CFP: Human Communities & Their Others (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)
ACLA 2006, Princeton University
The Human and Its Others
Seminar title: Human Communities and their Others
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ACLA 2006, Princeton University
The Human and Its Others
Seminar title: Human Communities and their Others
All Area Deadlines Extended to December 1, 2005!
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations
27th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 8-11, 2006
60+ Areas of Study
New Areas Recently Added
Graduate Student Award Opportunities
Updated travel links for 2006:
Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
University of York, England
Call for Papers: "Shrews" on the Renaissance Stage
Date: 26-27 May 2006
Location: University of York, England
This interdisciplinary conference will focus particularly on The Taming
of A Shrew; Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew; Fletcher, The Woman's
Prize; John Lacy, Sauny the Scott.
Speakers will include: Anna Bayman & George Southcombe (Oxford),
Michael Cordner (York), Holly Crocker (South Carolina), Laura Gowing
(King's London), Barbara Hodgdon (Michigan), Leah Marcus (Vanderbilt),
David Wootton (York).
Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
University of York, England
Call for Papers: "Shrews" on the Renaissance Stage
Date: 26-27 May 2006
Location: University of York, England
This interdisciplinary conference will focus particularly on The Taming
of A Shrew; Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew; Fletcher, The Woman's
Prize; John Lacy, Sauny the Scott.
Speakers will include: Anna Bayman & George Southcombe (Oxford),
Michael Cordner (York), Holly Crocker (South Carolina), Laura Gowing
(King's London), Barbara Hodgdon (Michigan), Leah Marcus (Vanderbilt),
David Wootton (York).
The new issue of Colloquy is now online. Please have a look at
This issue is dedicated to the work of Maurice Blanchot and it includes
articles from Blanchot experts from all over the world. It is based on
the Blanchot conference organized by Colloquy in August 2004
Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
University of York, England
Call for Papers: "Shrews" on the Renaissance Stage
Date: 26-27 May 2006
Location: University of York, England
This interdisciplinary conference will focus particularly on The Taming
of A Shrew; Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew; Fletcher, The Woman's
Prize; John Lacy, Sauny the Scott.
Speakers will include: Anna Bayman & George Southcombe (Oxford),
Michael Cordner (York), Holly Crocker (South Carolina), Laura Gowing
(King's London), Barbara Hodgdon (Michigan), Leah Marcus (Vanderbilt),
David Wootton (York).
The new issue of Colloquy is now online. Please have a look at
This issue is dedicated to the work of Maurice Blanchot and it includes
articles from Blanchot experts from all over the world. It is based on
the Blanchot conference organized by Colloquy in August 2004
Folklore, Film and Television: Convergences in Traditional Cultures and
Popular Media
March 31/April 1 2006
The Folklore Society Conference and AGM
To be held at the Warburg Institute=20
The AGM of the Folklore Society and its annual conference will take
place on Friday March 31st and Saturday April 1st at the Warburg
Institute London. =20
If you are interested in giving a paper or wish further details about
the conference please contact Dr Mikel Koven or Dr Juliette Wood.=20
Papers should be about 20-25 minutes long with time for questions.
Please send a short abstract (about 200 words) by 1 January 2006=20
Folklore, Film and Television: Convergences in Traditional Cultures and
Popular Media
March 31/April 1 2006
The Folklore Society Conference and AGM
To be held at the Warburg Institute=20
The AGM of the Folklore Society and its annual conference will take
place on Friday March 31st and Saturday April 1st at the Warburg
Institute London. =20
If you are interested in giving a paper or wish further details about
the conference please contact Dr Mikel Koven or Dr Juliette Wood.=20
Papers should be about 20-25 minutes long with time for questions.
Please send a short abstract (about 200 words) by 1 January 2006=20
Folklore, Film and Television: Convergences in Traditional Cultures and
Popular Media
March 31/April 1 2006
The Folklore Society Conference and AGM
To be held at the Warburg Institute=20
The AGM of the Folklore Society and its annual conference will take
place on Friday March 31st and Saturday April 1st at the Warburg
Institute London. =20
If you are interested in giving a paper or wish further details about
the conference please contact Dr Mikel Koven or Dr Juliette Wood.=20
Papers should be about 20-25 minutes long with time for questions.
Please send a short abstract (about 200 words) by 1 January 2006=20
Seminar CFP for the 2006 ESSE conference in London:
Thank you.
Marta Fernández Morales
Dpt. Filologia Espanyola, Moderna i Llatina
Edifici Ramon Llull
Campus UIB. Cra. Valldemossa, km. 7,5
07122 Palma de Mallorca
Illes Balears
Telf: 971 259 540
Fax: 971 173 473
Seminar CFP for the 2006 ESSE conference in London:
Thank you.
