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CFP: Human Language and Language Reform (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm
Brian Lennon

Paper proposals are invited for the seminar "Human Language and Language
Reform," ACLA 2006 Annual Meeting, Princeton University, March 23-26,

Seminar Organizers: Brian Lennon, Pennsylvania State University; Nergis
Erturk, Columbia University

CFP: Ghosts, Gender, History (no deadline noted; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm
Sladja Blazan

Paper proposals are invited for the following seminar at the 2006
American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference in
Princeton, NJ:

"Ghosts, Gender, History"

  Seminar Organizer: Sladja Blazan, Humboldt University (Berlin)

In most cultures the figure of the ghost stands for a forceful=20
separation of past and present. Some cultures integrate the ghost=20
figure into the present in order to provide a sense of continuity. In=20
literature and film the ghost motif has been directly associated with=20
particular cultural meanings, but has also been used as a plot element=20=

CFP: Human Language and Language Reform (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm
Brian Lennon

Paper proposals are invited for the seminar "Human Language and Language
Reform," ACLA 2006 Annual Meeting, Princeton University, March 23-26,

Seminar Organizers: Brian Lennon, Pennsylvania State University; Nergis
Erturk, Columbia University

CFP: Ghosts, Gender, History (no deadline noted; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm
Sladja Blazan

Paper proposals are invited for the following seminar at the 2006
American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference in
Princeton, NJ:

"Ghosts, Gender, History"

  Seminar Organizer: Sladja Blazan, Humboldt University (Berlin)

In most cultures the figure of the ghost stands for a forceful=20
separation of past and present. Some cultures integrate the ghost=20
figure into the present in order to provide a sense of continuity. In=20
literature and film the ghost motif has been directly associated with=20
particular cultural meanings, but has also been used as a plot element=20=

CFP: Human Language and Language Reform (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm
Brian Lennon

Paper proposals are invited for the seminar "Human Language and Language
Reform," ACLA 2006 Annual Meeting, Princeton University, March 23-26,

Seminar Organizers: Brian Lennon, Pennsylvania State University; Nergis
Erturk, Columbia University

CFP: Human Language and Language Reform (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm
Brian Lennon

Paper proposals are invited for the seminar "Human Language and Language
Reform," ACLA 2006 Annual Meeting, Princeton University, March 23-26,

Seminar Organizers: Brian Lennon, Pennsylvania State University; Nergis
Erturk, Columbia University

CFP: Cyborgs Old and New (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm
Megan McKinstry

>From: Stefani Engelstein <engelsteins_at_MISSOURI.EDU>
>Subject: CFP: Cyborgs Old and New (11/30/05; ACLA 3/23/06 -3/26/06)
>Call for papers for a panel at the American Comparative Literature
>Association Annual Convention.
>March 23-26, 2006 at Princeton University.
>Cyborgs Old and New

CFP: Cyborgs Old and New (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm
Megan McKinstry

>From: Stefani Engelstein <engelsteins_at_MISSOURI.EDU>
>Subject: CFP: Cyborgs Old and New (11/30/05; ACLA 3/23/06 -3/26/06)
>Call for papers for a panel at the American Comparative Literature
>Association Annual Convention.
>March 23-26, 2006 at Princeton University.
>Cyborgs Old and New

CFP: History, Memory and Nostalgia in Cinema (11/21/05; anthology)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm


History, Memory and Nostalgia in Cinema (anthology)

Edited by Christina Lee

We are soliciting contributions for an anthology which will address the ways in
which history and memory have been (re)presented and reconstructed in cinema –
encompassing both fictional and non-fictional – narratives. The book will
explore how binaries between fact and fiction, truth and fantasy, and the
public and the private have become blurred.

UPDATE: Alfred Hitchcock (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm
Jason Landrum

UPDATE: Deadline for submission has been extended to November 15, 2005.

Call for Papers: Alfred Hitchcock
2006 Southwest-Texas Popular Culture Association and American
Association Conference
Albuquerque, NM
February 8-11, 2006

Please consider joining us in Albuquerque for this year's SW-TX PCA/ACA
Conference and delivering a presentation on the life and/or work of
Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock's films continue to play a role in many
critical debates central to cinema studies, and this area seeks to
understand and explain their continued significance. Papers might

CFP: History, Memory and Nostalgia in Cinema (11/21/05; anthology)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm


History, Memory and Nostalgia in Cinema (anthology)

Edited by Christina Lee

We are soliciting contributions for an anthology which will address the ways in
which history and memory have been (re)presented and reconstructed in cinema –
encompassing both fictional and non-fictional – narratives. The book will
explore how binaries between fact and fiction, truth and fantasy, and the
public and the private have become blurred.

CFP: The Human Drama of the Family; (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm

Call for Papers for "The Human Drama of the Family as Portrayed in the=20=

Visual Arts"
2006 American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting ("The=20
Human its Others")
March 23 - 26, 2006, Princeton University, NJ
Co-organizers: W. C. Nielsen, Montclair State University and Gail=20
Finney, UC Davis
Deadline for papers: November 30, 2005

This seminar, "The Human Drama of the Family as Portrayed in the Visual=20=

Arts," will explore treatments of the =93human=94 family in visual =
e.g., theater, cinema, photography, television, performance art,=20
painting, and other visual arts. In what ways are families portrayed as=20=

CFP: The Human Drama of the Family; (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm

