CFP: The Arabesques Literary and Cultural Review (2/28/06; journal issue)
Arabesques Press Call for Submissions
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Arabesques Press Call for Submissions
FACS Literary Journal
Florida Atlantic University Comparative Studies=20
Call for Papers: Catastrophe and Representation
Images of catastrophe increasingly assault us through the media. The =
world is reeling from the effects of war, natural disasters, famine, and =
disease. Violence - natural and unnatural - has become a standard motif =
in contemporary storytelling, cultural documentation and sociopolitical =
reportage. How, then, is such representation captured and =
characterized? What is being said and unsaid, and why? Is catastrophe a =
comparative experience?
CALL FOR PAPERS ... Papers are invited for the session on Teaching English at the Rocky Mountain MLA annual convention on October 12-14, 2006, in Tucson, Arizona.
This year's panel is looking for papers on innovative approaches to teaching literature and writing. Also welcome are topics on experiential writing as academic discourse, teaching college English skills to ESL students, and teaching English at the Tribal College.
Please send a 200-word proposal/abstract as an email attachment to:
Robin Somers
Identify RMMLA CFP in your subject line
Trans --: Negotiations and Resistance
19th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference
Association of English Graduate Students
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
April 7 - 8, 2006
* Keynote speakers
* Abstract deadline extension
* Conference website
We are pleased to announce critical keynote speaker Juana Maria Rodriguez, and creative keynote speaker Pireeni Sundaralingam, with Colm O'Riain.
Trans --: Negotiations and Resistance
19th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference
Association of English Graduate Students
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
April 7 - 8, 2006
* Keynote speakers
* Abstract deadline extension
* Conference website
We are pleased to announce critical keynote speaker Juana Maria Rodriguez, and creative keynote speaker Pireeni Sundaralingam, with Colm O'Riain.
Modern Language Association Annual Convention
December 27 - 30, 2006
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The MLA Discussion Group on Science Fiction and Utopian and Fantastic
Literature invites submissions for a panel titled "The Place of Music in
Science Fiction and Fantasy."
Topics might include (but are not limited to):
* Defining "science-fiction music." What makes a work of music
"science-fictional"? Possible subtopics: micropolyphony, symmetrical
divisions of the octave, experimental musical technologies (e.g., the
Ondes Martenot).
* The relationship of music to other nonverbal arts (e.g., painting,
architecture, photography) in science fiction and fantasy.
Modern Language Association Annual Convention
December 27 - 30, 2006
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The MLA Discussion Group on Science Fiction and Utopian and Fantastic
Literature invites submissions for a panel titled "The Place of Music in
Science Fiction and Fantasy."
Topics might include (but are not limited to):
* Defining "science-fiction music." What makes a work of music
"science-fictional"? Possible subtopics: micropolyphony, symmetrical
divisions of the octave, experimental musical technologies (e.g., the
Ondes Martenot).
* The relationship of music to other nonverbal arts (e.g., painting,
architecture, photography) in science fiction and fantasy.
CFP: Victorian Division, MLA convention (1 March 2006; 27-30 December 2006)
Modern Language Association Annual Convention
December 27 - 30, 2006
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The MLA Discussion Group on Science Fiction and Utopian and Fantastic
Literature invites submissions for a panel titled "The Place of Music in
Science Fiction and Fantasy."
Topics might include (but are not limited to):
* Defining "science-fiction music." What makes a work of music
"science-fictional"? Possible subtopics: micropolyphony, symmetrical
divisions of the octave, experimental musical technologies (e.g., the
Ondes Martenot).
* The relationship of music to other nonverbal arts (e.g., painting,
architecture, photography) in science fiction and fantasy.
Trans --: Negotiations and Resistance
19th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference
Association of English Graduate Students
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
April 7 - 8, 2006
* Keynote speakers
* Abstract deadline extension
* Conference website
We are pleased to announce critical keynote speaker Juana Maria Rodriguez, and creative keynote speaker Pireeni Sundaralingam, with Colm O'Riain.
Trans --: Negotiations and Resistance
19th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference
Association of English Graduate Students
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
April 7 - 8, 2006
* Keynote speakers
* Abstract deadline extension
* Conference website
We are pleased to announce critical keynote speaker Juana Maria Rodriguez, and creative keynote speaker Pireeni Sundaralingam, with Colm O'Riain.
