Papers: Collection of assignments and lesson plans with related
essays written in response to these, on Toni Morrison's prose and fiction

'The Fiction of Toni Morrison: Teaching and Writing on Race, Culture, and

I am currently soliciting contributions from university instructors
(professors and graduate students/teaching assistants) for a collection of
materials -- teaching strategies and assignments as well as essays -- on
the work of Toni Morrison. Contributions may come from a variety of
disciplines, including history, Africana Studies, American Studies,
English, Rhetoric, and Women's Studies.

On Our Own Terms: African Feminist Epistemologies in a Transnational Frame (5/31/05; journal issue)

Monday, October 25, 2004 - 1:09am
Pius Adesanmi

"We will continue to define ourselves and our concerns on our own
terms", thus concludes Oyeronke Oyewumi's thought provoking introduction
to her recently edited volume, African Women and Feminism (2003). The
assertion underscores one of the most enduring predicaments of African
feminist epistemologies: the inevitable alterity of dominant Western
knowledge formations and their compulsive will to universality. Although
the detotalizations and despatializations of postmodernism, coupled with
the postcolonial's privileging of cultural pluralism, intermeshings, and
contingencies, have unsettled the bases of cultural/epistemological
authenticity, Oyewumi's phrase – "on our own terms" – suggests that

CFP: Feminist Encyclopedia of African American Literature (10/31/04; collection)

Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 3:30pm
Betsy Beaulieu

I am editing a two-volume work entitled <u>A Feminist Encyclopedia of African
American Literature</u>, under contract with Greenwood Press, and need
to reassign several entries.&nbsp; I am looking for scholars who can write
jargon-free, feminist-focused short pieces.
<p>Contributors must be able to meet the October 31, 2004 deadline.
<p>Please reply via e-mail ASAP if you are interested in taking on one
or more of the following entries.&nbsp; Include your mailing address, as
Greenwood will issue contracts, and each contributor will receive, as compensation,
a copy of the work upon completion.
<p>Thank you!
<p>Betsy Beaulieu

CFP: Intersections: African-American and Latino Studies (11/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 4:12pm
Enrique Morales-Diaz

The editors of Phoebe: Journal of Gender and Cultural Critiques seek
essays for an issue on the intersections of Africana (African-American,
African Diaspora) and Latino Studies.

Deadline: 1st November 2004 (completed essays)

If interested, please send a 300 word abstract ASAP to the editors at

Topics include but are not limited to:

-Gender / Sexuality / Identity

-Comparative cultural, historical, or political analysis

-English-language =93representations=94 of literatures and cultures of
the Americas

-The Arts/Popular Culture (i.e., music, visual art, film/television,

CFP: Sonia Sanchez &amp; the Black Arts Movement (1/5/05; journal issue)

Friday, September 17, 2004 - 8:46pm
F Elaine DeLancey

10.2 Special issue of BMa: The Sonia Sanchez Literary Review
on Sonia Sanchez & the Black Arts Movement

Essays are invited for a special issue of BMa in which the focus is on
the work of a poet who has been described as one of the ?greatest poets
to emerge from the Black Arts Movement.?

Essays should explicitly locate Sonia Sanchez within the context of the
Black Arts Movement and then examine the extent to which BAM influenced
her work in the following areas:


? Poetry
               Love poems
           Expansive Narrative poems
   Prose poems
? Children?s stories
? Drama

Essays that focus on the following will also be considered:

CFP: Toni Morrison Encyclopedia (no deadline; book)

Friday, August 13, 2004 - 3:44pm
Jeff Soloway

CFP: Toni Morrison encyclopedia (no deadline; book)

Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for schools and
libraries, is seeking a scholar to write a one-volume encyclopedia on Toni
Morrison, focusing on critical analyses of her works. The ideal author will
have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of Morrison's works, and an ability to write
clearly and succinctly for students in both high school and college. This
large project (250,000-300,000 words) must be completed within two years.
Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines will be required. If interested
please send letter and cv, preferably by e-mail, to

UPDATE: Encyclopedia of Ethnic American Literature (11/1/04; collection)