Call for Papers for "The Human Drama of the Family as Portrayed in the=20=

Visual Arts"
2006 American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting ("The=20
Human its Others")
March 23 - 26, 2006, Princeton University, NJ
Co-organizers: W. C. Nielsen, Montclair State University and Gail=20
Finney, UC Davis
Deadline for papers: November 30, 2005

This seminar, "The Human Drama of the Family as Portrayed in the Visual=20=

Arts," will explore treatments of the =93human=94 family in visual =
e.g., theater, cinema, photography, television, performance art,=20
painting, and other visual arts. In what ways are families portrayed as=20=

CFP: Passing As Feminist (grad) (12/5/05; 2/17/06-12/18/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm

CFP: Passing As Feminist (grad)(12/5/05; 2/17/06-12/18/06)

English Graduate Student Conference
The University of Tulsa
"Passing and Questions of Legitimacy"
Call for papers for panel "Passing As Feminist"

CFP: Passing As Feminist (grad) (12/5/05; 2/17/06-12/18/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm

CFP: Passing As Feminist (grad)(12/5/05; 2/17/06-12/18/06)

English Graduate Student Conference
The University of Tulsa
"Passing and Questions of Legitimacy"
Call for papers for panel "Passing As Feminist"

CFP: Passing As Feminist (grad) (12/5/05; 2/17/06-12/18/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm

CFP: Passing As Feminist (grad)(12/5/05; 2/17/06-12/18/06)

English Graduate Student Conference
The University of Tulsa
"Passing and Questions of Legitimacy"
Call for papers for panel "Passing As Feminist"

CFP: Passing As Feminist (grad) (12/5/05; 2/17/06-12/18/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:47pm

CFP: Passing As Feminist (grad)(12/5/05; 2/17/06-12/18/06)

English Graduate Student Conference
The University of Tulsa
"Passing and Questions of Legitimacy"
Call for papers for panel "Passing As Feminist"

CFP: Arab Americans in the Arts Forum (12/15/05; 3/31/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Evelyn Azeeza Alsultany

The Arab American National Museum (AANM) is seeking proposals for
panels and papers to be presented at its Arab Americans in the Arts
Forum. The Forum will be held at the AANM in Dearborn, Michigan, March
31- April 2, 2006. Topics include Performing Arts: dance, theater and
music; Visual Arts: painting, photography, sculpture and calligraphy;
Media Arts: film and video; and Literature: poetry, fiction and
non-fiction. The purpose of the Forum is to generate dialogue among our
audiences and artists about the state of Arab American art-making and
to document the contributions of Arab Americans in the above mentioned

CFP: Arab Americans in the Arts Forum (12/15/05; 3/31/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Evelyn Azeeza Alsultany

The Arab American National Museum (AANM) is seeking proposals for
panels and papers to be presented at its Arab Americans in the Arts
Forum. The Forum will be held at the AANM in Dearborn, Michigan, March
31- April 2, 2006. Topics include Performing Arts: dance, theater and
music; Visual Arts: painting, photography, sculpture and calligraphy;
Media Arts: film and video; and Literature: poetry, fiction and
non-fiction. The purpose of the Forum is to generate dialogue among our
audiences and artists about the state of Arab American art-making and
to document the contributions of Arab Americans in the above mentioned

CFP: Quarterly Review of Film and Video (ongoing; journal)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Wheeler Winston Dixon


The editors of Quarterly Review of Film and Video seek submissions of
manuscripts in film, video, and moving image studies. QRFV is devoted to
providing innovative perspectives from a broad range of methodologies,
including writings on newly developing technologies, as well as essays
and interviews in any area of film history, production, reception and

We are particularly interested in essays on video games and video
installations, and postmodern examinations of images in popular culture
and the video arts that intersect with film/video.

CFP: Quarterly Review of Film and Video (ongoing; journal)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Wheeler Winston Dixon


The editors of Quarterly Review of Film and Video seek submissions of
manuscripts in film, video, and moving image studies. QRFV is devoted to
providing innovative perspectives from a broad range of methodologies,
including writings on newly developing technologies, as well as essays
and interviews in any area of film history, production, reception and

We are particularly interested in essays on video games and video
installations, and postmodern examinations of images in popular culture
and the video arts that intersect with film/video.

CFP: Ancient &amp; Modern Narrative (12/1/05; 3/9/06-3/11/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Kathryn Chew

=93Ancient and Modern Narrative: Intersections, Interactions, and=20
Interstices=94, the 41st Annual Comparative Literature Conference at=20
California State University, Long Beach, March 9-11, 2006. This=20
conference will combine the traditional and the emergent aspects of=20
Comparative Literature, which began as a philological and=20
classically-oriented discipline and now encompasses a more emergent,=20
global perspective. It will emphasize modern literary echoes of the=20
classical world and direct adaptation of ancient literature. It can=20
include the study of canonical western texts (such as James Joyce=92s=20
adaptation of The Odyssey in Ulysses) and postcolonial appropriations=20

CFP: Ancient &amp; Modern Narrative (12/1/05; 3/9/06-3/11/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Kathryn Chew

=93Ancient and Modern Narrative: Intersections, Interactions, and=20
Interstices=94, the 41st Annual Comparative Literature Conference at=20
California State University, Long Beach, March 9-11, 2006. This=20
conference will combine the traditional and the emergent aspects of=20
Comparative Literature, which began as a philological and=20
classically-oriented discipline and now encompasses a more emergent,=20
global perspective. It will emphasize modern literary echoes of the=20
classical world and direct adaptation of ancient literature. It can=20
include the study of canonical western texts (such as James Joyce=92s=20
adaptation of The Odyssey in Ulysses) and postcolonial appropriations=20
