all recent posts

UPDATE: Scope: Film Reviews (e-journal)

Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 11:31pm

Scope, a fully refereed on-line journal of film studies edited by
staff and postgraduate students within the Institute of Film Studies
at the University of Nottingham, is looking for film reviews of about
1000/1500 words to be included in forthcoming issues. We are
interested in both recently released movies and retrospective
reviews of older films (especially if these films have just been
released on video, DVD, or they have been the focus of renewed
critical attention).

CFP: 1950s American Popular Culture (no deadline noted; book)

Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 11:24pm

Call for an Author:

For a major publisher an author is needed for a volume on the popular
culture of the 1950s, one of a series for each period in American
history.The volume is consist of all aspects of the popular culture of the
period suitable for a text for high school students and introductory
college classes. Anyone interested should get in touch with Debby Adams, or Ray Browne, telephone 419
372 7861, fax=A0 8095. Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Oh 43403.

CFP: 1950s American Popular Culture (no deadline noted; book)

Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 11:24pm

Call for an Author:

For a major publisher an author is needed for a volume on the popular
culture of the 1950s, one of a series for each period in American
history.The volume is consist of all aspects of the popular culture of the
period suitable for a text for high school students and introductory
college classes. Anyone interested should get in touch with Debby Adams, or Ray Browne, telephone 419
372 7861, fax=A0 8095. Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Oh 43403.

CFP: 1950s American Popular Culture (no deadline noted; book)

Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 11:24pm

Call for an Author:

For a major publisher an author is needed for a volume on the popular
culture of the 1950s, one of a series for each period in American
history.The volume is consist of all aspects of the popular culture of the
period suitable for a text for high school students and introductory
college classes. Anyone interested should get in touch with Debby Adams, or Ray Browne, telephone 419
372 7861, fax=A0 8095. Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Oh 43403.

CFP: 1950s American Popular Culture (no deadline noted; book)

Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 11:24pm

Call for an Author:

For a major publisher an author is needed for a volume on the popular
culture of the 1950s, one of a series for each period in American
history.The volume is consist of all aspects of the popular culture of the
period suitable for a text for high school students and introductory
college classes. Anyone interested should get in touch with Debby Adams, or Ray Browne, telephone 419
372 7861, fax=A0 8095. Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Oh 43403.

CFP: 20th C. American Poetry (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, March 13, 2001 - 11:47pm
Kimmelman, Burt

I am editing A Companion to Twentieth-Century American Poetry (for Facts on
File, Inc., a publisher that enjoys very wide distribution in libraries,
colleges and high schools, as well as bookstores). I am soliciting essayists
to contribute to the volume.

The volume will be peer reviewed. Payment for essays will be in
presentational offprints and, too, for the large essays, a copy of the book.
All essays will carry the author's name, and a list of contributors will
appear in the back of the book.

CFP: 20th C. American Poetry (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, March 13, 2001 - 11:47pm
Kimmelman, Burt

I am editing A Companion to Twentieth-Century American Poetry (for Facts on
File, Inc., a publisher that enjoys very wide distribution in libraries,
colleges and high schools, as well as bookstores). I am soliciting essayists
to contribute to the volume.

The volume will be peer reviewed. Payment for essays will be in
presentational offprints and, too, for the large essays, a copy of the book.
All essays will carry the author's name, and a list of contributors will
appear in the back of the book.

CFP: 20th C. American Poetry (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, March 13, 2001 - 11:47pm
Kimmelman, Burt

I am editing A Companion to Twentieth-Century American Poetry (for Facts on
File, Inc., a publisher that enjoys very wide distribution in libraries,
colleges and high schools, as well as bookstores). I am soliciting essayists
to contribute to the volume.

The volume will be peer reviewed. Payment for essays will be in
presentational offprints and, too, for the large essays, a copy of the book.
All essays will carry the author's name, and a list of contributors will
appear in the back of the book.

CFP: Britishness and Cultural Studies (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, March 6, 2001 - 8:01pm
Kris Knauer

Call for Contributions

We are currently planning to re-edit and republish Britishness and =
Cultural Studies: Continuity and Change in Narrating the Nation in =
England after a successful 'debut' in Poland (eds Knauer and Murray, =
Katowice: Slask, 2000). We are looking for more focus on British =
popular culture and media as well as Asian/Indian Culture in Britain, =
esp that what the anthology explores is a dialogic approach to both =
Britishness and to cultural studies.

If you are interested in having your essay included and/or identify =
another 'gap' and wish to contribute, please contact me at = or

CFP: Britishness and Cultural Studies (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, March 6, 2001 - 8:01pm
Kris Knauer

Call for Contributions

We are currently planning to re-edit and republish Britishness and =
Cultural Studies: Continuity and Change in Narrating the Nation in =
England after a successful 'debut' in Poland (eds Knauer and Murray, =
Katowice: Slask, 2000). We are looking for more focus on British =
popular culture and media as well as Asian/Indian Culture in Britain, =
esp that what the anthology explores is a dialogic approach to both =
Britishness and to cultural studies.