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 6:01pm
Emmanuel nelson

Encyclopedia of Ethnic
American Literature
Emmanuel S. Nelson
Department of English
Cortland, NY 13045
Ph: 607-753-2078
Fax: 607-753-5978
E-mail: Advisory Board
Ken Cerniglia (Cornish College
   of the Arts)
Thomas Gladsky (SW Missouri Univ)
Guiyou Huang (Kutztown University)
Arnold Krupat (Sarah Lawrence College)
Paul Lauter (Trinity College)
Ann Shapiro (SUNY-Farmingdale)
Roberta Fernanadez (Univ of Georgia)
Loretta Woodard (Marygrove College)

CFP: Toni Morrison's prose and fiction (undergrad) (11/30/04; collection)

Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 6:20pm
Jami Carlacio

Call For Papers: Collection of Essays on Toni Morrison's prose and fiction

Reading Toni Morrison: Students Writing on Race, Culture, and Identity

I am currently soliciting contributions from undergraduate university
students for a collection of essays on the work of Toni Morrison. Essays
may come from a variety of disciplines, including history, American
Studies, English, and Rhetoric.

CFP: An Encyclopedia of African American Literature (8/1/04; collection)

Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 4:36pm

The editors of *An Encyclopedia of African American Literature,* currently
nearing completion, seek contributors to write short entries on
approximately seventy as-yet unassigned topics. A list of unassigned
entries is available online at

Individuals interested in contributing to the *Encyclopedia* should contact
David Macey ( or Hans Ostrom ( no later
than August 1, 2004.

CFP: Literary Responses to Emmett Till Murder (9/1/04; collection)

Friday, July 2, 2004 - 5:23am

For publication in a volume devoted to the many fictional/ memoir
representations of the lynching of Emmett Till. Editors seek new papers on responses in
poetry by Langston Hughes ("Mississippiâ€"1955"), Gwendolyn Brooks ("A
Bronzeville Mother Loiters in Mississippi. Meanwhile, A Mississippi Mother Burns Bacon")
and Audre Lorde ("Afterimages"), in plays by James Baldwin (Blues for Mr.
Charlie) and Toni Morrison (Dreaming Emmett), and as well as in novels by Lewis
Nordan (Wolf Whistle) and Bebe Moore Campbell (Your Blues Ain’t Like Mine).
Commentary on William Bradford Huie’s Wolf Whistle essays and on memoir responses
such as Anne Moody’s Coming of Age in Mississippi or John Edgar Wideman’s

CFP: Claude McKay Critical Reader (9/15/04 &amp; 1/7/05; collection)

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 3:58am
Dennis Chester

A Claude McKay Critical Reader

While a major figure in the literature of the Harlem Renaissance, Claude
McKay continues to be frequently marginalized - and misunderstood - in
discussions of the era. In an effort to further develop the critical
understanding of this intriguing early twentieth-century author, we are
looking for essays that address any aspect of McKay's work to include in
a forthcoming critical reader. Topics on McKay may include, but are not
limited to:

CFP: African American Education (5/30/04; essay collection)

Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 1:26am
Anna Mae Duane

CFP: Essay Collection

Race, Education, Identity:
Narratives of African American Education

We invite submissions for an forthcoming published collection of essays
exploring the complex relationship between African Americans and education in
the United States. In light of recent legal developments concerning
Affirmative Action, we seek to develop a genealogy of narratives exploring the
myriad ways education has impacted the formation of black identities (both
from within and without black communities) and the ways African Americans have
shaped—and continue to shape—national narratives of education.

CFP: Perspectives on African American Literature (7/31/04; collection)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Harry Olufunwa

After some three centuries of recognised existence, the time is ripe to take a comprehensive look at the nature of African American literature. From being one aspect of the residual tradition of enslaved Africans to the distinguished corpus of literary works that are available today, it can be said that the literature has come a long way from its humble origins. Barriers peculiar to African Americans, especially racial prejudice, have been largely overcome, and a literary tradition worthy of its greatest exponents has come into being. What has been the driving force of this literature? What are the themes and motifs that shape it?

CFP: Africa: Myths and Realities (7/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 5:56am
Paula Burnett

 CFP: Africa: Myths and Realities (7.1.04; journal issue)

EnterText 4.2 <>

free-access peer-reviewed online journal

for cultural, historical and social studies and creative work

Submissions are invited on Africa-related topics, including:

Aspects of the history, sociology or culture of African communities.

