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CFP: Reformation Literature, History & Culture (5/15/06; Kalamazoo, 5/10/07-5/13/07)

Monday, May 8, 2006 - 12:42pm
Thum, Maureen

Kalamazoo: 4nd International Medieval Congress
May 10-13, 2007
Location: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan
We are offering three themed Sessions:
1. Reformation I: The Power of the Book
A session about how print and the press expedited the progress of the
Reformation. Could be influential books ("The Bondage of the Will"),
or THE book (Scripture), or polemical contests. Individuals (Luther or
Knox) or groups (Puritans). Social change... censorship issues ...
influence of specific books on the progress of the Reformation.

CFP: Reformation Literature, History & Culture (5/15/06; Kalamazoo, 5/10/07-5/13/07)

Monday, May 8, 2006 - 12:42pm
Thum, Maureen

Kalamazoo: 4nd International Medieval Congress
May 10-13, 2007
Location: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan
We are offering three themed Sessions:
1. Reformation I: The Power of the Book
A session about how print and the press expedited the progress of the
Reformation. Could be influential books ("The Bondage of the Will"),
or THE book (Scripture), or polemical contests. Individuals (Luther or
Knox) or groups (Puritans). Social change... censorship issues ...
influence of specific books on the progress of the Reformation.

UPDATE: Irish Studies Area (5/15/06; MPCA/MACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Kathleen Turner

***deadline extended****

The Irish Studies area of the Midwest Popular Culture and American Culture
Association is extending its deadline for proposals for its upcoming
conference. Papers dealing with Irish culture, literature, emigrants,
history, "Diaspora," or any aspect that would fall under the umbrella of
Irish studies will be considered. The MPCA/MACA conference will be held
Friday-Sunday, October 27-29, 2006 at the Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel &
Suites in Indianapolis, IN.

UPDATE: Irish Studies Area (5/15/06; MPCA/MACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Kathleen Turner

***deadline extended****

The Irish Studies area of the Midwest Popular Culture and American Culture
Association is extending its deadline for proposals for its upcoming
conference. Papers dealing with Irish culture, literature, emigrants,
history, "Diaspora," or any aspect that would fall under the umbrella of
Irish studies will be considered. The MPCA/MACA conference will be held
Friday-Sunday, October 27-29, 2006 at the Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel &
Suites in Indianapolis, IN.

UPDATE: Irish Studies Area (5/15/06; MPCA/MACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Kathleen Turner

***deadline extended****

The Irish Studies area of the Midwest Popular Culture and American Culture
Association is extending its deadline for proposals for its upcoming
conference. Papers dealing with Irish culture, literature, emigrants,
history, "Diaspora," or any aspect that would fall under the umbrella of
Irish studies will be considered. The MPCA/MACA conference will be held
Friday-Sunday, October 27-29, 2006 at the Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel &
Suites in Indianapolis, IN.

UPDATE: Irish Studies Area (5/15/06; MPCA/MACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Kathleen Turner

***deadline extended****

The Irish Studies area of the Midwest Popular Culture and American Culture
Association is extending its deadline for proposals for its upcoming
conference. Papers dealing with Irish culture, literature, emigrants,
history, "Diaspora," or any aspect that would fall under the umbrella of
Irish studies will be considered. The MPCA/MACA conference will be held
Friday-Sunday, October 27-29, 2006 at the Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel &
Suites in Indianapolis, IN.

CFP: On Difficulty (7/15/06; Tufts, 10/20/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Amy E. Woodbury

18th Annual Tufts University English Graduate Organization Conference
Friday, October 20, 2006


Keynote Speaker: Lisa Lowe
Professor of Comparative Literature University of California, San Diego

Difficulty both privileges and excludes. As scholars, critics,
students, and educators, we struggle with difficulty and we flirt with
it. We revel in it and we strive to master it. At crucial times, we
even resist it. While difficult language and concepts can elevate a
conversation or expand a critical discourse, difficulty also erects
barriers and creates lines of division that are both literal and

CFP: On Difficulty (7/15/06; Tufts, 10/20/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Amy E. Woodbury

18th Annual Tufts University English Graduate Organization Conference
Friday, October 20, 2006


Keynote Speaker: Lisa Lowe
Professor of Comparative Literature University of California, San Diego

Difficulty both privileges and excludes. As scholars, critics,
students, and educators, we struggle with difficulty and we flirt with
it. We revel in it and we strive to master it. At crucial times, we
even resist it. While difficult language and concepts can elevate a
conversation or expand a critical discourse, difficulty also erects
barriers and creates lines of division that are both literal and

CFP: On Difficulty (7/15/06; Tufts, 10/20/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Amy E. Woodbury

18th Annual Tufts University English Graduate Organization Conference
Friday, October 20, 2006


Keynote Speaker: Lisa Lowe
Professor of Comparative Literature University of California, San Diego

Difficulty both privileges and excludes. As scholars, critics,
students, and educators, we struggle with difficulty and we flirt with
it. We revel in it and we strive to master it. At crucial times, we
even resist it. While difficult language and concepts can elevate a
conversation or expand a critical discourse, difficulty also erects
barriers and creates lines of division that are both literal and

CFP: Work, Play, Comedy and Humor in English Studies (6/15/06; 10/14/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm

Call for Papers

"Don't You Have Anything Better To Do?":
Work, Play, Comedy and Humor in English Studies

The Department of English at Ohio University invites writers, teachers, and
scholars in English Studies to Athens, Ohio, Saturday, October 14, 2006 for a
one-day conference on the negotiation between work and play in our professional
and public lives. We are interested in how this space is mediated in
classrooms, literature, theory, and art. We encourage the submission of papers,
presentations, creative writings, and panels from all aspects of the discipline-
creative writing, critical theory, cultural studies, literature, rhetoric and
composition, linguisitics, etc.
