Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference - Cleveland, OH (October 24-26)
Announcing the 47th Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference
October 24-26, 2024
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Conference theme: “Shakespeare and the Mind”
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Announcing the 47th Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference
October 24-26, 2024
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Conference theme: “Shakespeare and the Mind”
The 2024 PAMLA Conference will be held in Palm Springs, CA from November 6-10. We invite abstract submissions to a guaranteed, standing session on comics and graphic narratives; abstracts can be submitted through the PAMLA conference website: https://pamla.ballastacademic.com/
The “African American Literature and Culture” session is open to all papers that explore some aspect of African American literature, media, or culture, but we are particularly interested in papers attuned to some facet of the conference theme, “Translation in Action.”
Some topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Building on the conference theme “Translation in Action,” this panel invites discussion on how Asia is represented and “translated” in modern and contemporary literature, literary criticism, and popular media, including, but not limited to, film, video games, visual novels, music, and fashion. Panelists are encouraged to engage with the following questions:
1. How is Asia and Asian-ness aesthetically and ideologically represented and “translated” by non-Asian authors and producers, e.g., Historia universal de la infamia (1935) by Jorge Luis Borges, La Chinoise (1967) by Jean-Luc Godard, Memoirs of a Geisha (2005) by Rob Marshall, and Civilization VI (2016) by Sid Meister and Firaxis Games?
Generative AI has upended ways of visualizing, reading, and interpreting texts, whether in makerspaces, on publishing platforms, or on college campuses. The use of generative AI raises questions about authorship, copyright, authenticity, originality, and integrity—all critical matters that lie at the heart of Adaptation Studies scholarship.
“Seen and Unseen,” the theme of SAMLA 96, which will meet from 15 through 17 November in Jacksonville, Florida, focuses on the tasks of discovering, uncovering, and recovering material that may have escaped earlier notice. The study of adaptation sharpens this duality further. Cinematic and theatrical adaptations famously present visuals that audiences for literary texts have previously had to visualize for themselves. Adaptations that censor the texts they adapt seek to replace old ways of seeing with new by concealing matters they think better unseen. Reparative adaptations seek to heal cultural traumas by shining new light on old assumptions about power and status.
Negotiations of Taste, Memory and Heritage: Colonial Foodscapes and Beyond
The eighth annual Brandeis Novel Symposium (BNS), which will take place on October 25, 2024, invites proposals for papers on Anna Burns’s novel Milkman (2018). The Brandeis Novel Symposium is a one-day conference that chooses a single novel as a point of focus for salient theoretical, historical, political, and narratological questions about the novel as a genre.
Call for Papers: Journal of Global Diaspora & Media
Special Issue: ‘Global South Diasporic Voices: Rethinking Praxis and Theory in Communication for Development’
View the full call here>>
Call for Papers
Call for Papers ∣ The 10th Deleuze and Guattari Studies in Asia Conference & Camp ∣ Technology and Life
SEPTEMBER 26 - 29, 2024
Call for Papers
UPDATE: The deadline for abstract submissions has been extended to 4/22/2024.
ATTN: If you submitted a CFP before April 7, due to a technical issue, please resubmit for consideration by 4/22.
Board Game Academics (BGA) is a journal and conference dedicated to the exploration of critical issues within the distinct yet overlapping communities of tabletop board and role-playing games.
We're now accepting proposals for our 2024 conference and 2025 journal through April 15, 2024. See below for details, or visit our website to learn more: https://boardgameacademics.com/submissions/
‘In Search of Lost Futures: Visual Media Narratives of Economic Migration in the Mediterranean’
19-20 September 2024
The University of Warwick
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Kay Dickinson (University of Glasgow)
Dr. Barbara Spadaro (University of Liverpool)
Indian Network for Memory Studies (INMS) International Conference 2024
In association with Centre for Memory Studies (CMS) IIT Madras
Memory, Security, and Sustainability
16-18 September 2024 IIT Madras
Living in Languages
traversing borders, disciplines, and mediums.
Inviting Submissions to Living in Languages Journal [ISSN: 2835-8074]
The editors of a scholarly journal, Living in Languages, are pleased to invite you to submit your work, investigations, or studies of translation for the upcoming issue. Living in Languages is an online open source, peer-reviewed graduate journal devoted to translation studies published and archived at the University at Albany. We are a multilingual and interdisciplinary publication, with editors from across the humanities and social sciences.
