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CFP: EAPSU Online: A Journal of Creative and Critical Work (5/15/06: journal issue)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Kim Martin Long

EAPSU Online is an annual peer-reviewed journal, published by the English
Association of Pennsylvania State Universities (an association of the 14
Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education universities). We publish
creative work and critical articles on any subject related to English
studies. See for our most recent issue and for a CFP
that is printable.

Extended deadline for the fall 2006 issue is May 15. Submissions are only
accepted by email attachment, in Word format. Use MLA in-text citations for
documentation of source material.

Submit work or volunteer to be a reader:

CFP: Home/lessness (4/30/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm

Call for Submissions on Home/lessness

Locus Suspectus, a new magazine of art and culture, seeks textual and
visual proposals for its second issue exploring the notion of "home".
Globalization has made it increasingly difficult to conceive of home
as a
singular and stable location. Moreover, home for many individuals often
exists as a constant state of homelessness due to social, economic, and
political circumstances. Despite this plurality of meaning, home often
carries with it a nostalgic longing for stasis and a pressure and
to identify ourselves and others largely in terms of where we live and
where we have come from.

CFP: Home/lessness (4/30/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm

Call for Submissions on Home/lessness

Locus Suspectus, a new magazine of art and culture, seeks textual and
visual proposals for its second issue exploring the notion of "home".
Globalization has made it increasingly difficult to conceive of home
as a
singular and stable location. Moreover, home for many individuals often
exists as a constant state of homelessness due to social, economic, and
political circumstances. Despite this plurality of meaning, home often
carries with it a nostalgic longing for stasis and a pressure and
to identify ourselves and others largely in terms of where we live and
where we have come from.

CFP: Home/lessness (4/30/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm

Call for Submissions on Home/lessness

Locus Suspectus, a new magazine of art and culture, seeks textual and
visual proposals for its second issue exploring the notion of "home".
Globalization has made it increasingly difficult to conceive of home
as a
singular and stable location. Moreover, home for many individuals often
exists as a constant state of homelessness due to social, economic, and
political circumstances. Despite this plurality of meaning, home often
carries with it a nostalgic longing for stasis and a pressure and
to identify ourselves and others largely in terms of where we live and
where we have come from.

CFP: Monsters and Monstrosities of the Seas (Puerto Rico) (7/31/06; CEA-CC, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Vartan Messier

College English Association - Caribbean Chapter
Fall 2005 Conference: 10-11 November 2006
"Our Watery World: Humans and the Sea"
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

The CEA-CC invites proposals for a panel titled "Monster and Monstrosities
of the Seas." Please send 200-250 word proposal to Vartan Messier at by 31 July 2006. Proposals may be sent by
email as part of a text message but not as attachments. Presenters must be
registered members of the CEA-CC at the time of the conference.

More information available at

CFP: Monsters and Monstrosities of the Seas (Puerto Rico) (7/31/06; CEA-CC, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Vartan Messier

College English Association - Caribbean Chapter
Fall 2005 Conference: 10-11 November 2006
"Our Watery World: Humans and the Sea"
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

The CEA-CC invites proposals for a panel titled "Monster and Monstrosities
of the Seas." Please send 200-250 word proposal to Vartan Messier at by 31 July 2006. Proposals may be sent by
email as part of a text message but not as attachments. Presenters must be
registered members of the CEA-CC at the time of the conference.

More information available at

CFP: Investing in the Future: Marketing, Selling, and Buying Kinship (3/27/06; AAA '06)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 8:15pm
Tiffany Romain

Investing in the Future: Marketing, Selling, and Buying Kinship

This panel is interested in looking at communities that pro-actively =20
and pragmatically defy the course of normative kinship through =20
creative (and often counter-cultural) economic arrangements. Much of =20
the impetus for engaging in the work of establishing unlikely kinship =20=

bonds is that these offer the possibility of investing in an entirely =20=

CFP: Investing in the Future: Marketing, Selling, and Buying Kinship (3/27/06; AAA '06)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 8:15pm
Tiffany Romain

Investing in the Future: Marketing, Selling, and Buying Kinship

This panel is interested in looking at communities that pro-actively =20
and pragmatically defy the course of normative kinship through =20
creative (and often counter-cultural) economic arrangements. Much of =20
the impetus for engaging in the work of establishing unlikely kinship =20=

bonds is that these offer the possibility of investing in an entirely =20=

CFP: Politics of Reproduction (6/1/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Laura Madeline Wiseman

Call for Submissions:

We invite academic and creative submissions from a global cross-section of
writers on the politics of reproduction for our forthcoming July/August
issue of Empowerment4Women, published by Managing Editor Carly Hope Finseth.