If you are interested in having your essay included and/or identify =
another 'gap' and wish to contribute, please contact me at = or

CFP: Britishness and Cultural Studies (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, March 6, 2001 - 8:01pm
Kris Knauer

Call for Contributions

We are currently planning to re-edit and republish Britishness and =
Cultural Studies: Continuity and Change in Narrating the Nation in =
England after a successful 'debut' in Poland (eds Knauer and Murray, =
Katowice: Slask, 2000). We are looking for more focus on British =
popular culture and media as well as Asian/Indian Culture in Britain, =
esp that what the anthology explores is a dialogic approach to both =
Britishness and to cultural studies.

If you are interested in having your essay included and/or identify =
another 'gap' and wish to contribute, please contact me at = or

CFP: Gender Studies/Sexuality: Gay Men/Fiction (journal)

Monday, March 5, 2001 - 5:22pm

Please post the following call for submissions:

Harrington Gay Men's Fiction Quarterly, published by Haworth Press, seeks
critical essays, interviews with writers, extended book reviews and
bibliographic essays, cultural criticism, and related prose works, aimed at
a general readership of gay men. With an international scope, the journal
publishes work in translation as well as writing by Anglophone authors.
Writers of any sexuality/gender are invited to submit.

Submission guidelines available at:

Send duplicate double-spaced mss. (MLA or Chicago style) with SASE to:

CFP: Gender Studies/Sexuality: Gay Men/Fiction (journal)

Monday, March 5, 2001 - 5:22pm

Please post the following call for submissions:

Harrington Gay Men's Fiction Quarterly, published by Haworth Press, seeks
critical essays, interviews with writers, extended book reviews and
bibliographic essays, cultural criticism, and related prose works, aimed at
a general readership of gay men. With an international scope, the journal
publishes work in translation as well as writing by Anglophone authors.
Writers of any sexuality/gender are invited to submit.

Submission guidelines available at:

Send duplicate double-spaced mss. (MLA or Chicago style) with SASE to:

CFP: All topics (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 4:46pm
Henry Street

                            Henry Street:
                A Graduate Review of Literary Studies

_Henry Street_, now entering its tenth year of publication, is an
international forum for graduate students of English and related
disciplines. We invite submission of original and scholarly contributions
to current research on literatures in English from all historical periods,
material culture, pedagogy, and critical theory. In addition to welcoming
papers from a broad range of critical perspectives, the journal is
particularly receptive to unconventional or personal approaches that open
new avenues of investigation in literary and cultural criticism.

CFP: All topics (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 4:46pm
Henry Street

                            Henry Street:
                A Graduate Review of Literary Studies

_Henry Street_, now entering its tenth year of publication, is an
international forum for graduate students of English and related
disciplines. We invite submission of original and scholarly contributions
to current research on literatures in English from all historical periods,
material culture, pedagogy, and critical theory. In addition to welcoming
papers from a broad range of critical perspectives, the journal is
particularly receptive to unconventional or personal approaches that open
new avenues of investigation in literary and cultural criticism.

CFP: Female Desire in Writing by Women (no deadline noted; e-journal)

Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 4:22pm submissions

what a girl wants, what a girl needs

nasty invites critical works (articles, notes, reviews) and creative writing
which address the idea of female desire in writing by women. Possible
approaches include the non -mediated voice of the renaissance women writer,
the 'modern' women and how post-modern approaches expand vocal/textual
possiblities. nasty welcomes studies in pop-culture and enthusiastically
encourages interdisciplinary approaches. Articles should not exceed 2000
words in length and must be accompanied by a short introduction and
biography. Please send all submissions in Word format to

CFP: Female Desire in Writing by Women (no deadline noted; e-journal)

Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 4:22pm submissions

what a girl wants, what a girl needs

nasty invites critical works (articles, notes, reviews) and creative writing
which address the idea of female desire in writing by women. Possible
approaches include the non -mediated voice of the renaissance women writer,
the 'modern' women and how post-modern approaches expand vocal/textual
possiblities. nasty welcomes studies in pop-culture and enthusiastically
encourages interdisciplinary approaches. Articles should not exceed 2000
words in length and must be accompanied by a short introduction and
biography. Please send all submissions in Word format to

CFP: 21st C. British and Irish Novelists (various; collection)

Monday, February 5, 2001 - 9:37pm


A few authors are still available for the forthcoming volume of the
Dictionary of Literary Biography dedicated to "Twenty-first Century British
and Irish Novelists." This volume will contain a wide array of authors who
are making their reputations today but will likely write well into the
twenty-first century.

