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CFP: Classics: Greek (4/14/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:03pm
Roberta Sabbath

14, 2006
Call for papers: Classics: Greek
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association
Conference 2006 (PAMLA)
Standing panel: Classics: Greek

This standing panel welcomes papers about the
English-language *representations* of Greek
and cultures. As this classic culture has had profound
effects on the development of Western philosophy, art,
culture, and religion as it is expressed in the
English speaking world, an exploration of its
resonances in literatures, art, and mass media through
the ages and including today are welcomed.

UPDATE: Rereading the New Criticism (4/15/06; MSA; 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:03pm
John McIntyre

New deadline:

 Rereading the New Criticism

Commentators such as Gerald Graff and Mark Jancovich have noted that, since
the demise in the 1960s of the New Critical hegemony, contemporary critical
discourse has often promoted misunderstandings of New Critical projects.
The image of the New Criticism as ahistorical formalism, they suggest,
misrepresents the New Critics' commitment to practices and epistemologies
distinctive to literature; their engagement with social and historical
issues; and their cultural politics. These recent critiques encourage
rereading the work of the New Critics from a new perspective-one that
maintains critical distance on received ideas about their methods.

CFP: Wharton and Material Cultures of the Book (7/1/06; collection)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:03pm

CFP: Edith Wharton and the Material Cultures of the Book edited collection:
deadlines extended‎
‎(abstracts, 7/1/2006; contributions, 12/31/2006).‎

Contributors are encouraged to interpret the idea of the material culture of
the book as widely as they wish, ‎drawing upon research from sociology,
economic and social history, literary theory, bibliography, book ‎history,
philosophy and anthropology. I would particularly welcome contributors seeking to
examine ‎Wharton’s publication, production, dissemination and place in book
history and material culture outside of an ‎American context. Some topics that
you might wish to discuss include:‎

UPDATE: Rereading the New Criticism (4/15/06; MSA; 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:03pm
John McIntyre

New deadline:

 Rereading the New Criticism

Commentators such as Gerald Graff and Mark Jancovich have noted that, since
the demise in the 1960s of the New Critical hegemony, contemporary critical
discourse has often promoted misunderstandings of New Critical projects.
The image of the New Criticism as ahistorical formalism, they suggest,
misrepresents the New Critics' commitment to practices and epistemologies
distinctive to literature; their engagement with social and historical
issues; and their cultural politics. These recent critiques encourage
rereading the work of the New Critics from a new perspective-one that
maintains critical distance on received ideas about their methods.

CFP: Classics: Greek (4/14/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:03pm
Roberta Sabbath

14, 2006
Call for papers: Classics: Greek
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association
Conference 2006 (PAMLA)
Standing panel: Classics: Greek

This standing panel welcomes papers about the
English-language *representations* of Greek
and cultures. As this classic culture has had profound
effects on the development of Western philosophy, art,
culture, and religion as it is expressed in the
English speaking world, an exploration of its
resonances in literatures, art, and mass media through
the ages and including today are welcomed.

CFP: Thomas Browne Volume of Essays (6/5/06; collection)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:03pm
kevin killeen

Dr Kevin Killeen
University of Reading
School of English and American Literature,
PO Box 218,
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Apr 04 2006 - 11:03:02 EDT

CFP: Classics: Greek (4/14/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:03pm
Roberta Sabbath

14, 2006
Call for papers: Classics: Greek
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association
Conference 2006 (PAMLA)
Standing panel: Classics: Greek

This standing panel welcomes papers about the
English-language *representations* of Greek
and cultures. As this classic culture has had profound
effects on the development of Western philosophy, art,
culture, and religion as it is expressed in the
English speaking world, an exploration of its
resonances in literatures, art, and mass media through
the ages and including today are welcomed.

CFP: Wharton and Material Cultures of the Book (7/1/06; collection)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:03pm

CFP: Edith Wharton and the Material Cultures of the Book edited collection:
deadlines extended‎
‎(abstracts, 7/1/2006; contributions, 12/31/2006).‎

Contributors are encouraged to interpret the idea of the material culture of
the book as widely as they wish, ‎drawing upon research from sociology,
economic and social history, literary theory, bibliography, book ‎history,
philosophy and anthropology. I would particularly welcome contributors seeking to
examine ‎Wharton’s publication, production, dissemination and place in book
history and material culture outside of an ‎American context. Some topics that
you might wish to discuss include:‎

CFP: Classics: Greek (4/14/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:03pm
Roberta Sabbath

14, 2006
Call for papers: Classics: Greek
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association
Conference 2006 (PAMLA)
Standing panel: Classics: Greek

This standing panel welcomes papers about the
English-language *representations* of Greek
and cultures. As this classic culture has had profound
effects on the development of Western philosophy, art,
culture, and religion as it is expressed in the
English speaking world, an exploration of its
resonances in literatures, art, and mass media through
the ages and including today are welcomed.

