Epistemologies of Disability
Call For Papers
4th IDSC International Conference
Aligarh Muslim University
21.02.2024 to 23.02.2024
Epistemologies of Disability
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Call For Papers
4th IDSC International Conference
Aligarh Muslim University
21.02.2024 to 23.02.2024
Epistemologies of Disability
Affective Modernismos
Cluster CFP-Modernism/modernity Print Plus
Editors: Juan G. Ramos (College of the Holy Cross) and Andrew Reynolds (West Texas A&M University)
Postcolonial studies as a way of reclaiming history from the perspective of the colonised continues to uncover the myriad fraught legacies of colonialism. The emergence of newer interdisciplinary areas of inquiry, such as climate change, has further revealed tangled legacies of colonialism that continue to persist. The burgeoning field of postcolonial print culture studies, in turn, has been bringing to the fore a fascinating terrain of production, circulation and consumption of print in colonial contexts that is particularly enriching our knowledge of anticolonial resistance in various ways. This conference aims to bring together academic work in some of the newer sub-fields of postcolonial inquiry with attention to continuities.
Call For Papers
Deadline: November 30, 2023
Scope of the paper topics accepted under this area:
Disasters and Apocalypses offers a forum for these questions and critical approaches surrounding the culture of disasters, catastrophes, accidents, and apocalypses in global art, literature, media, film, and popular culture. Disasters and Apocalypses will address broader disciplinary topics and innovative intersections of humanities, musicology, social science, literature, film, visual art, psychology, game studies, material culture, media studies, ecology, and information technology.
30-31 January 2024
A Two-Day International Conference
Department of English
Jadavpur University
Sex in Translation - International Conference, London, 4-5 July 2024
2024 Situations International Conference
Call for Papers
Korean Cultural Centre, UK
1~3 February 2024
Minor Diasporas in Asia and Beyond
Call for Abstracts!
Back to the Future and Philosophy: This is Heavy!
Edited by Joshua Heter and Richard Greene
Rhetoric After Identification
Edited by David R. Gruber (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) & Jason Kalin (DePaul University)
Rhetorical identification seeks a common ground of existence in which divided individuals can mediate their differences. Perhaps, for this reason, either explicitly or implicitly, identification has become a commonplace of rhetorical theory and criticism. As Diane Davis (2010) writes, “Identification is not simply rhetoric’s most fundamental aim; it’s also and therefore rhetorical theory’s most fundamental problem” (p. 33). Any rhetoric, it seems, must pass through rhetorical identification.
The 71st Annual South Central Renaissance Conference will take place in Savannah, Georgia, 4-6 April 2024. This year, the SCRC will collaborate with the annual New College Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies for this event, co-sponsored by Georgia Southern University.
The conference will have three key lectures:
William B. Hunter Lecture by Kathryn A. Edwards, University of South Carolina
Louis L. Martz Lecture by Daniel Bornstein, Washington University in St. Louis
Conference Keynote Lecture by Jemma Field, Yale Center for British Art
Contextual Confluence: Media, Text and Traditions
deadline for abstract and full paper submission:
*November 30, 2023.*
Call for Book Chapters
contact email:
Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers seeks essays devoted to the study of women's writing by, for, and about members of the nineteenth-century Spiritualist movement. Spiritualism was a wildly popular religious practice that burst onto the American scene in 1848 when two young girls in Hydesville, New York, claimed to be communicating with the dead.
Love in/and/for Games
Mobile Locative Media: Hybrid, Narrative, and Game Spaces
for Ex-Centric Narratives: Journal of Literature, Culture and Media (Issue 8, Dec. 2024)
The University of Calgary English Department Graduate Association invites both creative and critical proposals for our 2024 Free Exchange graduate conference.
The Adolescence in Film and Television Area invites paper proposals for presentation at the annual Popular Culture Association Conference, to be held March 27-30, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois. The official deadline for online submission of presentation abstracts (see below for additional information) is November 30, 2023.
