all recent posts

CFP: Victorian Taxonomies (12/1/03; journal issue)

Sunday, November 2, 2003 - 7:27pm
Maria Jerinic

Victorian Literature and Culture is seeking articles for an upcoming
Editors' Topic on "Victorian Taxonomies." Essays should be 20-30 pages
long and follow MLA guidelines. Please send two copies by December 1,
2003, to Professor Allison Pease
Department of English
John Jay College,
CUNY, 445 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019,

or to Dr. Maria Jerinic
1471 Lodgepole Drive
Henderson, NV 89014.

Inquiries may be directed to or

CFP: Victorian Taxonomies (12/1/03; journal issue)

Sunday, November 2, 2003 - 7:27pm
Maria Jerinic

Victorian Literature and Culture is seeking articles for an upcoming
Editors' Topic on "Victorian Taxonomies." Essays should be 20-30 pages
long and follow MLA guidelines. Please send two copies by December 1,
2003, to Professor Allison Pease
Department of English
John Jay College,
CUNY, 445 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019,

or to Dr. Maria Jerinic
1471 Lodgepole Drive
Henderson, NV 89014.

Inquiries may be directed to or

CFP: NEMLA Women's Caucus Paper Prize (11/30/03; journal)

Sunday, November 2, 2003 - 7:18pm

NEMLA Women’s Caucus Best Essay Award

This award is offered for papers delivered in any panel at the 2003 NEMLA
Convention in Boston that used women’s-centered approaches (concentrating on
women characters or women authors, using feminist analysis). Papers should
be revised and expanded to a length of approximately 25 pages.

It is expected that the winning essay will be published in Modern Language

CFP: Approaches to Teaching Mrs. Dalloway (12/1/03; collection)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 4:15am
Jeana Hrepich

Approaches to Teaching Mrs. Dalloway
Call for Papers

I am writing to solicit your participation in a projected MLA book
publication, _Approaches to Teaching Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway_, part of
the MLA's Approaches to Teaching World Literature Series. I am
currently serving as a graduate assistant to the volume's editors,
Eileen Barrett and Ruth Saxton, who have asked me to pass on this

CFP: Famine in the Irish Canon (1/15/04; anthology)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 4:11am
George Cusack

Hungry Words: Images of Famine in the Irish Canon

    Abstracts of 500 words or original papers of 25-35 pages are being
solicited for Hungry Words, an anthology which will examine representations
of hunger or famine in the works of canonical Irish authors. The terms
³famine² and ³canonical² are, of course, loaded ones in Irish studies, and
it is my particular desire to collect essays which question the various
manifestations of these terms in recent literary scholarship.

CFP: Famine in the Irish Canon (1/15/04; anthology)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 4:11am
George Cusack

Hungry Words: Images of Famine in the Irish Canon

    Abstracts of 500 words or original papers of 25-35 pages are being
solicited for Hungry Words, an anthology which will examine representations
of hunger or famine in the works of canonical Irish authors. The terms
³famine² and ³canonical² are, of course, loaded ones in Irish studies, and
it is my particular desire to collect essays which question the various
manifestations of these terms in recent literary scholarship.

CFP: Migration, Memory, and the Construction of the Self (1/15/04; e-journal issue)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 4:07am
afshin hafizi

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS - The Transdisciplinary Journal of Emergence

SDA Bocconi Business School (Milan, Italy) announces the forthcoming online
publication of the second issue of "The transdisciplinary journal of
emergence" ( TJE is an English-language on-line journal
that will be published semi-annually starting from September 2003. We are
seeking contributions for the second (Spring 2004) issue, to be sent by
January 15th, 2004.

The Theme of the second issue is: Migration, Memory, and the Construction of
the Self in Post-Industrial Societies.

CFP: Migration, Memory, and the Construction of the Self (1/15/04; e-journal issue)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 4:07am
afshin hafizi

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS - The Transdisciplinary Journal of Emergence

SDA Bocconi Business School (Milan, Italy) announces the forthcoming online
publication of the second issue of "The transdisciplinary journal of
emergence" ( TJE is an English-language on-line journal
that will be published semi-annually starting from September 2003. We are
seeking contributions for the second (Spring 2004) issue, to be sent by
January 15th, 2004.

The Theme of the second issue is: Migration, Memory, and the Construction of
the Self in Post-Industrial Societies.

CFP: Student Perceptions, Beliefs and Attitudes (no dealinde noted; journal issue)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 4:01am
Panayiotis Zaphiris


Please excuse the cross-posting. If you know of anyone who would be
interested in the following CFP, please forward it.

Academic Exchange Quarterly, one of the fastest-growing peer-reviewed print
journals in the U.S., encourages submissions for its Spring 2004
issue's special theme on
"Student Perceptions, Beliefs, or Attitudes".

CFP: Student Perceptions, Beliefs and Attitudes (no dealinde noted; journal issue)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 4:01am
Panayiotis Zaphiris


Please excuse the cross-posting. If you know of anyone who would be
interested in the following CFP, please forward it.

Academic Exchange Quarterly, one of the fastest-growing peer-reviewed print
journals in the U.S., encourages submissions for its Spring 2004
issue's special theme on
"Student Perceptions, Beliefs, or Attitudes".

CFP: Women, Culture, and Sports (6/1/04; journal issue))

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 3:57am
Carol J. Pierman

Call for Papers
Women's Studies Quarterly
General Editor, Diane S. Hope, Rochester Institute of Technology
Guest Editor, Carol J. Pierman
Special Issue on Women and Sports
    WSQ seeks submissions on the topic of women and sports. Essays are
invited on all related topics, including those that focus on the
participation of sports in the cultural processes of gender
construction; connections between sport and social class, educational
opportunity, and economic markets; the role of sports institutions in
manufacturing and enforcing sexual stereotypes; depictions of race,
ethnicity, and national origin in women's sports; sports and the

CFP: Antisemitism and Philosemitism (5/15/04; collection)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 3:57am
Lara Trubowitz

We invite essays and/or proposals for an edited collection on
interconnections between Philosemitism and Antisemitism in
twentieth-century American and British literature and culture. This volume
will focus on the use of the figure of the Jew and Jewishness in such
cultural expressions as literary and non-literary writing, art and museum
exhibitions, film, music, and theater. We expect these essays to question,
challenge, and redefine the terms philosemitism and antisemitism and to
complicate what are commonly assumed to be inherent tensions between them.
Essays might consider historical, political, or cultural intersections
between the terms, discuss the impact of antisemitic thinking on the

CFP: Antisemitism and Philosemitism (5/15/04; collection)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 3:57am
Lara Trubowitz

We invite essays and/or proposals for an edited collection on
interconnections between Philosemitism and Antisemitism in
twentieth-century American and British literature and culture. This volume
will focus on the use of the figure of the Jew and Jewishness in such
cultural expressions as literary and non-literary writing, art and museum
exhibitions, film, music, and theater. We expect these essays to question,
challenge, and redefine the terms philosemitism and antisemitism and to
complicate what are commonly assumed to be inherent tensions between them.
Essays might consider historical, political, or cultural intersections
between the terms, discuss the impact of antisemitic thinking on the

CFP: Europe in Cinema (12/1/03; e-journal issue)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 3:57am


The electronic journal is is inviting =
contributions to an issue on Europe in Cinema.

Deadline for one-page proposal : 1 December 2003

Contacts: and

Europe in cinema.=20

Questions of the production and the reception of European cinema

Under the Editorship of Delphine B=E9n=E9zet and Vincent Bouchard

CFP: Reviews for "Extreme Mainstream" (12/1/03; journal issue)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 3:57am
Douglas Dowland

Deadline for Submissions: December 1, 2003

The Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, a refereed academic journal produced
at the University of Iowa, is dedicated to publishing the best work in
cultural studies from both established scholars and emerging critics. We
hope to avoid rigid orthodoxies and publish the best of both theoretical
work and applied criticism on a range of issues. Our goal is to present
the best in contemporary criticism while fostering conversations across
disciplinary and ideological divides.

CFP: Europe in Cinema (12/1/03; e-journal issue)

Monday, October 27, 2003 - 3:57am


The electronic journal is is inviting =
contributions to an issue on Europe in Cinema.

Deadline for one-page proposal : 1 December 2003

Contacts: and

Europe in cinema.=20

Questions of the production and the reception of European cinema

Under the Editorship of Delphine B=E9n=E9zet and Vincent Bouchard

CFP: NEMLA Graduate Student Caucus Paper Prize (grad) (12/15/03; journal)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 2:00pm
Darcie Rives

NEMLA Graduate Student Caucus Paper Prize

NEMLA awards an annual prize to the best graduate
student paper presented at any of the conventions
sections. The winning paper, as determined by a
committee of peers, is published in the NEMLA journal
Modern Language Studies.

To submit a paper delivered at the NEMLA Boston 2003
conference, please send an article-length (20-25
pages) version of your essay by December 15, 2003 to:

Darcie Rives, Graduate Caucus President
Andrews Hall 202
Lincoln, NE 68588-0333

or email as an attachment to:

Again, please submit only article length versions of
papers delivered at the 2003 NEMLA conference.

CFP: NEMLA Graduate Student Caucus Paper Prize (grad) (12/15/03; journal)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 2:00pm
Darcie Rives

NEMLA Graduate Student Caucus Paper Prize

NEMLA awards an annual prize to the best graduate
student paper presented at any of the conventions
sections. The winning paper, as determined by a
committee of peers, is published in the NEMLA journal
Modern Language Studies.

To submit a paper delivered at the NEMLA Boston 2003
conference, please send an article-length (20-25
pages) version of your essay by December 15, 2003 to:

Darcie Rives, Graduate Caucus President
Andrews Hall 202
Lincoln, NE 68588-0333

or email as an attachment to:

Again, please submit only article length versions of
papers delivered at the 2003 NEMLA conference.

CFP: Creolistics and Creole Exceptionalism (12/29/03; journal issue)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:43pm
Don Walicek

CALL FOR PAPERS (Deadline Extended: 12/29/03)

SARGASSO, a Journal of Caribbean Literature, Language, and Culture
Edited at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras; Department of English
Deadline: December 29, 2003

SARGASSO is now accepting submissions and book reviews for an upcoming issue
to be entitled “Creolistics and Creole Exceptionalism: Linguistics and
Caribbean Languages.”

CFP: Creolistics and Creole Exceptionalism (12/29/03; journal issue)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:43pm
Don Walicek

CALL FOR PAPERS (Deadline Extended: 12/29/03)

SARGASSO, a Journal of Caribbean Literature, Language, and Culture
Edited at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras; Department of English
Deadline: December 29, 2003

SARGASSO is now accepting submissions and book reviews for an upcoming issue
to be entitled “Creolistics and Creole Exceptionalism: Linguistics and
Caribbean Languages.”

CFP: Henry James: Leon Edel Prize (grad and beginning scholars) (11/1/03; journal)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:28pm
Service Account hjamesr


The Leon Edel Prize is awarded annually for the best essay on Henry
James by a beginning scholar. The prize carries with it an award of
$150, and the prize-winning essay will be published in HJR.

The competition is open to applicants who have not held a full-time
academic appointment for more than four years. Independent scholars and
graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Essays should be 20-30 pages (including notes), original, and not under
submission elsewhere or previously published.

Send submissions (in duplicate, produced according to current MLA
style, and with return postage enclosed) to:
