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The Wallace Stevens Society - International Conference: “Transnational Conversations, Partial Perspectives” (Singapore, June 2025)
Call for papers for a proposed Special Session of the 2026 MLA Annual Convention in Toronto, January 8-11
"Unpopular Shaw"
Irish dramatist Bernard Shaw was never far from controversy. This session will examine aspects of Shaw and his works that either were deeply unpopular in his own day or run contrary to majoritarian thinking today.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
abortion and contraception
education and child rearing
the medical profession
marriage and divorce
race and nationality
politics and government
actors and acting
How have operas, musical plays, and individual songs reflected historical narratives, events, and individuals? We invite 250-word abstracts regarding works that dramatize, in words and music, a past that remains alive and compelling.
Submissions are welcome in an unlimited range of cultural contexts , media, and time periods (of history or composition), e.g. Philip Glass's Akhnaten, Shaina Taub's Suffs, etc.
Thie session will take place at the Modern Language Association convention in Toronto, January 9-12, 2026. Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations is an affialiated organization of the MLA.
Studia theodisca
An international journal devoted to the study
of German culture and literature
Published annually in the autumn
Hosted by Università degli Studi di Milano under OJS
ISSN 2385-2917
Editor-in-chief: Fausto Cercignani
Co-Editor: Marco Castellari
Studia austriaca (founded in 1992)
An international journal devoted to the study of Austrian culture and literature
Published annually in the spring
p-ISSN 1593-2508 | e-ISSN 2385-2925
Editor-in-chief: Fausto Cercignani
Co-Editor: Marco Castellari
Call For Papers
Conference Theme: “The World at a Crossroads”
Conference Date: March 27-29, 2025
Location: In-Person, the Student Union at The University of Louisiana at Lafayette in Lafayette, Louisiana
Submissions Due: February 15, 2025 (extended deadline)
Website: ulglobalsouths.wordpress.com
Two-Day International Conclave (in Blended Mode)
“Transcultural Linguistic, Literary & Cultural Aspects of the Indian Knowledge System (IKS)” [15-16 February, 2025]
Organized by Centre for Foreign Languages, Bankura University
Call for Book Chapters
Title: Becoming A Human-Animal: Interpretations of the Therianthropes in the Folk Arts of India
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Editor: Thakurdas Jana, Department of English, Bhatter College, Dantan, India
About the Book
The London Arts-Based Research Centre
Modernism Remodelled 2025
A Transdisciplinary Conference
Conference Webpage: https://labrc.co.uk/modernism-remodelled-2025/
Date: March 8-10, 2025
March 8-9: In person participation at Cambridge University & online
March 10: Fully online
Call for Papers
Cost: 185 GBP (in person)
100 GBP (Online)
Abstract: Deadline February 5, 2025
Abstract form on: https://forms.gle/9TWGPbStYzTTqEvD9
Bridges and Borders: The Archive
April 11-12, 2025 | Proposals Due by February 17, 2025
Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) and on Zoom
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Abdulhamit Arvas (University of Pennsylvania)
Bridges and Borders is an annual, interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference presented by the Carnegie Mellon University Department of English in collaboration with the Department of Languages, Cultures, and Applied Linguistics.
The concept of multiplicity has attained prominence largely through the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995). According to Sage Encyclopedia of Political Theory, “A multiplicity is an entity that originates from a folding or twisting of simple elements. Like a sand dune, a multiplicity is in constant flux, though it attains some consistency for a short or long duration. A multiplicity has porous boundaries and is defined provisionally by its variations and dimensions.” Deleuze and Guattari redefine multiplicities to revisit Western political theory and its conceptions of categories such as race, class, gender, language, state, society, person, and party.
In the very first year of the new millennium, the world witnessed the attacks on the World Trade Center, in New York City, on September 11. We all watched it numbly on television, as if it had been an action movie or an apocalyptic dystopia. This event has remained in the collective consciousness as the most tragic terrorist attack on American soil, with more than 3,000 deaths and a list of geopolitical consequences that have changed the world.