Submissions that explore noteworthy coverage patterns, representations, and themes pertaining to the portrayal of adolescence/adolescents in film and television, during any historical era, are desired from scholars, educators, and graduate students.
The UBC Journal for Climate Justice (JCJ) is an emerging digital platform featuring climate justice research and insights at the intersections of art, advocacy, and academics.
The New England American Studies Association is currently seeking submissions for our Summer 2024 conference “Revisiting Region: Locating the “Where” in American Studies” to be held at Harvard University, June 21-22, 2024.
In a moment of political polarization, environmental crisis, and educational censorship, the serious study of region as a cultural, social, and academic tool is of pivotal importance for building and disrupting ideas of identity and collectivity. We seek submissions that explore the role of region(s) within the national project, within our field of study, and within the popular imagination. Put simply, we invite you to join us as we revisit region.
***We welcome submissions from all graduate students and faculty or independent scholars.*** ***A French version of the CFP can be found at our website, here.*** CALL FOR PAPERS SYNOPTIQUE ISSUE 11.1 “TEACHING MEDIA ARCHIVES”
Call for papers for a Special Cluster in a/b: Autobiography Studies
Spaniards across the Americas after the Spanish Civil War: “I am from the Country Called Exile” / Españoles en las Américas después de la Guerra Civil: “Soy del país del exilio”
Call for Papers
Poetry & Poetics (Critical)
Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA)
45th Annual Conference, February 21-24, 2024
Marriott Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Submissions open on September 1, 2023
Proposal submission deadline: November 14, 2023
The Caribbean region is a vibrant and culturally diverse space where languages, literatures, and identities have long intertwined. In the digital age, these intersections are increasingly complex, opening up exciting avenues for interdisciplinary exploration. This call for papers invites graduate students to examine how digital technologies are reshaping Caribbean languages and literatures, while also influencing the construction of identities in multifaceted ways.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
From natural to synthetic, from accidental to administered, poison is entangled with our human history, and its presence has a lot to say about not only our customs and laws, but also our ways of storytelling. Poison likes to adapt itself to situation: the definition of what poison even ‘is’ changes according to time and place, and to the cultural groups and sub-groups that are being consulted. Poison is malleable, mutating, and culturally slippery. In its ability to conquer the imagination, poison is a crafty narrative weaver. From Shakespeare’s plays to Flaubert’s Madame Bovary and Eco’s The Name of the Rose, from iconic cinematic examples such The Princess Bride to global phenomena such as J.K.
The land is always stalking people. The land makes people live right. The land looks after us. The land looks after people.
– Mrs Annie Peaches, a 77-year-old member of the Western Apache community of Cibecue (Basso 2000: 41)
(en español abajo)
Deadline for Abstracts / October 23, 2023
The 2nd Graz/Puerto Rico International Conference on Human Rights
from an Inter-American Perspective
May 30 to June 2, 2024 - University of Graz, Austria
Call for Online Book Chapters
Title: Transcultural Media Narratives: Mapping the Cross-Cultural Communication Landscape
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 November 2023
Editors: Prof. Eduardo CAMILO & Prof. Karima BOUZIANE
Publisher and copyright: LABCOM, Comunicação e Artes,
Universidade da Beira Interior,
Rua Marquês D’Ávila e Bolama,
6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal.
Call for Papers
Horror (Literary & Cinematic)
Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA)
45th Annual Conference, February 21-24, 2024
Marriott Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Extended proposal submission deadline: November 14, 2023
Call for Papers
War & Culture
Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA)
45th Annual Conference, February 21-24, 2024
Marriott Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Extended proposal submission deadline: November 14, 2023
Proposals Requested for Modernism in British & World Literature: A (Re)consideration (updated)
Deadline for submissions:
January 15, 2024
Note on Updated Proposal:
We currently have most of the selections made, and essays in process, for a volume on re-considering Modernism with regard to British & world literature. We are, however, still looking for a small handful of high-quality proposals to fill out a few remaining chapters in the project. Our initial call was so successful that we decided to create two collections. The first one, on American Modernism, is currently under review by an academic publisher.