CFP: Slash Fan Fiction (grad) (12/17/05; Acacia, 2/17/06-2/18/06)
Acacia Group's 2006 Conference: Politicizing texts
The Acacia Group of California State University, Fullerton is seeking papers
for our 2006 conference to be held February 17 and 18, 2006. We are
interested in papers/presentations for the following suggested panel:
Slash Fan Fiction
Slash fan fiction is one of the most popular forms of fan fiction on the
Internet. Beginning with stories featuring the pairing of Kirk and Spock from
Star Trek in the 1970s and exploding into numerous stories based in, but not
limited to, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Star Wars, slash fan fiction
takes reader-response theory into creative praxis as fans rewrite fiction.