Marta Fernández Morales
Dpt. Filologia Espanyola, Moderna i Llatina
Edifici Ramon Llull
Campus UIB. Cra. Valldemossa, km. 7,5
07122 Palma de Mallorca
Illes Balears
Telf: 971 259 540
Fax: 971 173 473
Institutions of difference
A two-day conference to be held at the
University of Portsmouth 24-25 July 2006
Confirmed international speakers: J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine;
Samuel Weber, Northwestern University; Peggy Kamuf, University of Southern
California; Tom Keenan, Bard College; Christopher Fynsk, University of Aberdeen;
Herman Rapaport, University of Southampton; Nicholas Royle, University of Sussex;
John Schad, University of Loughborough.
Institutions of difference
A two-day conference to be held at the
University of Portsmouth 24-25 July 2006
Confirmed international speakers: J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine;
Samuel Weber, Northwestern University; Peggy Kamuf, University of Southern
California; Tom Keenan, Bard College; Christopher Fynsk, University of Aberdeen;
Herman Rapaport, University of Southampton; Nicholas Royle, University of Sussex;
John Schad, University of Loughborough.
Institutions of difference
A two-day conference to be held at the
University of Portsmouth 24-25 July 2006
Confirmed international speakers: J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine;
Samuel Weber, Northwestern University; Peggy Kamuf, University of Southern
California; Tom Keenan, Bard College; Christopher Fynsk, University of Aberdeen;
Herman Rapaport, University of Southampton; Nicholas Royle, University of Sussex;
John Schad, University of Loughborough.
Institutions of difference
A two-day conference to be held at the
University of Portsmouth 24-25 July 2006
Confirmed international speakers: J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine;
Samuel Weber, Northwestern University; Peggy Kamuf, University of Southern
California; Tom Keenan, Bard College; Christopher Fynsk, University of Aberdeen;
Herman Rapaport, University of Southampton; Nicholas Royle, University of Sussex;
John Schad, University of Loughborough.
Call for Papers: The Association for the Study of American Indian =
Literatures. American Literature Association Annual Conference, 25-28 =
May 2006, Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, CA
Call for Papers: The Association for the Study of American Indian =
Literatures. American Literature Association Annual Conference, 25-28 =
May 2006, Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, CA
Call for Papers: The Association for the Study of American Indian =
Literatures. American Literature Association Annual Conference, 25-28 =
May 2006, Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, CA
Midwest Modern Language Association (M/MLA): English Literature 1800-1900
November 9-12, 2006
Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois
British Border Crossing: Romantic and Victorian (Inter)Textuality and the Destabilization of Boundaries
We invite paper and panel proposals that examine the destabilization of boundaries and borders arising within the intertextual space of British Literature between 1800 and 1900. Proposals may address any type of boundary or border destabilized within the literary texts of this period, including, among others, the various genres, disciplines, genders, races, geographies, cultures, religions, laws, sciences, and governments.
Midwest Modern Language Association (M/MLA): English Literature 1800-1900
November 9-12, 2006
Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois
British Border Crossing: Romantic and Victorian (Inter)Textuality and the Destabilization of Boundaries
We invite paper and panel proposals that examine the destabilization of boundaries and borders arising within the intertextual space of British Literature between 1800 and 1900. Proposals may address any type of boundary or border destabilized within the literary texts of this period, including, among others, the various genres, disciplines, genders, races, geographies, cultures, religions, laws, sciences, and governments.
The Cormac McCarthy Society will sponsor two panels at the American
Literature Association conference, May 25-28, 2006 in San Francisco, CA.
Proposals for fifteen-minute papers on any topic relating to Cormac McCarthy
are welcome. For proposal guidelines please see the Cormac McCarthy website
at <>.
Send proposals in MS Word by Jan. 1 to Dianne Luce:
and to Steven Frye:
Please include your contact information, including email, postal address,
and academic affiliation.
New Abstract Deadline December 1, 2005
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual
Albuquerque, NM February 8-11, 2005
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
For further details regarding the conference (listing of all areas, hotel,
registration, tours, etc.) please visit the developing website:
Any aspect of Children's or Young Adult Literature (traditional or
contemporary) and/or Children's/YA popular culture issues – television,
New Abstract Deadline December 1, 2005
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual
Albuquerque, NM February 8-11, 2005
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
For further details regarding the conference (listing of all areas, hotel,
registration, tours, etc.) please visit the developing website:
Any aspect of Children's or Young Adult Literature (traditional or
contemporary) and/or Children's/YA popular culture issues – television,
New Abstract Deadline December 1, 2005
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual
Albuquerque, NM February 8-11, 2005
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
For further details regarding the conference (listing of all areas, hotel,
registration, tours, etc.) please visit the developing website:
Any aspect of Children's or Young Adult Literature (traditional or
contemporary) and/or Children's/YA popular culture issues – television,
**Writing the Divine: Literary Meetings of Humans and Gods
ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association), March 23-26, 2006,
at Princeton
Seminar Organizer(s): W. David Hall, Centre College; Jay Twomey,
University of Cincinnati
**Writing the Divine: Literary Meetings of Humans and Gods
ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association), March 23-26, 2006,
at Princeton
Seminar Organizer(s): W. David Hall, Centre College; Jay Twomey,
University of Cincinnati