Julie Myerson (6,000 words)
Livi Michael (6,000 words)
Philip Hensher (4,000 words)
Kate O’Riordon (4,000 words)
Emma Donoghue (4,000 words)
Peter Cunningham (6,000 words)
Michael Collins (4,000 words)
James Ryan (4,000 words)
Toby Litt (4,000 words)
Ahdaf Soueif (4,000 words)

CFP: 21st C. British and Irish Novelists (various; collection)

Monday, February 5, 2001 - 9:37pm


A few authors are still available for the forthcoming volume of the
Dictionary of Literary Biography dedicated to "Twenty-first Century British
and Irish Novelists." This volume will contain a wide array of authors who
are making their reputations today but will likely write well into the
twenty-first century.

Julie Myerson (6,000 words)
Livi Michael (6,000 words)
Philip Hensher (4,000 words)
Kate O’Riordon (4,000 words)
Emma Donoghue (4,000 words)
Peter Cunningham (6,000 words)
Michael Collins (4,000 words)
James Ryan (4,000 words)
Toby Litt (4,000 words)
Ahdaf Soueif (4,000 words)

CFP: Contemporary Editions of Works by or for Early Modern Englishwomen (no deadline noted; book series)

Monday, February 5, 2001 - 9:32pm
Erika Gaffney

With apologies for cross posting --

Announcing a new series from Ashgate-

The Early Modern Englishwoman, 1500-1750: Contemporary Editions

Series Editors: Betty S. Travitsky and Patrick Cullen

Designed to complement The Early Modern Englishwoman: A Facsimile
Library of Essential Works, this series presents both modernized and
old-spelling editions of texts not only by women but also for and about
women. The contents of a volume can range from a single text to an
anthology, and editorial methodology is also flexible, the choice
depending on the subject and audience.

Proposals should take the form of either

CFP: Contemporary Editions of Works by or for Early Modern Englishwomen (no deadline noted; book series)

Monday, February 5, 2001 - 9:32pm
Erika Gaffney

With apologies for cross posting --

Announcing a new series from Ashgate-

The Early Modern Englishwoman, 1500-1750: Contemporary Editions

Series Editors: Betty S. Travitsky and Patrick Cullen

Designed to complement The Early Modern Englishwoman: A Facsimile
Library of Essential Works, this series presents both modernized and
old-spelling editions of texts not only by women but also for and about
women. The contents of a volume can range from a single text to an
anthology, and editorial methodology is also flexible, the choice
depending on the subject and audience.

Proposals should take the form of either

CFP: Contemporary Editions of Works by or for Early Modern Englishwomen (no deadline noted; book series)

Monday, February 5, 2001 - 9:32pm
Erika Gaffney

With apologies for cross posting --

Announcing a new series from Ashgate-

The Early Modern Englishwoman, 1500-1750: Contemporary Editions

Series Editors: Betty S. Travitsky and Patrick Cullen

Designed to complement The Early Modern Englishwoman: A Facsimile
Library of Essential Works, this series presents both modernized and
old-spelling editions of texts not only by women but also for and about
women. The contents of a volume can range from a single text to an
anthology, and editorial methodology is also flexible, the choice
depending on the subject and audience.

Proposals should take the form of either

CFP: Contemporary Editions of Works by or for Early Modern Englishwomen (no deadline noted; book series)

Monday, February 5, 2001 - 9:32pm
Erika Gaffney

With apologies for cross posting --

Announcing a new series from Ashgate-

The Early Modern Englishwoman, 1500-1750: Contemporary Editions

Series Editors: Betty S. Travitsky and Patrick Cullen

Designed to complement The Early Modern Englishwoman: A Facsimile
Library of Essential Works, this series presents both modernized and
old-spelling editions of texts not only by women but also for and about
women. The contents of a volume can range from a single text to an
anthology, and editorial methodology is also flexible, the choice
depending on the subject and audience.

Proposals should take the form of either

CFP: Contemporary Editions of Works by or for Early Modern Englishwomen (no deadline noted; book series)

Monday, February 5, 2001 - 9:32pm
Erika Gaffney

With apologies for cross posting --

Announcing a new series from Ashgate-

The Early Modern Englishwoman, 1500-1750: Contemporary Editions

Series Editors: Betty S. Travitsky and Patrick Cullen

Designed to complement The Early Modern Englishwoman: A Facsimile
Library of Essential Works, this series presents both modernized and
old-spelling editions of texts not only by women but also for and about
women. The contents of a volume can range from a single text to an
anthology, and editorial methodology is also flexible, the choice
depending on the subject and audience.

Proposals should take the form of either
