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UPDATE: Re-mapping the American South (UK) (3/1/06; 9/8/06-9/10/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Sarah Robertson

Deadline extended:

A Two-Day Conference, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, 8-1=
0 September, 2006.


Proposals for 20-minute presentations or panels of three to four presente=
rs are invited for a conference on Re-mapping the American South, to take=
 place at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, 8-10 Septem=
ber, 2006.


CFP: Shakespeare after 9/11 (3/10/06; MLA '06 & 5/31/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Douglas Brooks

Shakespeare after 9/11:
MLA Special Session and Journal Issue

In conjunction with the theme of a future issue of the Shakespeare
Yearbook, "Shakespeare after 9/11" (Theme Editor, Matthew Biberman),
the journal will sponsor a special session at the upcoming Annual
Meeting of the MLA (Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2006).

UPDATE: Re-mapping the American South (UK) (3/1/06; 9/8/06-9/10/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Sarah Robertson

Deadline extended:

A Two-Day Conference, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, 8-1=
0 September, 2006.


Proposals for 20-minute presentations or panels of three to four presente=
rs are invited for a conference on Re-mapping the American South, to take=
 place at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, 8-10 Septem=
ber, 2006.


CFP: Shakespeare after 9/11 (3/10/06; MLA '06 & 5/31/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Douglas Brooks

Shakespeare after 9/11:
MLA Special Session and Journal Issue

In conjunction with the theme of a future issue of the Shakespeare
Yearbook, "Shakespeare after 9/11" (Theme Editor, Matthew Biberman),
the journal will sponsor a special session at the upcoming Annual
Meeting of the MLA (Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2006).

CFP: Shakespeare after 9/11 (3/10/06; MLA '06 & 5/31/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Douglas Brooks

Shakespeare after 9/11:
MLA Special Session and Journal Issue

In conjunction with the theme of a future issue of the Shakespeare
Yearbook, "Shakespeare after 9/11" (Theme Editor, Matthew Biberman),
the journal will sponsor a special session at the upcoming Annual
Meeting of the MLA (Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2006).

UPDATE: Re-mapping the American South (UK) (3/1/06; 9/8/06-9/10/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Sarah Robertson

Deadline extended:

A Two-Day Conference, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, 8-1=
0 September, 2006.


Proposals for 20-minute presentations or panels of three to four presente=
rs are invited for a conference on Re-mapping the American South, to take=
 place at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, 8-10 Septem=
ber, 2006.


CFP: Beckett and the Thirties (France) (4/30/06; 10/20/06-10/21/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Daniel Katz

Beckett and the Thirties

October 20, 21, 2006
Paris, France

In celebration of the centenary of Samuel Beckett, the universities =20
of Paris III-Sorbonne nouvelle, Strasbourg II-Marc Bloch, and Paris =20
VII-Denis Diderot, are co-organizing the conference, =93Beckett and the =20=

Thirties,=94 to be held at the Ecole Normale Sup=E9rieure in Paris, =
where =20
Beckett held the post of =93lecteur=94 from 1928-1930.

As the title indicates, this conference will focus on the period of =20
1929-1939, and in particular on Beckett=92s relationship with both the =20=

CFP: American Exceptionalism (3/31/06; CAAS, 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm

The Canadian Association of American Studies (CAAS) will be holding its
2006 conference in Kingston, Ontario, October 19-22. The theme will be
"American exceptionalism." De Toqueville's post-revolutionary definition
of America's special status among nations in fact characterizes American
rhetoric—in history, religion, politics, literature--from its colonial
beginnings to the present. It is implicit in the Puritans' "city on a
hill," O'Sullivan's "manifest destiny" and, most recently, President
Bush's identification of America as "a force for good in the world."
Proposals for papers and panels (max. 250 words) that deal with the
rhetoric of American exceptionalism past and present from any disciplinary

CFP: American Exceptionalism (3/31/06; CAAS, 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm

The Canadian Association of American Studies (CAAS) will be holding its
2006 conference in Kingston, Ontario, October 19-22. The theme will be
"American exceptionalism." De Toqueville's post-revolutionary definition
of America's special status among nations in fact characterizes American
rhetoric—in history, religion, politics, literature--from its colonial
beginnings to the present. It is implicit in the Puritans' "city on a
hill," O'Sullivan's "manifest destiny" and, most recently, President
Bush's identification of America as "a force for good in the world."
Proposals for papers and panels (max. 250 words) that deal with the
rhetoric of American exceptionalism past and present from any disciplinary

CFP: Beckett and the Thirties (France) (4/30/06; 10/20/06-10/21/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Daniel Katz

Beckett and the Thirties

October 20, 21, 2006
Paris, France

In celebration of the centenary of Samuel Beckett, the universities =20
of Paris III-Sorbonne nouvelle, Strasbourg II-Marc Bloch, and Paris =20
VII-Denis Diderot, are co-organizing the conference, =93Beckett and the =20=

Thirties,=94 to be held at the Ecole Normale Sup=E9rieure in Paris, =
where =20
Beckett held the post of =93lecteur=94 from 1928-1930.

