Revolutionary Educations: Literary Responses to Colonial Education Around the World
Ontological and Epistemological Incommensurability: Western Astronomy, Native Hawaiian Cosmologies, and the Mauna Kea Telescope Controversy
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Ontological and Epistemological Incommensurability: Western Astronomy, Native Hawaiian Cosmologies, and the Mauna Kea Telescope Controversy
Sex,Lies & Embodiment
'Phrases I would like to strike from the English language: “speaking my truth” and “my journey.”'
—Katya Zamolodchikova, in conversation with Trixie Mattel, I Like to Watch (2019)
'If gender attributes and acts, the various ways in which a body shows or produces its cultural signification, are performative, then there is no preexisting identity by which an act or attribute might be measured; there would be no true or false, real or distorted acts of gender, and the postulation of a true gender identity would be revealed as a regulatory fiction.'
—Judith Butler, Gender Trouble (London: Routledge, 1999 [1990]), p. 180.
Anna Hennessey, Graduate Theological Union,
Tamisha Tyler, Fuller Theological Seminary,
Call for Papers
Natality: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Birth as Existential Experience
Virtual Symposium of the Society for the Study of Pregnancy and Birth (SSPRB)
April 4-5, 2025
The Society for the Study of Pregnancy and Birth (SSPRB) is pleased to announce its first symposium, Natality: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Birth as Existential Experience, held in collaboration with Dr. Lois Lee of the University of Kent.
This symposium is a virtual event that will take place online across two half day sessions on April 3rd and April 4th, 2025 (to facilitate participation across time zones).
International Seminar
Mirroring Change: Literature and Social Transformation
3rd & 4th October 2024
Organized by
Research and Cultural Forum (RCF)
Department of English
Pondicherry University
Call For Papers, Edited Volume
The Intergenerationality of Pentecost: Continuationist Essays
Teacher Development Symposium
Date: Saturday 18th January 2025
Time: 1pm - 6pm
Place: Online
Call for Presentation Proposals
Hello! This is a CFP for the ASLE 2025 Biennial Conference, which will take place July 8-11 in College Park, MD. In accordance with the ASLE 2025 theme (“Collective Atmospheres: Air, Intimacy, and Inequality”), I am soliciting proposals for scholarly presentations that consider the ways in which climate engineering, geoengineering, terraforming (and other related processes) disturb the atmosphere. The panel’s overall purpose is to explore how different representations of and engagements with atmospheric disturbances present opportunities for environmental and climate justice while serving as solutions to potential social and ecological issues like climate change.
Edited Collection: Neoliberal Entanglements in The White Lotus
Fraught with moral, religious, racial, sexual, and transgressive configurations, the body is a potent site for reflective practices within popular culture. The self-reflexive matrix of popular culture’s representations of human body functions as a site for materializing possibilities of varying forms of living. As a cultural sign, body features in both normative and non-normative debates on identity, selfhood, social relations, power, institutional surveillance and regulation. The practice of its representations, on the other hand, traditionally enables a culture of shared meaning-making which shapes how an individual perceives, thinks, feels, and acts amidst the production and circulation of discourses.
Cultivating Resilience, Centering Joy: Queer Studies Conference 2025
March 28-30th, 2023 in Asheville, NC
The UNC Asheville Queer Studies Conference (established in 1998) attracts a diverse audience of activists, academics, community members, and artists who showcase a range of creative and scholarly pursuits related to the study of sexuality, gender, and/or queer and trans identities. We invite proposals for our 2025 conference to be held in Asheville, NC, March 28 - 30th. We especially welcome presenters from historically marginalized populations, including but not limited to, LGBTQIA+, Black, Brown, Indigenous, disabled, poor, and/or immigrant communities.
ISSN 2280-6849
This section of the academic journal “Sinestesieonline” is open to contributions about theatre and performing arts in all historical ages, forms and variations, in English, Italian and foreign languages. We use double blind peer review.
“Il Parlaggio” is the name created by Gabriele d’Annunzio for the amphitheatre in Vittoriale – a place of empathy, a cradle of emotions, a crossroads of cultures, a connection between antiquity and contemporaneity, an emblem of the “neverending show”.
Representation of Place in Literature and Culture: Global Perspectives
(An Edited Book-Volume)
Concept Note
What scares us? Why do we sleep with the lights on? What creatures wait to grab a foot sticking out from under the covers? Why do we avoid the woods after dark?
This special issue of Humanities is themed on “Re-Imagining Classical Monsters.” Acrossall cultures, there have been monsters that have terrified, taught, othered, and much more. This issue will take a broad look at how modern authors and artists across genres conceptualize creatures—non-human as well as human—that haunt the imagination.