The problematics of national, regional and other identities.

African diasporas.

CFP: Africa in India, India in Africa (5/15/04 &amp; 8/30/04; collection)

Friday, March 19, 2004 - 5:52am
John Hawley

"Africa in India, India in Africa." Among the topics to be addressed
in this collection of essays will be the following: The Siddhis of
Gujarat, and contemporary interaction between African nations and south
Asia; The two waves of Indians to Africa; subsequent migration from and
within Africa in the 20th century; West Indian migration to Britain and
interaction with African immigrants in Britain; West Indian migration to
the US, and interaction with African Americans; Self-representations and
objectification by others in film, fiction, drama, etc.; Political and
economic interaction among local and immigrant communities. On a
broader theoretical plane, this collection of essays seeks 1) to address

UPDATE: Women in U. S. Race Riots (3/31/04; collection)

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 5:42am
Julie Cary Nerad

UPDATE: Call for Papers

Abstracts on women's roles in specific race riots (listed below) are
invited to complete a collection tentatively entitled "Rage, Resistance,
and Representation: Women in U. S. Race Riots."

Springfield, IL (1908); East St. Louis, IL (1917); Chicago, IL (1919);
Detroit, MI (1943)

CFP: African American Poetry and Internationalism (6/1/04; journal issue)

Monday, February 23, 2004 - 3:17am

By June 2004, I plan to finish editing a journal issue on African American
Poetry and Internationalism, which will have a special focus on the period of
the sixties and seventies, and the Heritage Series of Black Poetry published by
Paul Breman. I would welcome the opportunity to read a small number of
additional articles relating to British-American intersections of poetry publication
during this period, or poets whose work appeared in the Heritage Series,
especially Russell Atkins, Lloyd Addison, Ellease Southerland (Ebele Oseye), James
W. Thompson, Clarence Major, Mukhtarr Mustapha, Ray Durem, Sebastian Clarke
(Amon Saba Saakana), Eseoghene (Lindsay Barrett), Ronald L. Fair, and Samuel W.

CFP: Slavery (4/30/04; e-journal issue)

Friday, February 20, 2004 - 5:17am
Joe Lockard

> Call for Essays
> In 1853, concerning liberal politics that protested foreign slavery but
> ignored its own oppressions, Karl Marx connected the struggle against
> wage slavery directly with the struggle against race slavery in the US
> southern states. "The enemy of British Wage-Slavery has a right to
> condemn Negro-Slavery...a Manchester Cotton-lord -- never!" That same

CFP: Genders of Naturalism (ASAP; collection)

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 6:46am
Andrew J. Furer

Two replacement essays needed for Duke UP volume on _The Genders of

Essays are needed for the following topics:

1. Gender & Naturalism in James Weldon Johnson's _Autobiography of an
Ex-Coloured Man_ (1912/1927)


2. Gender & Naturalism in any work or works by Stephen Crane.

Please send abstract and short CV ASAP to the editor, Dr. Andrew J.
Furer, at or . If you already
have suitable *unpublished* manuscripts, please send these as well,
as a Word attachment. Full-length submissions should be between 20
and 30 pp., double-spaced in a standard 12-point font such as Times
New Roman.

CFP: Encyclopedia of African American Literature (2/27/04; encyclopedia)

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 - 1:42am
J. David Macey, Jr.

The editors of the five-volume *Encyclopedia of African American Literature*
currently under contract with Greenwood press continue to seek authors for a
number of entries on topics in African American literary and cultural history.
 An updated list of unassigned entries is available online at the
*Encyclopedia* wesbite. For further information or to request an entry,
please contact either of the editors, Hans Ostrom ( or David
Macey (

CFP: South African &amp; U.S. Comparative Studies (2/16/04; journal issue)

Thursday, January 15, 2004 - 2:32am
Andrew Offenburger


DEADLINE: February 16, 2004

In celebration of the ten-year anniversary of South Africa's first
democratic elections in April 1994, Safundi is publishing a double-issue of
its journal.

We encourage any scholar or professional to submit a paper for publication.
Papers are being collected for publication in Issue 13/14, April 2004.