121st Annual Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Conference, Palm Springs, California, Margaritaville Resort, Thursday, November 7 through Sunday, November 10, 2024
"I'm Afraid Dave": Artificial Intelligence in Pop Culture Media and Fictive Narratives
9th Biennial New Perspectives in Flamenco History and Research Symposium
In conjunction with the National Institute of Flamenco and
the University of New Mexico Department of Theatre and Dance
Albuquerque, New Mexico
CONFERENCE DATES: October 2-4, 2024
Deadline for Proposals: May 17, 2024 at 11:59 pm MST
Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies
Call for Papers for a Special Issue
The circulation of the Italian cinema in United States between 1945 and 1975.
Distribution, reception, impact
Federico di Chio, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Università degli Studi di Bologna
Marina Nicoli, Bocconi University
The Center for the Advancement of Women at Mount Saint Mary’s University in Los Angeles
Collectif Research and Writing Anthology
2024 Call for Papers
Do you want to forge community and ignite your scholarship? Connect with scholars, activists, artists, and others passionate about the advancement of women? Impact a wider audience? By publishing in Collectif, you’ll reach50,000 potential readers. To celebrate the issue’s release, the Center will host a salon, where contributors can share their work and connect with the Center for the Advancement of Women community.
Children’s Literature and Young Adult Literature Permanent Sections
Session Coordinator: Dr. Amberyl Malkovich
Dept. of English, Concord University
“Health” in Children’s and Young Adult Literature and Cultures
“Jean Seberg: From Actress to Activist” call for chapters
Editors: Alisia Chase and Richard Ness
We are seeking chapters of approximately 5000-6000 words for a scholarly anthology on actress Jean Seberg. This collection will expand upon a successful 2020 SCMS conference panel titled, A bout Jean Seberg: Actress, Activist, Icon, as well as the award-winning documentary by Fourth Wall Films on Seberg’s life titled Jean Seberg: Actress, Activist, Icon (2023).
Dear colleagues,
Please find below the links to the call for papers of the international conference "Political Speeches in Film" which will take place at the Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France on March 17, 18, 2025. You can also download the CFP (in both English and French) here :
https://idea.univ-lorraine.fr/sites/default/files/2024-04/CFP%20-%20Political%20Speeches%20in%20Film%20-%20EN-1_0.pdf (English version)
Call for Proposals for Special Issue
Interdisciplinary Humanities
Designing Our Future: Humanities-Centered Teaching, Learning, and Thinking in the 21st Century
Katy Hanggi, Chair & Associate Professor, Dept. of Focused Inquiry, Virginia Commonwealth University
Julianna Grabianowski, Assistant Professor of Business, Doane University
Jared List, Associate Professor of Spanish, Doane University
Call for Papers: Journal of Greek Media and Culture
Edited by Dr Olga Kourelou and Dr Lydia Papadimitriou
Special Issue: 'Greek Stardom and Celebrity: Histories and Methods'
View the full call here>>
Call for Papers: Journal of Gulf Studies
Special Issue: ‘Beyond History: Revisiting the Arabian Gulf and the Indian Ocean Connectivity’
Guest Editor: Dr Amna Sadiq
View the full call here>>
CfP: BROLLY. Journal of Social Sciences – NEW SERIES
(London, UK)
Vol. 5, No. 1, April 2024 (General Topic)
Submission Deadline: April 20, 2024
ISSN 2516-869X (Print)
ISSN 2516-8703 (Online)
No processing or publication fees.
Open Access
The distinction between East and West once held significant influence in knowledge production, ranging from voluminous travelogues from Western authors to the prosperity of Oriental Studies in academia of the 18th and 19th centuries. Postcolonial scholarship since the 1970s, including Said’s Orientalism and Spivak’s subaltern studies, sheds new light on the East/West distinction as a dynamic relationship, instead of two settled categories. As globalization significantly boosts the movement of humans, material goods, cultural products and texts, it gives rise to a wide range of imaginations, potentials, intellectual tools but meanwhile crises, conflicts and unequal distribution of power in the constantly changing geo-political landscapes.
The Society for the Study of Southern Literature invites papers on the Fantastical Ecologies of the South for a panel at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association’s annual conference from November 15-17, 2024 in Jacksonville, FL.
For questions, contact verge@psu.edu.
Convergence Proposals—due September 30, 2024
Essays—due June 1, 2025 [abstracts/proposals NOT required in advance of manuscript submission]
Edited by Andrea Miller, Cindy Lin, and Tina Chen
CCCC at 75 Years
Engaging Our Abundant Past, Present, and Future
Guest Editors: Jennifer Sano-Franchini & Donnie Johnson Sackey
The symposium will take place on October, 24/25, 2024, at Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne, France.