RMMLA English 19 Century Panel
Rocky Mountain
Modern Language Association
English Nineteenth-Century Panel
October 10-12, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Abstract Deadline: April 1, 2024
a service provided by www.english.upenn.edu |
FAQ changelog |
Rocky Mountain
Modern Language Association
English Nineteenth-Century Panel
October 10-12, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Abstract Deadline: April 1, 2024
25 October 2024
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Call for Proposals
SAMLA’s 96th annual conference, Seen and Unseen, will be held at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront in Jacksonville, FL this year from November 15-17. Those accepted must be members of SAMLA to present. You can find more information at: https://southatlanticmla.org/
Government Arts and Science College
Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India. Nagalapuram, Tamil Nadu, India.
In collaboration With
NMS SVN College, Nagamalai, Madurai.
Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
In light of the resurgence of interest in the historical novel, this panel invites papers that reflect on, periodize, or contextualize the genre’s dominance in African literary production, past and present. Bio and paper abstract.
Deadline for submissions: Wednesday, 13 March 2024
Lily Saint, Wesleyan U (lsaint@wesleyan.edu ) Farah Bakaari, Cornell U (fmo8@cornell.edu )
SAMLA’s 96th annual conference, Seen and Unseen, will be held at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront in Jacksonville, Florida this year from November 15-17. Those accepted must be members of SAMLA to present. You can find more information at: https://southatlanticmla.org/
Literary Monsters Panel
Dreaming of Christmas: Rediscovering the Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Christmas Story
Please send proposals of roughly 300-500 words, a short bio, and any other enquiries, to editors Monika Elbert (elbertm@mail.montclair.edu) and Thomas Ruys Smith (thomas.smith@uea.ac.uk) by May 1st 2024.Final essays (roughly 7000 words) will be due by October 15th 2024.
The Society for Textual Scholarship invites proposals for our 2024 conference hosted by the University of Tulsa, June 6-8, on the theme Text Under Pressure. The deadline for proposals is Monday, March 18.
Texts manifest many varieties of creative, social, and political pressure in their expressive content and form. But text is also often a matter of technological pressure: printing techniques rely on the pressure of a platen, roller, or squeegee; other recording and playback processes require the pressure of a stylus, a chisel, a nib, or the gentle pulse of a wifi wave. Such pressurized circumstances, symbolic and material, reveal core issues of textual production, circulation, reception, and contestation.
Giselle Anatol, in her articulation of the postcolonial Gothic in young people’s fiction, considers the ways in which familiar living spaces become unfamiliar, and how this “represents both the epitome and the deformation—a haunting, in essence—oftraditional notions of home, a place that is supposed to provide safety, security, contentment, and happiness ("Brown Girl Dreaming: A Ghost Story in the Postcolonial Gothic Tradition"411).
To mark the 150th issue of Foundation in spring 2025, we would like to include contributions on the topic of sf from 150 years ago, published during the 1870s. Darko Suvin once proposed 1 May 1871 as the starting-point for sf – the day that Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s The Coming Race was published, George Chesney’s The Battle of Dorking began serialisation, and Samuel Butler submitted Erewhon to his publisher. Jules Verne, however, was already in full swing and he would soon be joined by such contemporaries as Camille Flammarion. Where else can we trace the roots of science fiction in the 1870s? How can we reassess the writers we know and who are the writers we need to rediscover?
We are pleased to announce our next essay-writing competition. The award is open to all post-graduate research students and to all early career researchers (up to five years after the completion of your PhD) who have yet to find a full-time or tenured position. The prize is guaranteed publication in Foundation in 2025.
Call for papers for a Special Issue of Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities
Ontological-Existential Exhaustion:
Being-Tired, and Tired-of-Being: a philosophy of fatigue and exhaustion
(preliminary title)
Editor: Marina Christodoulou
This panel discusses rhetorical strategies the new/social media users employ to voice for justice, push propaganda, and create or remix content to amplify visibility in attention economy. Please submit ~250-word abstract and a brief bio.
Call for Papers: Rhetoric in the Digital Town Squares (2025 MLA Annual Convention) (confex.com)
Modern (Western) civilization has always assumed that there are no problems for which solutions cannot be found. Today there is no shortage of technical solutions on offer for the climate crisis, from carbon capture and storage under the North Sea through to giant high altitude aerosols which deflect the sun’s rays back into outer space. These kind of solutions require what Iain McGilchrist terms a left hemisphere worldview.
XII Montevideana Conference: Literature and Identities in Portuguese
Montevideo, Uruguay, June 26-28, 2024
The Dpt. of Modern Literatures of the Universidad de la República announces its 12th international conference on literary and cultural relations across languages and hemispheres.