CFP: Wharton and Material Cultures of the Book (7/1/06; collection)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:03pm

CFP: Edith Wharton and the Material Cultures of the Book edited collection:
deadlines extended‎
‎(abstracts, 7/1/2006; contributions, 12/31/2006).‎

Contributors are encouraged to interpret the idea of the material culture of
the book as widely as they wish, ‎drawing upon research from sociology,
economic and social history, literary theory, bibliography, book ‎history,
philosophy and anthropology. I would particularly welcome contributors seeking to
examine ‎Wharton’s publication, production, dissemination and place in book
history and material culture outside of an ‎American context. Some topics that
you might wish to discuss include:‎

CFP: Caryl Phillips Conference (Belgium) (4/20/06; 12/1/06-12/2/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:02pm
Benedicte Ledent

Caryl Phillips: 25 Years of Writing
University of Li=E8ge (Belgium)
1st and 2nd December 2006
Strange Fruit, Caryl Phillips's first play, came out twenty-five years =
ago, in 1981. This publication marked the beginning of an impressive =
body of writing which so far includes eight award-winning novels, three =
volumes of essays, two anthologies, two screenplays and three other =
stage plays, as well as several unpublished dramatic pieces and =
countless press articles.=20
To celebrate this anniversary the CEREP (Centre d'enseignement et de =
recherche en =E9tudes post-coloniales) of the University of Li=E8ge =

CFP: Caryl Phillips Conference (Belgium) (4/20/06; 12/1/06-12/2/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:02pm
Benedicte Ledent

Caryl Phillips: 25 Years of Writing
University of Li=E8ge (Belgium)
1st and 2nd December 2006
Strange Fruit, Caryl Phillips's first play, came out twenty-five years =
ago, in 1981. This publication marked the beginning of an impressive =
body of writing which so far includes eight award-winning novels, three =
volumes of essays, two anthologies, two screenplays and three other =
stage plays, as well as several unpublished dramatic pieces and =
countless press articles.=20
To celebrate this anniversary the CEREP (Centre d'enseignement et de =
recherche en =E9tudes post-coloniales) of the University of Li=E8ge =

CFP: Caryl Phillips Conference (Belgium) (4/20/06; 12/1/06-12/2/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:02pm
Benedicte Ledent

Caryl Phillips: 25 Years of Writing
University of Li=E8ge (Belgium)
1st and 2nd December 2006
Strange Fruit, Caryl Phillips's first play, came out twenty-five years =
ago, in 1981. This publication marked the beginning of an impressive =
body of writing which so far includes eight award-winning novels, three =
volumes of essays, two anthologies, two screenplays and three other =
stage plays, as well as several unpublished dramatic pieces and =
countless press articles.=20
To celebrate this anniversary the CEREP (Centre d'enseignement et de =
recherche en =E9tudes post-coloniales) of the University of Li=E8ge =

CFP: Authenticity (grad) (UK) (6/30/06; 9/14/06-9/15/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:02pm
Joseph Maslen


Call for Papers

An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference

14-15 September 2006

A two-day conference at the University of Salford for postgraduate students of
the arts, media and social sciences to consider current and changing
perspectives on authenticity. The intention is to stimulate debate and generate
fresh understandings through interdisciplinary exchange. We welcome papers in
fields such as politics, philosophy, religions and theology, sociology,
psychology, literature, history, classics, visual and screen studies, and the
performing arts.

Possible themes include, but are not restricted to

CFP: Authenticity (grad) (UK) (6/30/06; 9/14/06-9/15/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:02pm
Joseph Maslen


Call for Papers

An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference

14-15 September 2006

A two-day conference at the University of Salford for postgraduate students of
the arts, media and social sciences to consider current and changing
perspectives on authenticity. The intention is to stimulate debate and generate
fresh understandings through interdisciplinary exchange. We welcome papers in
fields such as politics, philosophy, religions and theology, sociology,
psychology, literature, history, classics, visual and screen studies, and the
performing arts.

Possible themes include, but are not restricted to

CFP: Authenticity (grad) (UK) (6/30/06; 9/14/06-9/15/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:02pm
Joseph Maslen


Call for Papers

An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference

14-15 September 2006

A two-day conference at the University of Salford for postgraduate students of
the arts, media and social sciences to consider current and changing
perspectives on authenticity. The intention is to stimulate debate and generate
fresh understandings through interdisciplinary exchange. We welcome papers in
fields such as politics, philosophy, religions and theology, sociology,
psychology, literature, history, classics, visual and screen studies, and the
performing arts.

Possible themes include, but are not restricted to

CFP: Oglethorpe and the Spirit of His Time (6/1/06; 2/1/07)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:02pm
Dewi Wilson

Call for Proposals Articles and essays for a memorial volume dealing
with James Edward Oglethorpe (1696-1785) and the spirit of his
time.Please send proposals (500 words maximum) by June 1, 2006 The
occasion is an exhibition of the Bible (Bible Historiale) belonging to
the Oglethorpe family and on loan to Kennesaw State University from
Corpus Christi College, Oxford, England, in February and March 2007.
The memorial volume will be published by the Kennesaw State University
Press in 2007, as part of the exhibition activities. Academic areas that
may be represented: History
              James Edward Oglethorpe
Early US history Colonial history

CFP: Authenticity (grad) (UK) (6/30/06; 9/14/06-9/15/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:02pm
Joseph Maslen


Call for Papers

An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference

14-15 September 2006

A two-day conference at the University of Salford for postgraduate students of
the arts, media and social sciences to consider current and changing
perspectives on authenticity. The intention is to stimulate debate and generate
fresh understandings through interdisciplinary exchange. We welcome papers in
fields such as politics, philosophy, religions and theology, sociology,
psychology, literature, history, classics, visual and screen studies, and the
performing arts.

Possible themes include, but are not restricted to

CFP: Phoenix Rising: A Harry Potter Symposium (11/1/06; 5/17/07-5/21/07)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:02pm
Sharon Goetz

CALL FOR PAPERS: Phoenix Rising
New Orleans, LA
May 17-21, 2007
A Harry Potter Symposium presented by Narrate Conferences, Inc.

Phoenix Rising, an interdisciplinary _Harry Potter_-themed symposium to
take place May 17-21, 2007, in New Orleans, Louisiana, seeks papers,
panels, interactive workshops, roundtable discussions, and other
presentation formats suitable for an audience of academics, students,
professionals, and fans.