As the title indicates, this conference will focus on the period of =20
1929-1939, and in particular on Beckett=92s relationship with both the =20=

CFP: Beckett and the Thirties (France) (4/30/06; 10/20/06-10/21/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Daniel Katz

Beckett and the Thirties

October 20, 21, 2006
Paris, France

In celebration of the centenary of Samuel Beckett, the universities =20
of Paris III-Sorbonne nouvelle, Strasbourg II-Marc Bloch, and Paris =20
VII-Denis Diderot, are co-organizing the conference, =93Beckett and the =20=

Thirties,=94 to be held at the Ecole Normale Sup=E9rieure in Paris, =
where =20
Beckett held the post of =93lecteur=94 from 1928-1930.

As the title indicates, this conference will focus on the period of =20
1929-1939, and in particular on Beckett=92s relationship with both the =20=

UPDATE: Editing, Publishing, and Translation (grad) (2/28/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Maggie Gover

  Announcement of Keynote Speaker
  Submission Deadline Extension
  Keynote Speaker: Professor James Kincaid
  James Kincaid is Aerol Arnold Professor of English, University of Southern California. His recent works include Annoying the Victorians (1995), Erotic Innocence: The
Culture of Child Molesting (1998), and A history of the African-American people (proposed) by Strom Thurmond : a novel (as told to Percival Everett & James Kincaid)

UPDATE: Editing, Publishing, and Translation (grad) (2/28/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Maggie Gover

  Announcement of Keynote Speaker
  Submission Deadline Extension
  Keynote Speaker: Professor James Kincaid
  James Kincaid is Aerol Arnold Professor of English, University of Southern California. His recent works include Annoying the Victorians (1995), Erotic Innocence: The
Culture of Child Molesting (1998), and A history of the African-American people (proposed) by Strom Thurmond : a novel (as told to Percival Everett & James Kincaid)

UPDATE: Editing, Publishing, and Translation (grad) (2/28/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Maggie Gover

  Announcement of Keynote Speaker
  Submission Deadline Extension
  Keynote Speaker: Professor James Kincaid
  James Kincaid is Aerol Arnold Professor of English, University of Southern California. His recent works include Annoying the Victorians (1995), Erotic Innocence: The
Culture of Child Molesting (1998), and A history of the African-American people (proposed) by Strom Thurmond : a novel (as told to Percival Everett & James Kincaid)

CFP: Poet's Theater (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Heidi Bean

Proposed Special Session (and possible edited volume) on "Poet's Theater"
Submission Deadline: March 15, 2006
MLA Convention: Philadelphia, Dec. 27-30, 2006

CFP: The Food Memoir: Tales of Family and Culture (4/1/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Waxman, Barbara

The food memoir is an increasingly popular subgenre of autobiography, a
form of autobiography that often presents what Paul John Eakin calls the
"relational life story," a narrative connecting one person's story of
self-development to parents, siblings, spouses, or "proximate others."
Examples include Leslie Li's Daughter of Heaven, M.F.K. Fisher's The
Gastronomical Me, and Ruth Reichl's Tender at the Bone. Food memoirs
intertwine narratives of family life, travel, and cross-cultural
experiences with recipes and the author's representation of an evolving
self. Essays of 7 to 8 pages or 250-word abstracts are welcome. Please
send these to by April 1, 2006.=20

CFP: The Food Memoir: Tales of Family and Culture (4/1/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Waxman, Barbara

The food memoir is an increasingly popular subgenre of autobiography, a
form of autobiography that often presents what Paul John Eakin calls the
"relational life story," a narrative connecting one person's story of
self-development to parents, siblings, spouses, or "proximate others."
Examples include Leslie Li's Daughter of Heaven, M.F.K. Fisher's The
Gastronomical Me, and Ruth Reichl's Tender at the Bone. Food memoirs
intertwine narratives of family life, travel, and cross-cultural
experiences with recipes and the author's representation of an evolving
self. Essays of 7 to 8 pages or 250-word abstracts are welcome. Please
send these to by April 1, 2006.=20

CFP: Poet's Theater (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm
Heidi Bean

Proposed Special Session (and possible edited volume) on "Poet's Theater"
Submission Deadline: March 15, 2006
MLA Convention: Philadelphia, Dec. 27-30, 2006

CFP: Grad Student Academic Work and Creative Practice (grad) (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 6:17pm

"Creative Critique/Critical Creativity: Scholarship and Creative Practice"
A panel of the Graduate Student Caucus, MLA 2006

The Graduate Student Caucus, an affiliate organization of the MLA, is pleased to invite current
graduate students to submit proposals for 20 minute papers for a panel discussion titled "Creative
Critique/Critical Creativity: Scholarship and Creative Practice" at the 2006 MLA annual meeting,
12/27/06-12/30/06 in Philadelphia, PA.