Gendered Migration in Transnational Modernism
MSA 2024, CHICAGO, NOVEMBER 7-10, 2024
Deadline for abstract submission: March 29, 2024
The 27th Southern Writers/Southern WritingGraduate Student Conference
University of Mississippi
July 26th-27th, 2024
Call for Submissions
“Southern” Legacies in the 21st Century
The Southern Writers/Southern Writing Conference (SW/SW) is an interdisciplinary conference, welcoming graduate students, creative writers, activists, and community members with interest in the U.S. or Global South from all departments and fields of study. The 27th edition of SW/SW will be held at the University of Mississippi from July 26th-27th, 2024.
Black Feminist Excesses
(MLA 2025 Proposed Working Group)
This working group aims to theorize excess, desire and unbridled being in Black feminist and womanist studies. How does Black feminism and womanism engage disparate, wayward, or fringe forms of identity, embodiment, materiality, affect and culture? How can concepts like ‘indulgence’ or ‘aspiration’ be considered or troubled among current theoretical frameworks? What do you think is on the horizon for Black feminist and womanist thought in moving beyond the postfeminist moment?
Call for PapersSeeking 250-word abstracts on narratives of the tech industry and the digital beyond the Valley itself. How does Silicon Valley the place become a global imaginary in literature, film, television, and public discourse? (include bio+CV)
Deadline for submissions: Friday, 15 March 2024
Call For Papers
British Society of Sports History Annual Conference
Bishop Otter Campus, University of Chichester, Chichester, UK
Thursday 22nd August 2024 – Friday 23rd August 2024
This will be an open-themed conference. Submissions based on original research are welcomed by UK and overseas scholars and can relate to any aspect of sport, physical recreation, education and culture, as considered from a historical perspective.
35-Word MLA CfP
This proposed roundtable, based on the work of the Working Group on Academic Forms (https://keyforms.bham.ac.uk), aims for a critical re-evaluation on how established academic forms define the intellectual work we do in the humanities.
Extended CfP
Essays sought for a survey of 1960s military operations such as: COINTELPRO (US); CHAOS (US); Phoenix (Vietnam); Condor (South America); ORDEN (El Salvador); Jakarta (Indonesia); OBAN (Brazil) and other operations that networked societies prior to the Internet. Focus on how evident or non-evident the communications were that supported these operations; the staffing and hardware; how operations were used; and, how they contributed to social and financial inequality and political polarization, in the populations they monitored.
The Seventh Annual Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference at StokerCon 2024
Conference Date: Friday, May 31, 2024
Conference Location: San Diego Mission Bay Marriott, 8757 Rio San Diego Drive, San Diego, California, USA, 92108 and via Hopin
Conference Website: https://www.stokercon2024.com
From the mysterious lights in the windows of the William Heath Davis House to the footsteps in the seemingly empty rooms of the Old Point Loma Lighthouse, San Diego has long been home to stories of the uncanny. The 2024 StokerCon convention is eager to channel the creative potential of San Diego’s history, culture, and communities.
Thinking about South A archival practices and women’s fiction, this panel invites papers on SA women’s fictional narratives questioning whose experiences can be preserved, exhibited, remembered in the public spaces (curations, exhibitions, museums). 300-word abstracts.
Japan has been historically situated as uniquely isolated from the broader world. Yet, the Meiji era (1868-1912) of Japan was defined by intentional efforts on the part of the Japanese government to respond to the pressures of global capitalism such that Japanese cultural identity was preserved not against but through a process of modernization and industrialization. The restoration of imperial power in explicit reference to the monarchies of Europe, including the dramatic successes of Queen Victoria in England and Emperor William I of Germany, was part of this project.
2024 Call for ProposalsWe Are All Connected:Fostering Intersectionality and Solidarity
The annual conference of The Peace and Justice Studies Association
Hosted by The Justice House Program at Niagara University
OCTOBER 24-27, 2024 | Niagara, New York, USA
Proposal Submission Deadline: May 01, 2024
Early Bird Registration: May 1 – July 15, 2024
Draft Schedule Released: June 3, 2024
SHEL-13, Studies in the History of the English Language
Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, New Jersey, October 17-20, 2024 co-hosted by The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ
Conference Theme: The History of English as a (G)local Language
As scholars’ engagement with media-archaeological study have increased, so have students’ interest in the field’s approaches, methods, and philosophies. Many courses on media history and theory today include sessions focused on media archaeology.
South Asian Crime Fiction since the 1950s
Editors: Shweta Sachdeva Jha (Associate Professor, Department of English, Miranda House, University of Delhi), Garima Yadav (Assistant Professor, Department of English, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi)