all recent posts

CFP: Redefining Comparative Literature (1/20/07; 3/16/07-3/17/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:15am
Ronald Ng

?Navigating Interdisciplinarity, Cultivating New Spaces of Comparison?

Date: March 16th-17, 2007

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Keynote Speaker: Haun Saussy, Professor of Comparative Literature at
Yale University

CFP: Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Forum (1/31/07; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:15am
Sylvie Ndome Ngilla

CFP: Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Forum

Call For Papers
11th Annual Graduate Symposium in Romance Studies
Friday, March 30 & Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion:
An Interdisciplinary Forum

A graduate symposium co-sponsored by the Department of French & Italian and
the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Minnesota-Twin

CFP: Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Forum (1/31/07; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:15am
Sylvie Ndome Ngilla

CFP: Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Forum

Call For Papers
11th Annual Graduate Symposium in Romance Studies
Friday, March 30 & Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion:
An Interdisciplinary Forum

A graduate symposium co-sponsored by the Department of French & Italian and
the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Minnesota-Twin

CFP: James Bond (12/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:15am

Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 28th Annual
The area chair for James Bond and Popular Culture is seeking participants to have a roundtable session on James Bond with a focus on the new Casino Royale movie. If you plan on attending the conference, but don’t plan on giving a paper, this is a good opportunity for you to be a part of the conference and be on the program. We are seeking at least 10-20 folks who would be interesting in participating in this unique discussion. Each person will have 3-5 minutes to give their ideas and comments.
This is a great opportunity for YOU to be ON THE PROGRAM without delivering a formal and traditional paper

CFP: Redefining Comparative Literature (1/20/07; 3/16/07-3/17/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:15am
Ronald Ng

?Navigating Interdisciplinarity, Cultivating New Spaces of Comparison?

Date: March 16th-17, 2007

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Keynote Speaker: Haun Saussy, Professor of Comparative Literature at
Yale University

CFP: Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Forum (1/31/07; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:15am
Sylvie Ndome Ngilla

CFP: Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Forum

Call For Papers
11th Annual Graduate Symposium in Romance Studies
Friday, March 30 & Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion:
An Interdisciplinary Forum

A graduate symposium co-sponsored by the Department of French & Italian and
the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Minnesota-Twin

CFP: Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Forum (1/31/07; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:15am
Sylvie Ndome Ngilla

CFP: Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Forum

Call For Papers
11th Annual Graduate Symposium in Romance Studies
Friday, March 30 & Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion:
An Interdisciplinary Forum

A graduate symposium co-sponsored by the Department of French & Italian and
the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Minnesota-Twin

CFP: Redefining Comparative Literature (1/20/07; 3/16/07-3/17/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:15am
Ronald Ng

?Navigating Interdisciplinarity, Cultivating New Spaces of Comparison?

Date: March 16th-17, 2007

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Keynote Speaker: Haun Saussy, Professor of Comparative Literature at
Yale University

CFP: Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Forum (1/31/07; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:15am
Sylvie Ndome Ngilla

CFP: Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Forum

Call For Papers
11th Annual Graduate Symposium in Romance Studies
Friday, March 30 & Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bodies in Motion, Languages in Motion:
An Interdisciplinary Forum

A graduate symposium co-sponsored by the Department of French & Italian and
the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Minnesota-Twin

CFP: University of Minnesota School of Music Graduate Student Symposium (grad) (12/20/06; 3/23/07-3/25/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:15am
Justin Schell

CFP: University of Minnesota School of Music Graduate Student Symposium

23 – 25 March 2007
University of Minnesota School of Music
Minneapolis, Minnesota

The University of Minnesota Musicology/Ethnomusicology Graduate Student
Organization (UJive) announces a Call for Papers for an interdisciplinary
symposium of music scholarship. We particularly encourage proposals
addressing the diverse manifestations of music-making in the American
Midwest, but invite papers on all aspects of music, from all historical
periods and geographic areas. We emphasize interdisciplinarity and welcome
the work from scholars in all academic disciplines, utilizing diverse

CFP: University of Minnesota School of Music Graduate Student Symposium (grad) (12/20/06; 3/23/07-3/25/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:15am
Justin Schell

CFP: University of Minnesota School of Music Graduate Student Symposium

23 – 25 March 2007
University of Minnesota School of Music
Minneapolis, Minnesota

The University of Minnesota Musicology/Ethnomusicology Graduate Student
Organization (UJive) announces a Call for Papers for an interdisciplinary
symposium of music scholarship. We particularly encourage proposals
addressing the diverse manifestations of music-making in the American
Midwest, but invite papers on all aspects of music, from all historical
periods and geographic areas. We emphasize interdisciplinarity and welcome
the work from scholars in all academic disciplines, utilizing diverse

CFP: Literature in the Early American Republic (no deadline; journal)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 6:38pm
Matthew Sivils


LITERATURE IN THE EARLY AMERICAN REPUBLIC (LEAR), a peer-reviewed scholarly annual seeks articles for its inaugural volume.
Edited by Matthew Wynn Sivils (Westminster College) and Jeffrey Walker (Oklahoma State University), LEAR welcomes a wide range of submissions on the literary culture of the United States from roughly 1787-1851. Articles dealing with the work and influence of James Fenimore Cooper are especially welcome. Submissions should be of article- or monograph-length and should be formatted in accordance with the guidelines of the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition).