All submissions must focus on gender in any discussion concerning the
politics of reproduction, abortion, and reproductive rights, but the editors
are open to receiving submissions outside of reproduction themes.

Creative submissions:
Short fiction and non-fiction should not exceed 6000 words. Send 3-6 poems.
Submissions should be sent to: Laura Madeline Wiseman, Expression Editor,

CFP: Politics of Reproduction (6/1/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Laura Madeline Wiseman

Call for Submissions:

We invite academic and creative submissions from a global cross-section of
writers on the politics of reproduction for our forthcoming July/August
issue of Empowerment4Women, published by Managing Editor Carly Hope Finseth.

All submissions must focus on gender in any discussion concerning the
politics of reproduction, abortion, and reproductive rights, but the editors
are open to receiving submissions outside of reproduction themes.

Creative submissions:
Short fiction and non-fiction should not exceed 6000 words. Send 3-6 poems.
Submissions should be sent to: Laura Madeline Wiseman, Expression Editor,

CFP: Politics of Reproduction (6/1/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Laura Madeline Wiseman

Call for Submissions:

We invite academic and creative submissions from a global cross-section of
writers on the politics of reproduction for our forthcoming July/August
issue of Empowerment4Women, published by Managing Editor Carly Hope Finseth.

All submissions must focus on gender in any discussion concerning the
politics of reproduction, abortion, and reproductive rights, but the editors
are open to receiving submissions outside of reproduction themes.

Creative submissions:
Short fiction and non-fiction should not exceed 6000 words. Send 3-6 poems.
Submissions should be sent to: Laura Madeline Wiseman, Expression Editor,

CFP: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Capital (5/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Aaron Drucker

Claremont Graduate University is launching a peer-reviewed, online =20
Transdisciplinary Journal. Transdisciplinarity is the proactive =20
search for creative approaches to problem solving through the =20
cooperation of multiple disciplines. We want experts from various =20
disciplines to stimulate innovation by developing common ground, =20
facilitating the communication of concepts, methods, and ideas that =20
are being fostered in the academy as a means to elevate both a =20
national and international communication about transdisciplinary =20
constructs, methodologies, and theories.

CFP: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Capital (5/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Aaron Drucker

Claremont Graduate University is launching a peer-reviewed, online =20
Transdisciplinary Journal. Transdisciplinarity is the proactive =20
search for creative approaches to problem solving through the =20
cooperation of multiple disciplines. We want experts from various =20
disciplines to stimulate innovation by developing common ground, =20
facilitating the communication of concepts, methods, and ideas that =20
are being fostered in the academy as a means to elevate both a =20
national and international communication about transdisciplinary =20
constructs, methodologies, and theories.

CFP: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Capital (5/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Aaron Drucker

Claremont Graduate University is launching a peer-reviewed, online =20
Transdisciplinary Journal. Transdisciplinarity is the proactive =20
search for creative approaches to problem solving through the =20
cooperation of multiple disciplines. We want experts from various =20
disciplines to stimulate innovation by developing common ground, =20
facilitating the communication of concepts, methods, and ideas that =20
are being fostered in the academy as a means to elevate both a =20
national and international communication about transdisciplinary =20
constructs, methodologies, and theories.

CFP: English Lit, pre-1700 (4/6/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Kendra Patterson

Call for Papers

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA
November 10-11 2006

**Session on English Literature pre-1700**
Proposals welcome for 15-minute paper presentations concerning any
aspect of British literature before 1700.

Please email 500-word proposals and 50-word abstracts (in text or
attachment) to

Please include your name, institutional affiliation, and preferred
contact information with your proposal.

Deadline for abstracts: April 6, 2006 (PAMLA deadline has been extended)

CFP: English Lit, pre-1700 (4/6/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Kendra Patterson

Call for Papers

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA
November 10-11 2006

**Session on English Literature pre-1700**
Proposals welcome for 15-minute paper presentations concerning any
aspect of British literature before 1700.

Please email 500-word proposals and 50-word abstracts (in text or
attachment) to

Please include your name, institutional affiliation, and preferred
contact information with your proposal.

Deadline for abstracts: April 6, 2006 (PAMLA deadline has been extended)

UPDATE: Another Slapstick Symposium (Belgium) (4/10/06; 5/13/06-5/14/06)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Tom Paulus

Update - extended deadline

(Another) Slapstick Symposium

A film conference on American slapstick comedy in the silent era, 13th-14th
May, 2006 organized by BLASA (Belgium Luxembourg American Studies
Association), the University of Antwerp (American Studies Group) and VDFC
(Flemish Council for Film Culture)

To be held at the Cinematheque Royale, Brussels, Belgium

(Another) Slapstick Symposium sets out to revisit and rethink some of the
themes and ideas of the original Slapstick Symposium organized by Eileen
Bowser at the Museum of Modern Art in 1985. The conference will focus on
four broad contexts:

UPDATE: Another Slapstick Symposium (Belgium) (4/10/06; 5/13/06-5/14/06)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Tom Paulus

Update - extended deadline

(Another) Slapstick Symposium

A film conference on American slapstick comedy in the silent era, 13th-14th
May, 2006 organized by BLASA (Belgium Luxembourg American Studies
Association), the University of Antwerp (American Studies Group) and VDFC
(Flemish Council for Film Culture)

To be held at the Cinematheque Royale, Brussels, Belgium

(Another) Slapstick Symposium sets out to revisit and rethink some of the
themes and ideas of the original Slapstick Symposium organized by Eileen
Bowser at the Museum of Modern Art in 1985. The conference will focus on
four broad contexts:

CFP: 2007 NeMLA Panels: GLBT (4/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/06-3/4/07)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Damion Clark

Coming off of an exceptionally successful conference in Philadelphia, the
GLBT Caucus is excitedly preparing for next year¹s 38th Annual NeMLA
conference in Baltimore, Maryland on March 1 ­ 4, 2007. But there is much
work to be done. The first part of these preparations is to create and
submit panel proposals to NeMLA. This is the most crucial period for the
GLBT caucus. Please consider joining us for the Baltimore conference, and
helping the GLBT Caucus continue to grow, by proposing a GLBT themed
panel, roundtable, or special session.

CFP: 2007 NeMLA Panels: GLBT (4/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/06-3/4/07)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Damion Clark

Coming off of an exceptionally successful conference in Philadelphia, the
GLBT Caucus is excitedly preparing for next year¹s 38th Annual NeMLA
conference in Baltimore, Maryland on March 1 ­ 4, 2007. But there is much
work to be done. The first part of these preparations is to create and
submit panel proposals to NeMLA. This is the most crucial period for the
GLBT caucus. Please consider joining us for the Baltimore conference, and
helping the GLBT Caucus continue to grow, by proposing a GLBT themed
panel, roundtable, or special session.

CFP: 2007 NeMLA Panels: GLBT (4/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/06-3/4/07)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Damion Clark

Coming off of an exceptionally successful conference in Philadelphia, the
GLBT Caucus is excitedly preparing for next year¹s 38th Annual NeMLA
conference in Baltimore, Maryland on March 1 ­ 4, 2007. But there is much
work to be done. The first part of these preparations is to create and
submit panel proposals to NeMLA. This is the most crucial period for the
GLBT caucus. Please consider joining us for the Baltimore conference, and
helping the GLBT Caucus continue to grow, by proposing a GLBT themed
panel, roundtable, or special session.

CFP: 2007 NeMLA Panels: GLBT (4/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/06-3/4/07)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Damion Clark

Coming off of an exceptionally successful conference in Philadelphia, the
GLBT Caucus is excitedly preparing for next year¹s 38th Annual NeMLA
conference in Baltimore, Maryland on March 1 ­ 4, 2007. But there is much
work to be done. The first part of these preparations is to create and
submit panel proposals to NeMLA. This is the most crucial period for the
GLBT caucus. Please consider joining us for the Baltimore conference, and
helping the GLBT Caucus continue to grow, by proposing a GLBT themed
panel, roundtable, or special session.