The Media & Literature discussion group is arranging the following session for the MLA meeting in Philadelphia, December 2006:
"Reading Code"
Papers on the aesthetics, politics, and poetics of code; machine translation; relations between natural languages & programming languages; codework; protocols; genetic code and biomedia; operational text.
Abstracts and brief CVs by March 17 to Rita Raley <raley at>.
The Media & Literature discussion group is arranging the following session for the MLA meeting in Philadelphia, December 2006:
"Reading Code"
Papers on the aesthetics, politics, and poetics of code; machine translation; relations between natural languages & programming languages; codework; protocols; genetic code and biomedia; operational text.
Abstracts and brief CVs by March 17 to Rita Raley <raley at>.
The Media & Literature discussion group is arranging the following session for the MLA meeting in Philadelphia, December 2006:
"Reading Code"
Papers on the aesthetics, politics, and poetics of code; machine translation; relations between natural languages & programming languages; codework; protocols; genetic code and biomedia; operational text.
Abstracts and brief CVs by March 17 to Rita Raley <raley at>.
The Media & Literature discussion group is arranging the following session for the MLA meeting in Philadelphia, December 2006:
"Reading Code"
Papers on the aesthetics, politics, and poetics of code; machine translation; relations between natural languages & programming languages; codework; protocols; genetic code and biomedia; operational text.
Abstracts and brief CVs by March 17 to Rita Raley <raley at>.
Call for Papers
3rd Duke-UNC Graduate Student Conference on Islamic Studies
"Translating Islam: Cultures, Histories and the Presentist Challenge"
Conference Dates: April 14-15, 2006
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2006
Call for Papers
3rd Duke-UNC Graduate Student Conference on Islamic Studies
"Translating Islam: Cultures, Histories and the Presentist Challenge"
Conference Dates: April 14-15, 2006
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2006
Call for Papers
3rd Duke-UNC Graduate Student Conference on Islamic Studies
"Translating Islam: Cultures, Histories and the Presentist Challenge"
Conference Dates: April 14-15, 2006
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2006
Please note our new deadline for submissions: February 5, 2006
Please note our new deadline for submissions: February 5, 2006
Call for Papers
3rd Duke-UNC Graduate Student Conference on Islamic Studies
"Translating Islam: Cultures, Histories and the Presentist Challenge"
Conference Dates: April 14-15, 2006
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2006
[Apologies for Cross Posting, but please feel free to distribute widely]..
Call for Papers:
Bringing Text Alive:
The Future of Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Electronic Publication
The Text Creation Partnership (TCP) project was founded at the University of
Michigan in 1999 to reinvent scholarship by creating fully searchable texts
of thousands of titles printed across three hundred years and two continents
of English and American history.
[Apologies for Cross Posting, but please feel free to distribute widely]..
Call for Papers:
Bringing Text Alive:
The Future of Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Electronic Publication
The Text Creation Partnership (TCP) project was founded at the University of
Michigan in 1999 to reinvent scholarship by creating fully searchable texts
of thousands of titles printed across three hundred years and two continents
of English and American history.
[Apologies for Cross Posting, but please feel free to distribute widely]..
Call for Papers:
Bringing Text Alive:
The Future of Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Electronic Publication
The Text Creation Partnership (TCP) project was founded at the University of
Michigan in 1999 to reinvent scholarship by creating fully searchable texts
of thousands of titles printed across three hundred years and two continents
of English and American history.
Critical Issues in Nabokov Scholarship: any topic addressing
interpretive strategies, theoretical issues, the relationship of
Nabokov's fiction to his personal statements and/or essays, etc. 1-page
abstracts or 20-min. papers by 1 Mar.; Ellen Pifer (
Ellen Pifer
Professor of English & Comparative Literature
English Department, 322 Memorial Hall
University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716
Tel: 302-831-6965/Fax: 302-831-1586
The Eleventh Annual
October 12-14, 2006
The Library of Congress, James Madison Building, Washington, D.C.
The Eleventh Annual
October 12-14, 2006
The Library of Congress, James Madison Building, Washington, D.C.