CFP: Literature in the Early American Republic (no deadline; journal)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 6:38pm
Matthew Sivils


LITERATURE IN THE EARLY AMERICAN REPUBLIC (LEAR), a peer-reviewed scholarly annual seeks articles for its inaugural volume.
Edited by Matthew Wynn Sivils (Westminster College) and Jeffrey Walker (Oklahoma State University), LEAR welcomes a wide range of submissions on the literary culture of the United States from roughly 1787-1851. Articles dealing with the work and influence of James Fenimore Cooper are especially welcome. Submissions should be of article- or monograph-length and should be formatted in accordance with the guidelines of the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition).

CFP: Life Writing Conference (UK) (3/1/07; 7/4/07-7/6/07)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 2:56am
Hall, Lisa

The Spirit of the Age:
Debating the Past, Present and Future of Life Writing

4-6 July 2007, Kingston University

Call for Papers

Speakers to include: Neal Ascherson, John Fuegi, Victoria Glendinning,
Kathryn Hughes, Hanif Kureishi, Laura Marcus, Blake Morrison, Hilary
Spurling, Claire Tomalin and Francis Wheen.

CFP: Life Writing Conference (UK) (3/1/07; 7/4/07-7/6/07)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 2:56am
Hall, Lisa

The Spirit of the Age:
Debating the Past, Present and Future of Life Writing

4-6 July 2007, Kingston University

Call for Papers

Speakers to include: Neal Ascherson, John Fuegi, Victoria Glendinning,
Kathryn Hughes, Hanif Kureishi, Laura Marcus, Blake Morrison, Hilary
Spurling, Claire Tomalin and Francis Wheen.

CFP: Gender on Our Minds (1/26/07; journal issue)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 1:33am
Gender on Our Minds

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Khoi Nguyen, a graduate student at Southern Connecticut State
University in the Women's Studies program. I am currently developing a new
journal, *Gender on Our Minds*, an interdisciplinary publication dedicated
to awareness gender and queer studies. *Gender on Our Minds* provides a
space for marginalized groups to discuss topics and issues such as GLBTIQ
identities, academic and queer pedagogy, arts, cultures, histories,
politics, and theories.

CFP: Gender on Our Minds (1/26/07; journal issue)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 1:33am
Gender on Our Minds

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Khoi Nguyen, a graduate student at Southern Connecticut State
University in the Women's Studies program. I am currently developing a new
journal, *Gender on Our Minds*, an interdisciplinary publication dedicated
to awareness gender and queer studies. *Gender on Our Minds* provides a
space for marginalized groups to discuss topics and issues such as GLBTIQ
identities, academic and queer pedagogy, arts, cultures, histories,
politics, and theories.

CFP: American Literary Lecture Tours (3/15/06; MLA '07)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 12:54am

Submissions are invited for a panel on American Literary Lecture Tours at The Modern Language Association
Conference in Chicago, 27 – 30 December 2007.

Papers may discuss one or more tours of any writer in the United States. How did this writer's tour(s) affect his or her
literary reputation? Did this writer's talks suggest new ways to interpret his or her life and work to audiences? How did
lecture tours contribute to the American conception of a literary celebrity in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?

Please send C.V. and 500 word abstracts by 15 March to Karen Leick, Assistant Professor of English:


CFP: American Literary Lecture Tours (3/15/06; MLA '07)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 12:54am

Submissions are invited for a panel on American Literary Lecture Tours at The Modern Language Association
Conference in Chicago, 27 – 30 December 2007.

Papers may discuss one or more tours of any writer in the United States. How did this writer's tour(s) affect his or her
literary reputation? Did this writer's talks suggest new ways to interpret his or her life and work to audiences? How did
lecture tours contribute to the American conception of a literary celebrity in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?

Please send C.V. and 500 word abstracts by 15 March to Karen Leick, Assistant Professor of English:


UPDATE: Ecocriticism and Science (1/5/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 12:53am
Feder, Helena

Panel proposal for the upcoming conference of the Association for the =
Study of Literature and Environment at Wofford College, South Carolina, =
June 12-16 2007

Ecocriticism and Science: Sociobiology, Evolutionary Biology, and the =
Question of Culture

UPDATE: Ecocriticism and Science (1/5/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 12:53am
Feder, Helena

Panel proposal for the upcoming conference of the Association for the =
Study of Literature and Environment at Wofford College, South Carolina, =
June 12-16 2007

Ecocriticism and Science: Sociobiology, Evolutionary Biology, and the =
Question of Culture