The “Critical” in Critical Caste Studies: Possibilities and Challenges
International Thomas Merton Society
at the
College English Association
Sonesta Philadelphia Rittenhouse Square
1800 Market Street / Philadelphia
March 27-29, 2025
Call for Papers
The East Asian Network for the Academic Study of Esotericism (EANASE) will hold its second international conference on November 30 (Sat.) and December 1 (Sunday). The conference will be online, but we offer the possibility of a small on-site section for those who are able to come to Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan).
This conference aims to explore how the region once referred to as the “Far East” has influenced and shaped various esoteric and spiritual visions of history, and conversely, how fantastical views of the past were developed within and impacted different areas of East Asia.
Second and Final Call For Abstracts - The SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2024
(the GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology)
(SCOPUS / ISI (AHCI / SSCI / CPCI) indexed)
Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; General Linguistics; Language Documentation; Sociolinguistics
"Code and Commodification, as the New Decolonization"
The (SCOPUS/ISI) GLOCAL AFALA 2024, December 4-7, 2024, University of South Africa
Call Deadline: 21-October-2024
Call for Chapters
Screening Diasporas in the Pacific:Voices, Narratives and Mobilities
A/Prof Arezou Zalipour and Dr Duncan Caillard
Auckland University of Technology (AUT), Aotearoa New Zealand
Proposal Submission Deadline: September 30th 2024
Notification of Acceptance: October 15th 2024
Full Chapter Submission Deadline: January 31st 2024
Call for Papers, Women’s Lit and Gender Studies at CEA 2025
March 27-29, 2025 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sonesta Philadelphia Rittenhouse Square
1800 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on Women’s Lit and Gender Studies for our 54th annual conference. Submit your proposal electronically by November 1, 2024, at
Call for Papers, Transatlantic Literature at CEA 2025
March 27-29, 2025 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sonesta Philadelphia Rittenhouse Square
1800 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on Transatlantic Literature for our 54th annual conference. Submit your proposal electronically by November 1, 2024, at
Call for Papers, Post-Colonial Literature at CEA 2025
March 27-29, 2025 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sonesta Philadelphia Rittenhouse Square
1800 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on Post-Colonial Literature for our 54th annual conference. Submit your proposal electronically by November 1, 2024, at
The Shakespeare International Yearbook will publish a special issue on audio Shakespeare around the world: histories of recorded, radio, and streaming global Shakespeare productions from early phonographic recordings to the latest Internet audio productions. We are looking for international scholars with diverse backgrounds to research and document these performances. While audio works in the English-speaking countries of the northern hemisphere are well documented, those in the southern hemisphere are not, nor are performances in Arabic, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, other Eastern European languages, Spanish, Japanese, various Chinese dialects, various Indian dialects, and any other languages not listed here.
The UNESCO Chair on Cyberspace and Culture and the University of Tehran are organizing the 2024 Media and Information Literacy Seminar with the main theme of “The New Digital Frontiers of Information” and the subject of “Recognizing and Distinguishing between National and Global Data Demarcations” on Monday, 28 October 2024.
The Seventh Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Seminar commemorates the 13th Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2024 (24 – 31 Oct), highlighting the 14th Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue Conference and the Youth Agenda Forum.
The Giving and the Receiving:
Spiritual Traditions and Teaching
June 12-15, 2025
YMCA of the Rockies
The Southern Re(volution): Rethinking the Italian South
Submission Guidelines:
Note 1: Manuscripts should be original and not under consideration by any other publication.Note 2: Any manuscripts that do not adhere to the submission guidelines will not be considered. Theme: Exploring Marginalized Identities: Racial Discrimination in the Military
Submission Guidelines:
Note 1: Manuscripts should be original and not under consideration by any other publication.Note 2: Any manuscripts that do not adhere to the submission guidelines will not be considered.
Call for Papers: The Journal of Veterans Studies invites clinicians, researchers, scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to submit original research articles, reviews, and case studies that explore the intersection of emotional intelligence (EI) and veterans' well-being.
Submission Guidelines:
Note 1: Manuscripts should be original and not under consideration by any other publication.Note 2: Any manuscripts that do not adhere to the submission guidelines will not be considered.
Call for Papers: The Journal of Veterans Studies invites clinicians, researchers, scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to submit original research articles, reviews, and case studies dedicated to exploring the complexity of end-of-life needs, which requires specialized care that addresses physical, psychological, and emotional issues of veterans.
Submission Guidelines:
Note 1: Manuscripts should be original and not under consideration by any other publication.Note 2: Any manuscripts that do not adhere to the submission guidelines will not be considered.
Theme: Eating Disorders Among Veterans