Call for Papers
International Seminar on Indigenous Studies: Envisioning Janjatiya Gaurav: The Legacy of Birsa Munda and the Decolonisation of ‘Global’ Indigenous Studies
Date: March 26-27, 2025
Venue: Durgapur Women’s College, Durgapur, West Bengal, India
For expression of interest to attend/present a paper, submissions, and inquiries, please email: indigeneity2025@gmail.com
Convenor: Dr. Amitayu Chakraborty, Assistant Professor of English, Durgapur Women's College
Convenor's Profile:
This edited volume seeks contributions from scholars whose subject matter, methods, or researcher identities resonate with what might be considered peripheral in communication studies. We aim to explore how diverse perspectives—often shaped by specific contexts, marginalized identities or cases, or alternative approaches—can challenge, expand or be an alternative to traditional paradigms, perspectives and cases in the field. The concept of the periphery is not defined here as a rigid geographic or socio-political category, nor is it a simple counterpoint to the North or Western paradigms. Instead, we understand the periphery as a space where various ‘ways of being’ and ‘ways of doing’ emerge, offering insights into communication processes and practices.
Call for Papers
The Conference of the International Walter Pater Society:
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
September 5-7, 2025
Keynote Speaker: Hilary Fraser, Birkbeck College, London
Literatures and Medicines Online Symposium April 23 2025.
Hosted by the Narrative, Culture and Community Research Centre at Bournemouth University, UK.
This is a Call for Papers for a special issue of the online open-access double-blind peer-reviewed journal [Inter]sections, titled Laughing in the Face of Evil: Humorous Perspectives on Perpetrators in Contemporary American Literature and Popular Culture. We invite papers that ask what humor can contribute to our understanding of perpetrators by examining a selection of works from contemporary American literature and popular culture. Does humor help demythologize certain perpetrators whose international fame turned them into quasi-mythical figures? Can the ownership of humorous content about a traumatic situation or process endured by a specific marginalized community be transferred to other communities?
The year 2025 will mark the centennial of one of the most powerful voices in twentieth-century American Literature. Author of a reduced fictional production (two novels and three collections of short stories), Flannery O’Connor (1925–1964) remains among the most widely praised authors of the United States, to the extent that, shortly after her premature death, claims by, among others, Brainard Cheney, Robert Giroux, and Caroline Gordon were made about the country having lost their next Nobel Laureate for Literature. Alternative history aside, what is true is that the last century of American literature would have lost an enormous amount of its meaning without the existence of Flannery O’Connor’s writing.
29-31 May 2025
Writing in a World on Fire:
Perspectives on War and Climate Change
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures
7-13 Pitar Moș St., Bucharest, Romania
Call for Papers
Languages, Territories, and Contexts:
Linguistic-educational policies today
Catholic University ‘Our Lady of Good Counsel’, Tirana, 22-24 May 2025
Deadline for abstract submission: February 14th, 2025
Conference title, organization name: The Intersection of Literature and Censorship in Modern Society, Istanbul Bilgi University.
Conference date and location: April 26th, 2025 at Santralistanbul Campus, Energy Museum Seminar Hall.
Contact email: literatureandcensorship2025@gmail.com
The Intersection of Literature and Censorship in Modern Society
Call for Papers (Issue 36): Family
The family as an ostensibly biological group has been naturalised as the fundamental unit of collective organisation. Yet, as feminist and queer theorists have endeavoured to show, the family is neither an innocent nor an immutable category. Protecting certain familial structures has long provided justification for the ongoing legal regulation of sex, marriage, and reproduction, making the family a contentious site for feminist, queer, and racially-marked subjects.
Guest Editors: Jan Váňa and Hernán Maltz (Institute of Czech literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
In the year following the poet’s bicentenary, the 49th International Byron Association Conference will delve into the poet’s enduring and multifaceted legacy from the immediate aftermath of his death to the twenty-first century. The Conference aims to investigate Byron’s perspectives on various forms of futurity– historical, political, personal, and spiritual, among others – as well as the place he and his works have held in culture and literature since 1824, both in Britain and overseas.
The Global Rise of Post-Truth: Literature, Linguistics, Politics, Technology
International Conference: 24th (evening)-26th September 2025
Location: University of Vienna
Language of presentations: English
Deadline for abstracts (500-750 words and a short list of references): 15th March 2025
Selection of abstracts and notification of speakers: mid-April 2025
Conference Warming: 24th September 2025
Conference Dinner: 25th September 2025
Conference Fees: full: 65 Euros; reduced (PhD students; postdocs without access to funds): 35 Euros
Call for Papers
ANGLICA: An International Journal of English Studies
Thematic Issue 2026
Representations of Journalistic Practices
in Anglophone Literature, Film and Other Media
Guest Editors: Beatriz Valverde (Universidad de Jaén) and Barbara Korte (Universität Freiburg)